Page 44 - index
P. 44

MUNICIPAL LAW,                   43
                     l!M. Before Whom to Declare.  Tlie  lu-atl ami other niemhers of
                 Council, as also the subordinate officers of the municipality, shall make the
                 necessary declaration before some court, judge, police maijistrate or justice
                 of the peace, or  tlie clerk  of the municipality.  The person so admin-
                 isterinjf the declarations  shall give  tlie necessary certificates, and within
                 eight days deposit the  declarations in  the office  of thti Clerk of that
                     (a) The head of the Council, alderman, reeve, deputy reeve, justice
                 of the peace, or clerk, may administer oaths, affirmations or declarations
                 under this Act relative to the business of the place in which he hoMs
                     (/*) The head of the Council, or the Chairman  in  his absence, may
                 administer an oath or affirmation to any person concerning any account or
                 other matter submitted to the Council.
                     iiVi- Penalties for Refusal.  Every ((ualified person, duly elected or
                 appointed to be a mayor, alderman, reeve, ileputy reeve, county councillor,
                 councillor, police trustee, assessor, or collector, who refuses such office or who
                 does not, in the cjise of a county councillor, within fhirti/ days, and in case  m
                 (jf the others tmmtioned, within twrnfi/ <liij/s, after knowing of his election
                 or appointment, make the declaration of  office and qualification (where
                  re(|uire(l), and every jier.son authorized to administer the same who, upon
                 demand, refuses so to administer the declarations, shall upon sxnnmary
                 conviction, before two or more Justices of the Peace, forfeit not more than
                 SHO nor than $H with costs, to the use of the nmnicipality.
                     IJK{. Salaries.  In case the remuneration of municipal officers has not  iHIti
                  been settled by the Legislatuie, the Council  is re(juired to settle the same,
                  and to provide for tin; payment thereof.
                     ('0 The Council is reipiired to fix, by by-law, the sum to be paid the
                  ('lerk  lor his services in carrying out the provisions of the Drainage Act,
                  !V)r copies of awards oi- other documents, or for any other services rendered
                  by him other than which it is his duty to perform.
                     (h) No Municipal Council shall make an appointment to office, or  fi.K
                  the muneration by tender, or to applicants at the lowest remuncraticm.
                     liM. Municipal Solicitor.  Where a mvuiicipality employs a solicitor
                  or counsel at a salary, the municipality has the right to receive and collect
                  lawful costs in all actions as if the solicitor was not receiving a salary, and
                  the costs were payable to him, in addition to his salary.
                     105. Tenure of Office.  All officers appointiid by the Council shall
                  hold office until removed by the Council, and .shall, in addition to the duties
                  assigneil them  liy the Municipal Act, perform  all other duties re«iuired of
                  them by any other statute or by the by-laws of the Council.
                     I!M». A Gratuity may be granted by any Council (other than a pro-
                  visional council) to any ofKcer of the corporation who, upon his removal or
                  rt'Hignation, has been in the service of the nnniicipality for twenty years,
                  and who, while in .service, has become through old age incapable of per-
                  forming the duties of  his office,  th(! sum to be paid not  to exceed the
                  aggregate salary for the last three yeais ol' his service.
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