Page 212 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 212

Howe, The Rev. I. S.,  St. Mary's  Chureh, Victoria Harbour, Ont.
                                  Hughw, The Hon.  F. J.,  357 Bay  St., Toronto,  Ont.
                                  Hughes, The Hon.  Willjarn,  Sonris, P.E.I.
                                  Hurley, The  Rev. James T., L.Th.,  5565 Cote St. Antoine Rd.,  Montreal,
                                  Hnrley, Mrs. Kate,  12 Brnssels Apis., Wiiinipeg, Man.
                                  Ilushion,  James Wrn., Jr.,  !?9  Thurlow Rd.,  Hampstead,  P.Q.
                                  Hutton, Miss Jshbel, 65 Kenil worth Ave., Ottawa, Oiit.
                                  Hynes,  Leonard,  500 Laird  B lvd.,  Town  of Mount  Royal,  Quebec.
                                  Ingoldsby, The Rt. Rev. J. H., D.P.,  172 hslie St., Toronto, Ont.
                                  Ingram,  The Rev.  Arnold  J.,  WoodrofIe  P.O.,  Ottawa,  Ont.
                                  Jackrnan,  Dr. ho. Suite 815, Medical Arts Bldg.,  Montreal  25,  P.Q.
                                  Jarvis, Mrs. Aemilius, "Hazelburn",  Aurora, Ont.
                                  Jenkins,  The  Rev.  Geor~e, C.S.C.,  St.  Joseph's  University,  Si.  Joseph,
                                  Jensen, The Rev.  Vincent,  S.J.,  M.A.,  St. Paul's  Coliege, Winnipeg, Man.
                                  Jesuit Scrninary Library, 403 Wellington St.  W.,  Toronto 2B,  Ont.
                                  John  of Beverley, The Hev.  Sieter,  Stelle Maria  Convent,  Pietou,  N.S.
                                  Johneon, The Most Rev. M.M.,  D.D.,  4d10 Picadilly South, Cypreea Park,
                                      P.O., B.C.
                                  Johnson, The Rev.  Peter Lo, D.D..  3257 S. Lake Drive, Milwaukee, Wis.,
                                  Johnston,  Tbe  Rev.  k A.,  St.  Francis  Xavier  University,  Antigonisb,
                                  Johnston,  The Rev.  J. P.,  St. Patriek's  Church,  R.R.  5, Bolton, Ont.
                                  Johnmton, Miss Mary,  3 Woadlawn  Ave.,  St.  Catharines, Ont.
                                  Juzynic,  The  Rev.  F., Sinnett, Sa&.
                                  Kadziolka,  The Rev. S. J.,  S.T.D.,  Deep River,  Ont.
                                  Kane, J.  Edward,  B.A.,  195 Douglas Ave.,  Saint John,  N.B.
                                  Kaaymvra, Bohdaii, Ph.D., 628 Conrtenay Ave.,  Ottawa,  Ont.
                                  Keagen, Miss Mary Eva, 58 Clarendon St., St. John, N.B.
                                  Kearney, The Hon. Johii, 360 SI. James St.,  Montreal,  P.Q.
                                  Kellsy, The Rev. J.  Philip,  Levis College, Lvis,  P.Q.
                                  Kelly,  Mise  Florenee  M.,  Apt.  36, 81 Barrow  St.,  New  York  14, N.Y.,
                                  Kelly, Dr. J. L.,  1709-  12th St. W.,  Calgary, Alta.
                                  Kenehan, Patrick, 3503 Ste. Famille  St.,  Montreal,  P.Q.
                                  Kennedy,  The  Rev.  Gordoii,  Stella Maris Rectory,  Black's  Harbor,  N.B.
                                  Kennedy, Mre. Jamca, Box 138, Dorchester, N.B.
                                  Keniiedy, James A..  4342 Westnioun t  Ave., Weslmount,  P.Q.
                                  Kenndy, The Rw. K. J.,  C.S.S.R.,  St.  Alphonsus Rectory,  11828 -85th
                                      St., Edmonton, Alta,
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