Page 147 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 147

Court  it did no!  exist.  Since  preachiug  was one  of  the  most  important
                                  funclions rlf  the  clergy, he  declarcrl,  ihe  law  was not  eonstrued  to  limit
                                  its liberty  and  its application.  The  priests  of  Charlevoix were fulfilling
                                  their  pries11  dutien  when  from  the  pnlpit  they  declared  liberalism  an
                                  eviI  whieh  f!   atholies  could  nat  iall  into.  That  Tremblay  was aszociated
                                  with  nhat  they  were  eondemning  was  no  fanIt  of  theirs.   Roulhier
                                  aceordingly  rejected  the petition  and  declared  Langevin  elected. (17)
                                      The  LiberaIfi  sensing  that  their  very  existence  depended  upon  a
                                  clarification  of  the  issue  of  inJluence indue  appealed  to  the  Supreme
                                  Court.  There in February  1877, the  decisirin  of  the  Ultramontane judge
                                  nas reversed  and Justice  Taschereau,  the brother  of  the  Archbishop  of
                                  Quebec,  declared  that  the  sermons  of  the  clergy  had  to  be  considered
                                  as  "actes  d'inflnence  indue  de  la  pire  e+pèce."  Thc  Court  felt  that
                                  "un  système général d'intimidation a été pouesf, et l'on  ne pcut eonsjdërer
                                  que  les  éleeteurs  ont  eu  le  libre  exereiee  de  leur  franchisc."~lR'  Tbus
                                  Langevin  was  found  not  to  have  been  elected.
                                      This was  a  severe  blow  to  the  Ultrsmnntsnes.  Yet  Tarte  limiied
                                  hiç remarks to dechring that the Supreme Court, heing a Liberai creation
                                  and  staffed  with  Liberals,  wonld  obviousl y  prononnce  itself  in  f avour
                                  of the Lilieral candidate.  Not content with  findjn~ political  irnplieations
                                  iu  the  decision,  Tarte  hinted  that  ilie  Archbishop  of  Quebec  and  the
                                  priests  surrounding  him  niight  have  erercised  pressure  on  Justiee
                                  Taschereau.  The  Archbiehop  pullicly  censured  him,  whicb  prornpted
                                  Bishop  Lailérhe  to  eall  Tarte:  "Le  plus  courageux  défen~eur de  la
                                  verite."lluj  However,  Tarte  reeanted  and  in  a  leiter  to  the  Arehbishop
                                  apolopizedo derlarin~ hirnself  an  Ultramontaue  whose  first  dutv  was  to
                                  proclaim  ~iibmjssion to  religious  authority. I2O)   His  private  apologies
                                  were repeated  putilicly  in  ail  editorial  in whieh  he conieçsed  that  in  Lis
                                  defense of  religious  priueiples  he had  committed  errors which  he  would
                                  now  mcnd  "en  iaisaut  mieux"  and  placed  "ail  serviee  de  1'Eglise  ma
                                  hcinne  volonté  et  mon  travail"  should  these  be  of  any  use."''
                                      The  deei3ioii  of  the  Supreme  Court  necessitated  a  new  eleciiun.
                                  The  issiies  involved  were  the  sa~e  in  the  previous  one,  and  though
                                  there  was  taik  of  protectiou,  the  railway  projeet  and  general  erilieis!ii
                                  of  Liberal  policies,  essentially  the eIection  revolved  around  the  relaiion
                                  of  religion  to  polities  and  the  role  of  the elergy  in  the  politieal  life  uf
                                  the  provit~ce.~~~~ even wired  Langevin:  "Traitez  plus  Ia  questioii
                                  de  I'iniluence  indue,  e'est  importaiit  et  il  n'y  a  pas  de  daiiger  de  se
                                  cornpromettre."'~3~ The  Archbishop  of  Qiiebec  forbade  his  priests  to

                                  (17)  &%n  Honnenr  le  luge  Rouihier,  Jrigemenr  - Contesialion  dc  1'Elrciion  de
                                       I'Hon.  Hwior  Langwin  (Quebec,  1876).
                                  (IR)  Jugenieut  of  tIir  5uprrmr  Cour1 quoted  in  H.  RumiLiy,  Mg'  LaJlick el   on
                                       Temps  (hlontwal, 1938).  p.  113.
                                       Episcopal  Archives  Rimouski,  ME' Laflèche  ro  hlgr  Langevil;,  Aptil  13,
                                       1877.  ..
                                  (20)  Lelier  io  Archbishup  Tasrhereau  publj~hd in  Le  Lmrodien,  April  5, 187'.
                                  (21)  Le  Canadien,  April  6,  1877.
                                   (22)  lbid.,  Mmch  25,  1877,
                                   (23)  Archivcs  de  la  Prociiiie  rlr  Qucbec,  Chnpais  colleclion,  Tarte  10  Lan~evin,
                                       hlarcli  6,  1877.
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