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MUNICIPAL LAW.                   41

                     181. Filling Vacancies.  In  tlie  event  of  a vacancy  by  death,
                  resignation, or otlierwise, the Council may, by by-law, appoint anothei-
                  person to fill the vacancy for the remainder of tlie year.
                     IH/J. Duties of Auditors for counties, townships, towns and villages,
                  shall be to examine and report upon all accounts affecting the coi'poration,
                  or relating to any matter under its control, for the year ending .'Ust day of
                  December preceding tlieir appointment.
                     (a) They shall prepare in duplicate an abstract of receipts and expen-
                  diture, assets and  liabilities of the corporation, and also in duplicate a
                  detailed .statement of the .same, in such form as the Council directs
                     yb) They are rerpiired to make a repoi-t on  all acco\nits audited  l)y
                  them, and a special report of any expenditure made contrary to law.
                     ((•) Tliey shall also, under a penalty of i<'20 in case of default, ti-ansmit,
                  by registered letter, a copy of the abstract, and also a copy of the detailed
                  statement, to the .Secretary of the  Hui-eau of Industries, Toronto, and Hie
                  the other abstract and detailed statement in the office of the Cleric witliin
                  one month after their appointment, which shall be open to inspection at all
                  rea.sonable hours to any inhabitant, and who may make copies thereof or
                  abstracts therefrom.
                     (d) They shall also make a report upon the value of the securities
                  given by the Treasurer, the cash balance due fiom the Treasurer to the
                  municipality and where such balance is deposited, and what secur't' exists
                  that th(; .same will be available when required by the municipality.
                     (e) They may in writing refpiire the Treasurer to authorize any bank
                  or company, with whom the public moneys are deposited, to exhibit the
                  account to the auditors; ami  su-'.h treasurer  shall, within twenty-four
                  hours after de'ivery to him of such  re(|uisition, comply therewith ujwn
                  pain of forfeiture of office.
                     (/)  'I'he Provincial Tretisurer will retain in his hands all moneys pay-
                  able to the municipality, if the returns have not been made by the auditors
                  to th(( Bureau of Industries.
                      tHli- Auditing Accounts Before Payment.  The  Council  of any
                  city may, by by-law, provide that the auditors shall audit all accounts
                  before payment.
                      184. Auditors to Stamp Vouchers.  The auditors, after the exam-
                  ination of every account, voucher, receipt an<l paid debenture shall stamp,
                  in indelible letters, thereon the word "audited," and  shall also  initial the
                  sam<'; and the municipality shall furnish a suitable stamp and pad for that
                     I8i». Publishing Abstracts.  The  (!lerk  shall publish the auditors'
                  abstract and report (if any), and also the detaihid statement in such form
                  as the Council directs; and, in of a local municipality, to transmit to
                  the Clerk of the County (^ovnicil a copy of such abstract anil statement,-
                  who shall keep them on file in his office.
                      180. Council's Final Audit.  The Council shall, upon the report of
                  the auditors, finally audit and allow the accounts of the Treasurer and
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