Page 150 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
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at the same time presented the Conservative party with a new pliilosophy
and platform. He placed it in ~he deiense of the elergy for:
Pour nous Canadiens-français la clututioii des droiis du clerpé est
la premibre en importance. C'cst au clerg& que iioua sommps rrdevables
de la Iorce que nous avons acqiiise, rr de la coiisercaiioii de noire
aulononiie. . . . Le clergé Iul le iondaieur, le ptre dr la naiion canadienne
Iraiiçaist.. Groupés autour de nos clochers nous avons progrenit, ~randi.
Nous sonirties deveniis assez loris pour regarder sans frayeur l'avenir,
si nous ne d6rtiolissons pas les Iondations qui souiieniient l'el.ihce quc
nous avons tlrri: au prix dt iant de sacrific:es ri (le labcur.(*'~~
The same ideae were eontained in a ~am~hIet Tarte putlished in
the samc year entitled: Le Clerg;, Ses L)roi~s, Nos L)ecoirs. After an
Iiistorical sketeh of the contribuiion of thc Clinreli to French Canalla,
lie asserted that the province would remain French: "qu'en autant quelle
sera attachée à 1'Eglise qui l'a eniantée à la vie des penples, q,ui a ~.rillé
sur elle avec toute la tendresse d'une mére au cteur pur ei génri-eux."'"'
As a true Ultrarnontaue, he aduocated "l'union dans notre ioi. le dhiiue-
nient à uos institutio~is religieuses, nn soin jaloux des lihertés de notre
ctilre. une jnvivlable soumissio~i aux enseirnements de Rorne. uue 1nri.e -
plac~ - la plus large - la hiérarchie eatholique dans ~iotre organisa-
tioti s~ejale."'~~'
The above pamphlet was written in 18.30. Three years later Tarte
had sbanduned ultraniontanisni ancl had becri reconverted LO the political
phifüsophy of;i,.m aa eaempliherl kiy Joseph Adolphe
Chspleau. The rea5on~ for this rhnrige are tlifficult io assess, ?et from
the pages of Le LRnadicn the rhnnge of attitude rv1iich made it posei1ile
eau be asceitaitied.
Tarte Iiad Lecti an iutelligeni and dedicaietl Ultramontane. He had
battled relentlessly for ith print iples and phil(isiphy. He Iiad attempted
io point ont to Bislinp C(hrirtiy, ihe Apostolic DeIegaie sent II! Rome in
1877 IO in\esiigate the trlaiicins of Church and Siaie, the dangers nf
liberalism. l'ertc had nlëo agitatctl in thr: legizlature for an anicndnicnt
IO tlie electrirnl Inw which wliuld rnake impcissitile the charge of ~njlueiice
indue spiri~u~ll~.~"'' ciin~rcrnt ing ~tie principle of elerical inter-
veniion. Yet he had failed. The uridaunteti Iriafiman m'liii re~reserited
the Pope sccirned ~he tlltramiintaiies and ordered the episcopacy to "let
politieal parties fiptit ttieir cinn battles. and Iet the dead bury the
drad."'37' A3 for the anientlmrnt tii the elertoral law, Cbapleau. the
Premier, could not uridertake it because "je suis forcé de reconnaître
(33) Oprn lctrfrs IO Hçclur Lailgrvin publishrd in Ls Conodien, August 4, 5, 6, 7,
18RO. This pariicnlar lriier is daied August 5, IEHIi.
(341 J. 1. Tarie, Le L'/erg;, Ses L)TOLIY, IVUS L)~z,oI~~ ~Quclirc, lBBO), p. 87.
(3:) Ibrd., p. 2.
(361 The leirer of Tarie IO iirchbishp Tuschereau and ihe Iatier's rrply (Fchruary,
1878) were published iu Le Coirudien, Piovcrnher 21, 11I&I. 5re &O Tarle'a
correepoiidence wilh Bishops Moreau and LaIléche iu rlie Episcop,~l Arclii\es
of Sr. Hyacinilie and Three Rivers.
(57) Architrs of the Seiuiiiary oI Tbree Rirers, Mg' Lonrby to hlb' Lallèctie.
April 2, 1878. The Delegate was also influenrial in ilir iiraltinp of
epi~opal leiier in Ociolier 1877 which consecrated ibe principle of non-
- 31 -