Page 148 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 148

intcrvene  hut  Tarte  adcised  the  elcetors  in  go  and  r:oiisult  thcir  curé.
                              There  H-as  nci  doubt  in his  mirid  that  the  priests  wiiuld  tell  the  voters
                              thst  "voter  cette  arinée pour  31.  Trembla!,  c'est  pire que  L'sn  passé."'")
                                  In  spite  of  Tarte's  elforts  Lanpevin's  majority  deereasetl  from  ho
                              hnndred  arid  cleveri  to  sixty voles.  The dinerenee  was  hard  tri  explain
                              and Tarte  did iiot  aktempt  to  dit  W.  It  is eonceitable thak  the  seririons
                              of  the  clerg)  hsd  been  innre  inlluentisl  than  Ronihier  \vas  prepared
                              to  admit.  In  the  campaien  of  1377  the  clerg remained  sileiit  oii  the
                              question  of  IiLerslism  and  the  rc~ultj rrere  startiiigly  differciit.
                                  By  this  tinie  the  ~iositiciii of  hrch1)ishop  Tawhereau  had  altered
                              eiinsidera hly.  The epi3r:opal  ~llnndernent of  1875 had  propelled  a  fieree
                              Priitestant  reaetioii.  The  Liberal  Prime  Lliiii~ier rvriting  to  Edrvard
                              Rlake a feiv days after it had been  issued {vas  u-el1 nware at whom  it was
                              directeci arirl coriclnded thai  if th? "Liberal  Riiitian Catholics are trampled
                              diirvn by clerieal despotisin  tlie Prciteîrant wire fence  i+ il1 not long delend
                              liberty  of  thought  and  action  rir  Protestant  rights  in  Qnebe~."t~~l
                              H~ntin~don. Cabinet hlinister  firirn  Quebec,  saiv  jirake  dariaers  in the
                              episcopal  declaration.  Hr  wns crinvinced   bat  the  time hiid  arrived  "for
                              an  Engli~h point  lii  vieiv,  to  resijt  the  pretensions  of  tlir  cl~r~~","")
                              arid  short])  befrire  the  erid  of  1273 he  delivered  a  pnlilir:  adtlrrss  in
                              which  he prriiehsed  hie  faith in  liberaliam  and refused  to  arcrkit  rlericaI
                              iriterventiiin  and direction  iii  poliiics.
                                  To  prevetit  the  dangers  of  a  religions  %var deacending  upon  the
                              conntry  and  [O  better  the  Liherai  position,  Joseph  Cauchon,  the editor
                              of  Le  Journnl  dt-  Quebec,  a  Liheral  Csbinet  Minjster  and  a  skillful
                              politician,  advised  Arrhbirihop  Tascheresu  that  Catholic-Lilieralisin and
                              political Iiberalisrn were no1  identieal.  Hz n l~i hiiited  tliat  a de finite  and
                              eategorical etatenieiit  Ly  the  Church  authorities ori  liberalism  H ould  lie
                              dangerous  to  French  Cauadiaii  interests  arid  liai mful  to  lheir  place  in
                              Corifederation. ''"   L'nder  his  iniluence  arid  ihat  of  pripsts ~urrou~idiug
                              fii~ri.  th^  Archbishop  Jecided that the interprelatiiin  giveri  tn  tlre ,!lande-
                              itierir  of  September  1815 was  erroneous  and  that  ihc  epiacopacy  ivonld
                              do  well  to  reconsider  ils  position.   Accorilingly  he  wrote  to  al1  the
                              hiehop3  of  his  provirice:
                                     CrariJ  iiomlire  de  Tier5niini.s nni  roinpris  que  le mandement  roLlzciif
                                  /In  22  srptenhre  dernicr.  ert  dirigé  ronirt.  le  parii  minist6rizI  fi.dt.ra1.
                                  D'aurrcs  lti  nizni.   011  deniendc  pnurqnoi  les E~l-ques de  la  Province
                                  EcdP~iasiique de  Qnébcr  ne  se  prononcent-ils  pas  catégorirju~rnrnr ?
                                  31''  Linrh   pet  déclar;  oukrric.rncnt  pariisaii  de  cti  niinislL-rt rt  il  r-r
                                  probable  qu~ son  srntimrnr  csi  p2rtagE  par  srs  sulIraganis  ri  par  Ir,
                                  Eri-qucs  de  !a  Province  d'Hlililsx.. . .
                                     Lr  pnrii  minisiériel  IEiIEral  esi-il  condamnable  P!  coatiamné'!
                                  Qurlc  irrciiit  Ic6  consérluencre d'ui  oui  ou  d'un  non  ?  Yciili  un  rrdou-

                              {24)  Qnnrcd  in  Ruiiiilly,  Lajlèche,  p.  114.
                              (25)  Public  ;Zrc.Iiive.r of  Ontario,  Blake  Psprr*.  IiIackenzie  to  Blake,  Septrmber
                                   28,  1073.
                              (?fi)   1hid.,  Huntingdon'j  ron  IO  Biake,  Juna  1,  1876.
                              (27)  PubIie  .4rchives  of  O~iiario, Mackenzie  Paprts,  see  the  Joîcpb  Caurboa
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