Page 185 - index
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                       182                 Mi:NICIPAr. LAW.
                       that (|iu'.sti()n thru Htaiids as it was, hut may he suppressed hy the proviou*
                       question, or eoiimiitteih or aineixh-cl.
                         If fh'citled in tins aHinnative, tlie (|uesti«)n so postponed cannot ho taken
                       up hefore tile time speeitied, except  l)y a two-thirds vote of the mendjers
                       present.  II'  iel't U> the specified time, it has iiiece<h'nee over all (|UeHtions,
                       exce]»t tlie privileijed oni's.
                         (f several (piestions postponed, when they are taken up  it  shall  l>e  in
                       the order of time to which they were postponed.
                          111. Indefinite Postponement, or tne fauKuis "Six months' hoist,"
                       is a motion  intendeil  to remove a (juestion  alto<fether.  It cannot he
                       amended,  l)Ut it hiUii;s u|) the whole suhject for diseu.ssion, and  if decided
                       in the aflirmative, the proposition is (piashed entirely. A ne;j;ativ(! (k'cision
                       has no etl'ect on the main (piestion  :  it cannot he made while the " pre\ioiis
                       question "  is peiidinjf.  This motion would not he used in nninicipal coun-
                       cils, or other assemhiies havinjj short  se.ssions, as  it woidd only hind  ioi*
                       the one scs.sion.  The motion more suitahle for such  Ixnlies woidd  l>e to
                       postpone to the next meetin<:.or to some particular meetinj,', when it would
        I''  '                                              "
                       come up under the oi'der of  " l'iitinishe<l husiness
                          The American practice allows a iiKjtion to post[ione indelinitely to he
                       amended by makiiiff it to a day certain, and  if any other tlay is desired it
                       may he moved as an amendment to the amendment, or it may he moved as
                       an independent motion after the amendment has lieen ne-^atived.
                          But in Canada, anil some States in the Union, the motion to postpone
                       indefinitely cnnnof ht; amended, for the reason that one form of a motion
                       cannot be; chan^^ed into another directly contrary.  A nejfative vote would
                       be the only way of disposin<j of  it, and then  to make a new motion, if
                       desired, end)odyiu<f the of the House.
                          The motion for the six months' hoist would  Ito  :  "  I move that this
       ;  i            bill be not now read (a .secomi time), but that  it be read (a second time)
       ]  •
                       this day six months."
                           ll*i. Motions to Commit, or to  reconnuit,  if the proposition has
                       already l)een once counnitted to acounnittee, take precedence over motions
                       to amend, or to indefinitely postpone.  'J'he motion niay be dehatecl, and
                       also opens up the whole (piestion which it is proposed to refer to eounnittee.
                       It may also be amended by substitntin<f one kind of conunittee for another,
                       or by enlar<:,inj;' or diminishinj^- the numl)er of mend)ers of the conunittee
                       originally proposed, or by <fivin^ certain instructions to the conunittee.  It
                       yields  to  the usual  " privile;;'e  (|uestions," as adjournment,  call for the
                       orders  (}f the day, Hxinj^  the  time  to which the House  shall  adjouiii
                       questions ndatini;' to the privilejres of the as.sembly, to ajjpeals or (piestions
                       of order, reading of pai)ers, suspension of rules, leave  to withdraw  the
                       previous (|ue.stion, an<l to po.stpone to a day certain.  (The American use
                       of the previous question would  not allow the motion  to conunit  to be
                       superseded by the previous (|Uesti<m if m.tde before the latter j.
                          If the motion to conunit is decided in the aHirmative, the propo,sition
                       so committed  is removed from before the Assendily, hence no ji'round left
                       for the previous  question,  for postponement or amentlment;  if  in the
                       negative —that  the moti(ai shall  not  Vie  counnitted—then the previous
                       question, postponement, or amendment is in order.
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