Page 184 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 184

remained  rector  of  St.  Mary's  in  Hamilton,  now  the  Cathedra1 Church,
                                 though  he was  in  *mi-retirement  because  of  ill-health after  1862.  Late
                                 in  life,  the  doughty  old  missionary  cseayed  ciucw~sfully n  last  major
                                 voyage.  In  lulfillment  of  a  long-eherishrd  desire,  he  left  Hamilton  on
                                 Ma y 29 1864, enroute to Rome to visit  the Holy  Father,  Pius IX.Gn) He
                                 died  six  years later  in Hamilton,  on  October  20,  1870, at the age of  77.
                                     The assistant  prieat  at  St.  Mary'fi  Hamiltori,  in  1856 wae  the  Rev.
                                 Augugtine  Carayon.  A  Freneh ecelesjastieal  student recruited by  Bishop
                                 de  Charbonne1 from the  Seminary  of  Rodez,  he  had  eome  io  Cauada
                                 with  the Bishop  in  1850 as a  suh-deaeon.  While  completing  his  theolo-
                                 gical  s~udies, presumably  privately,  he  acted  as de  Charbonds secre-
                                 tiiry.  Upon  ordination  in  1851,  Fr. Careyon  was  assigmed  as  Fr.
                                 Gordon'e  assistant  in  Hamilton.  Here  he  remained  ior soine  ten  years,
                                 and  he  is  credited  wi~h being  chiefly  instrumental  in  ~he erection  of
                                 the two Catholic Separste  Schaols in that city in  1855.56,  Subeequently,
                                 Fr.  Carsyon  was resident priest  in  Brantford,  irom 1861 until  186%  ln
                                 the  latter  year  ill-health  warranted  a  leave  of  absence  and  a  return  to
                                 his  native  Land.  The  lcave  of  abeence,  however,  becarne  permanent.
                                 Reeords indjcate that,  alter a  brief sojourn  in  Orient,  his birthplace,  Fr.
                                 Carayon  wrrs  named  pastor  of  the  church  of  Notre  Dame,  in  Millau,
                                 Arières,  and  that he laboured  there  for  more than  twenty-five  years.(2Bi
                                     The other two major centres 01 Catholic activity  in  the new  dioceae,
                                 as exempljfied  by  the  loeation  of  the  clergy  in  1856, were  Guelph  and
                                 the Germsn Catholic aettkmenta of  Waterloa  CounLy, principally Wilmot
                                  (St.  aga th^)  ~nrl St.  Clernent'~.l~~) Thc  wmmunity  of  Guelph  was

                                 (23)  The  True  Wirnrm  (Montwnl), lune 3,  1W.
                                 (28)  See Ceusse,  op, tit., p.  72.
                                 (57)  Conienipormy  uindiiions  rnight  leed one  to  think  of  threa  nth~r rnmmuniti~e
                                      io  ihis  mea  as  more  imporiani  than  eiiher  Wilmo~ or  St.  Clernent's:  vu.
                                      Preston,  Galt  and  Kitrheuer.  ln  the  aecond  quarier  of  the  1Pih  centuq,
                                      howevet,  thie  wae  401  zhe  case,  at  least  not  fmm  the  point  of  view  of  the
                                      condiiion  of  Catholicisni  in  the  district.  Preston  iike  other  conires  in  the
                                      drPU  hsd  ben vieited  by  Fm.  Wiriath,  Shneider  and  Sander1  (cf. inJru, pp.
                                      10-131, and a  Fione churrh was erected  in  1&10  iinder Fr.  Schneider,  althougb
                                      it was otill unhished  in 1842.  The Jesuits  served  thie  community  and organ.
                                      ized  a  Seperete Schml in 1848 or  1849, which however, did not  Rourish long.
                                      The  town  did  mt  teceive  e  resident  priet  untii  the  arrivai  there  01 the Rer.
                                      Jonas  Lenhurt on March  25, 1905  (Spets op.  cd.,  pp.  19, 1%).
                                      GaIt  is  inenrioned  as u  missinn  attended  Irom Wilmot  by  Fr.  HoIzer,  SJ.,  in
                                      1851;  and  if  waa  lik~ly vieilcd  before  thot  ~imc by  othcr  Jcauit  nii~~iunnriee
                                      in  the  area.  Fr.  Holzer  îried  io  encourage  the  Cathoüc  msidents  io  build  e
                                      churcb  nnd,,iri  1852, Fr.  McNul~y, an Iriah  pries[  attbched  to  the  Diocese  of
                                      Toronto,  visited  Galt,  and  saw  to  the  purehase  01 property  for  a  ehurch  site
                                      (cf.  supra, p.  2).  Bishup  FarreU  dedicated  a  churrh  there  on Mey  4  1860,
                                      hat  Gdi ohiained  a  resident  priest  only  with  the  ewing ol  ~he Rev.  Jere-
                                      miah  Ryan  in July, 1876  (Speiz.  OP. cit..  pp.  lm  1155). This  W&  ~bb iame
                                      Fr. Ryan who  waci  resident in Brantlord  in  1856.
                                      Berlin  (Ki~chener) ody began  to  assume any promioence  in Waterloo  County
                                      alter  ir  was  cbasen  as county weat in 1852.  A  Catholic  chluch  pmiecied  iu
                                      1854 wbs  under  constmction  in  1855, and  WU  dedicated by Bishop FmeU in
                                      1856,  possilly  the  firat  dedication  conducted  by Bishop  Farrell  in  his  new
                                      dbceee  (Spet~ op.  cd.,  p.  98-91.  The Rev.  George  LauIhuber,  SJ., resi&d
                                      in  Berlin  ironi  1857 to  1859, and  hegmn  a  Separa~e !%hm1  in  the  village.
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