Page 127 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 127

Owens,  Rev.  S.  P.,  P.O.  Box 7,  Pembroke,  Ont.
                                 Paxton, J.  F.,  1021 Lakeshore Road,  E.,  Oakville,  Ont.
                                 Petronne,  Alfred A.,  B.A.,  Barrieter  &  Solicitor,  22  South Court Street,
                                     Port Arthur,  Ont.
                                 Phelan,  Miss Josephine, 70 Walmsley Blvd.,  Toronto,  Ont.
                                 Placidia,  Siater  M.,  Sistrrs  of  St.  Joseph,  Mount  St.  Joseph,  London,
                                 Prieéiter, Rev.  V.  A.,  Exmutive  Director  &  hretary, English  Catholic
                                     Education  Aseociation  of  Oiitario,  477  Jamis  Street,  Toronto  5,
                                 PurceU, Rev. John, P.P., St. John Fisher Parish,  120 Summerhill Avenue,
                                     Valois,  P.Q.
                                 Pureell,  Brother  Stephen,  681  Wiilihrord  Ave.,  Verdun,  P.Q.
                                 Qucen's  University,  The  Library,  Kingston,  Ont.
                                 Quinan,  Rw. John  L.,  St.  Mary's  Convent,  382  Barrington  Street,
                                     Halifax, N.S.
                                 Raftis,  Rev.  J. A.,  C.S.B.,  St.  Michael's  College, Toronto,  Ont.
                                 Reardon,  Rt.  Rev. James M., Paetor,  Basilica of  St.  Mary,  Minniopolae,
                                     Min. U.S.A.
                                 Redemptorist  Fathers,  11828 -  85th Street,  Edmonton,  Alta.
                                 Reid,  Rt. Rev.  Martin P.,  D.P.,  St.  Augustine's  Parish, 5565 St.  Antoine
                                     Road,  Montreal,  P.Q.
                                 Reid,  Mr.  V.  P.,  B.A.,  Barrister  &  Solieitor,  Oskr Hoskin  &  Harcow
                                     68 Yonge  Street, Toronto,  Ont.
                                 Reilly,  Charlee  F.,  B.S.,  M.A., 337  -  15th  Avenue,  West,  Calgary,
                                 ReiUy, T. E.,  B.A.,  Barrister  &  Solieitor,  699 Coxwell Avenue,  Toronto,
                                 Reynolds,  Edgar T.,  1321 Sherbrooke St. W., Apt.  C 30, Montreal,  P.Q.
                                 Reynolds,  Rev.  W.  A.,  10821 -  %tb  Street,  Edmonton,  Alberta.
                                 Riederer,  D.  A., 3511 Garnet  Street, Regina, Sa&.
                                 Roacb,  Honourable  Mr.  Justice  W.  D.,  O~goode Hall, Toronto,  Ont.
                                 Robbin4  S. G.  J.,  Toole,  Peet  &  Co.,  Limited,  Financial  Agents, Toale
                                     Peet  Bldg.,  Calgary,  Alta.
                                 Robertson, L F., Notary  Puhlic,  P.O.  Box 8, Powaasan,  Ont.
                                 Robinson,  Rev.  F.  C.,  97 Cartier  Cres~ent, Kehmond  Hill,  Ont.
                                 Robineon,  Miss  Ruth,  1150 Maple  Avenue,  Quehec, P.Q.
                                 Roche,  D.  J.,  OXeefe's  Limited, 297 Victoria  Street,  Toronto,  Ont.
                                 Rowler,  Harry,  80  Rosedale  Heights  Drive,  Toronto,  Ont.
                                 Roesler,  Mrs.  Harry,  80 Rosedale  Heigbiii Drive,  Toronto,  Ont.
                                 Ronan, Rt.  Rw. J.  E.,  DP.,  MCG.,  LCSC.,  66 Bond  SLreet, Toronto,  Ont
                                 Rooney, Gerard J.,  260 Manchester  Avenue,  Lancaster,  N.B.
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