Page 146 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 146

whrre  he  was  to  be  imprisoned,  only  to  discovrr  that  jome  solicitous
                              frjend had paid his fine.'10'  Thus Tarte was deprived  of  his martyrdom.
                                  Tarte, not coritent ivith attacking Langelier and the Liberal3, yoceed-
                              ed  to  question  lhe  orthodoxy  rii  ihe  teaehi~ig of  thr  Univrisity.  It
                              Ras  a  fired idea  witli  the  Uitramontanes  that  Lava1 was  thr  brrrdrr  of
                              Gallicaniem  and liberalism.  The idea oi contesting eleeiions for injlu~nce
                              indue  \vas  said  to  have  originated  there,tl')  and  no  mrmornndum  to
                              the  Holy  See  on  the  politieo-religious  conflict  was  eoniplete  uiilrss
                              many sections and appendices were devoted  to the evil influenrr 01 Laval.
                              Bishop  Laflèche  of  Tliree nivers  led  the  attack  on  khe  Univrrsity  and
                              it was eveu said that  wheri  he  dashed  to Rome in  1EE3 hr brourlii with
                              him  "trois  mille livres  pesant  de docuinents  pour  appuyer  son  niéinoire
                              et  terrasser  l'Archevêque  et  I'Uriiversité."   This  pronipted  the  cild
                              Arcliliisliop  of  Quehec  tci  adrnit  candidly:  "Si  cela  est  vrai.. . la  fin du
                              monde  arrivera  nva~it qu'rin  nit  i:ludié  tout  cela."(12'
                                  Everi  thoueh  Tarte  declared  thal:  "nous  n'attendons  en  aucuue
                              nianicre  attaquer  l'enseignement  de          he  had,  never-
                              thi:lia+5, ivritten  an ariicle in  which  he seriously  questioned  it:
                                     Je  suis  père  dr:  Ia~nille: de  mtas  lecreurs,  hraut:oup  cint  ci:  honheur:
                                  wuLlrions-~ious confier  l'kiucaiion  de nus  enIants  à  dr*  professeurs  qui
                                  fonr  ouirrleni~ni la  luttr  conirt.  Ir? ~rinri~iri immuahlrs  rie  la  vPriiC
                                  caiIio1ir~;i~  Pniir  moi,  jarnaiî  jr.  nc conirniirsi  i cxposer  me3  enfanls
                                  an  rla1lgt.r  d'un  conlacl  ci)n>ranl sr~c dr.6  hoinincs  que  je  seis  professeur
                                  des id&;-  lau1.?t.5  rur  1'Egli.v:  ct  la  .+ocit>ii. . . (14'
                              The Archliisliop.  ci~iiridcrir~~ article  as an  affront  tii  his  supervision
                              of  tlie  Universiiy  anil  as  an  aitack  on  its  aiiundness  iif  doctrine.  could
                              riot  possihly  iqrnore  Tarte's  rrrnai.k.s.  [le  cnncelled  his  subscriptiou  to
                              Le Canadien.  '1-he  iai:ulti  of the Iiniveraiiy aiid the  nieinbers of  religious
                              houses  did  likemise.  To Tarir thrrr  rernained  but  one eiiurse  of  action,
                              an  appenl  to  Roine.""   Thr Fiornari  authiirities  duly  read  his  defense
                              and then  relegated hjs doeumrnts IO the alrcady high  miiuntain  of  pitpers
                              relating  to  tlie  Provirirr  of  Qurhec.  lt  wi~uld appeat  that  in  these
                              troubled  times the Catholjr  populaiioii  of  Qnebrc  pavc  niorc  trouble  to
                              the papacy than the lesi  of  Christendom.
                                  In November  1876, J ustiçe  Roui hicr  announeed  his deeision  regard-
                              iiig tlie Charlevoix trial.' ]':'  Hout hier stnted rhat the law defined intluence
                              indue  as  the  attempt  by  fime, intimidaiion  arid  threats  to  preverit  an
                              eleclor  lrom  voting  or  ti,  t:om~iel him  to  vote  agairist  liis  persuasiori.
                              This  was  injluence  indue  temporelle.  No~vhere in tlie  law  was  there
                              mcniion  oE  inJiuence  induc  spirituelle  and  therefore  in  the  eyes  of  the

                              (101  Ibid., S~i~iernLcr 4,  18'76.
                              (11)  C0116~r Stc  Jlaric  Arcliives.  II.  Bclleiiger  io  II"'  Lriflècht,  May  22,  1877
                              (1 :I   E.\\l..  \IV  Tawhcrcau  ro  hlKr Fabre.  Mav  9.  1883.
                              (13'  LP Longdien. IUIV 23, 1876.
                              fi41  Ibid.,  July  4,  1K6.
                              (111  Sr,  Tarit's  l~ttrr to  Cardinal  Franclii  published  in  Le  Condien,  Septeniber,
                                   A.  P.  Rciuthirr  waG  an  IJltramon~anr who  had,  iaken  an  important  part  in
                                   rhr  drdiin~ ri[  LI. Programmç  Corholigue  in  1871.
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