Page 181 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 181

.  for  ihey  were  rether  headquerteri  than  homes.  That  venerable  pjoucer,
                                 whose  memov  i~ sliU green  in ihis Diocme,  whoae  rernains  resi  benpaih
                                 theee  walls, the V P ~
                                                 Rev. Vicar  Gzneral Gordon, was one of  few resid~nt
                                  priests.  He  bad  been  appointed  pastot  oi Hamilton  in  Nov.  1846.  This
                                 tealous  niissionaiy  thus  debcribes  with  charactmiaiic  rnodesty  hi9 uharm
                                  in  thme  ioila,  aud  the  early  $tale 01 religion  to  John  Maguir~, "Wrll,  my
                                 dear  sir,  no  doubt  1 bad  many a  hard  ride  through  ~he iormt,  md  I
                                 olten  had  La  depend  on  my pmr  liarse  as  rny  eyelids  dozed  while  1 sat
                                 in  ibi: nsddir  overpowered  with  Iatjgue and  wani 01 sleep.  But  no  matter
                                 what  labour I had  IO undpriake, 1 elways rrcçir~d rny  reward  in  ilie  faith
                                 and  love  of  ~he people  and  in  iheir  delight  nt  seehg und  heariiig  ibeir
                                  prirat  - why  sir, it  woiild  rnia~ my  niare'a  epirjts.  And  how  lhey  kept
                                 ihr  faiih!  Tc  was  surpriling.  For  yzars  sorne  wou!d  nat  see  a  priesi;
                                  bnl  still the  Iaiili  wes  there in a  rnuiher's  hean,  sud  she would  ieach  it
                                  IO  Iirr  children.  We have  loi1  wmr,  for  tliere  were  ~heep withoul  shep-
                                  berds;  bui  ibe~ we  did  not losr more  and ihat we seved  m many  in iimes
                                 long  goor by  is onIy LO be aitrihui~d IO the mercy of Gd, und  L~F teaacily
                                 witli  wliicli  the  Iris11 cling  ta  rheir  faith.  Their  Jzvoiion  and  iheir  elec-
                                 lion  and  theiz  gratiiade  cheered  me  many  a  lime,  and  made  nit.  Ibrmet
                                  lniigiie  aiid  trouble  oI evcrv  kind.  God  hlecy  iiiem!  They  are  a  gwd
                                 propl<.". . .(15)
                                  Tlie  frrst  churcli  in  what  was  to  be  the  diocme  of  Hamilton  WaB
                              erected  in  Dundas.  The  exact  date  of  its  construction  is  unknown,
                              although  it  ia ceitain  that  a church exieted  in the  town  in  1828.(leJ In
                              its early  years,  Duridae  was a  niission  attended  from  Niagara.  Ite  6rst
                              resirlent  prieet  was  Rev.  Johri  Cassidy,  who  is  séid  LO  have  arri~ed in
                              1832. the  same year  a new  frame churcli was constrncted.(lTi  The Rev.
                             John  OYReilly mentiorid  as  resident  in  Dundas  iti  1856  had  been
                              appointed  to  this miseion  on Jaii. 6,  1M7.  Prior to  his  residence  there
                              Dundas had been  visited by  a  variety  of  missionaries  dnring the  1820's
                              and  early  183Qis, and  Iiad  a  succcasiori  of  resident  priests  ironi  Fr.
                              Cassidy  ( 1832) to Fr.  OIReilly  (lm7) .[lhI
                                  Fathtr,  lalcr  Dean,  O'Reilly  wafi born  in  County  Cavan,  Ireland,
                              on  March  5,  1818.  He  came tu  Canada in  1841 to  visit  his  uncle,  tlie
                              Rcv.  Engene  OReilly,  wlio  was  reaident  priefit  at  tlie  Toronto  Gore.
                              Remaining  in  Canada,  û'Rtilly  eniered  the  College  of  Chambly  and

                              '.lu'   The  Carholic  Regisrnr.  May 24,  1906.
                              11GI  Hugli  Jaseph  Som~r?. The  Lije  and  Th> a/  the  Honourable  and  RE. Rrv.
                                  .4lermder  Mrsrdonell,  UJ)., First  Bishop  O/  Upper  Canada,  p.  96.
                              (17)  Tlii~ information is coniained in rrmioiwences  on  Catholiciam  in earlj Dunh
                                  by  "Old-Timer", Frank Balley, in  The Çotholtc  Register,  Dec.  2, 1905.  Dcan
                                  Harris  speaka  al Fr.  E.  Gordon  as hai'ing  built  the  first  church  Vi Dundu,
                                  h~lween 1832  and  1042:  Dean  Harris.  The  Catholic  Cburch  in  ihe  Niudma
                                  Peninsrila  162&1895,  p.  189.  Obviously  thiu  siaienient  is  inaccurute  an  il
                                  sinnds,  al~liough it  may  bc  the  case  that  Fr.  Gordon  was  reepoasible  for  ihe
                                  erçciion of  a  second  chnrch  in  Dandaa,  prior  ru ihr  residenc j or Fr. Cassidy.
                              "'1   '*Old-Timrr"  lists  a3  rwidpnt  priesla  Fr.  Mill.~, 1840.  succeeded  bj Frs.
                                  O'Flynn.  Connrlly,  O'Duyrr,  O'Rcilly,  1846.  Fr.  Speiz  givee  the  dates  of
                                  resid~ncies as  follows:  Rtv.  Dr.  Robert  R.  Mills,  in  Diindae  hm IBN  io
                                  1842;  Hew. James O'Flynn, from  May.  1842 ta Iiinr, 1892; Hev.  Pelrr Connolly
                                   Isirl. Irrim  May 23, 1843 to Dec. 28, 18%; Rev. Patrick  O'Dwyer, !mm  Mawh
                                  1,  1û45  to  Dec.  28,  1816;  Rev.  John  O'Reiily,  fmni  1846  to  1847, later  iri
                                  Firanitord  as  pnstor,  1852-59  Ithis  Iaot  ici  not accurate),  agaia  in  Dundaa,
                                  1W7-1867: TheJald  Spetz,  C.H.,  The Catholic  Churd  in  Vaterha CounrJ,
                                  p. 228.
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