Page 186 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 186

paotoral  charge  nt  New  Germany  ( hlaryhiii)  in  Waterloo  County.
                                  Aceording  to  Spetz,  Fr.  Holzer  arrivd  iii  New  Germeny  in  the  late
                                  f~ll of  1W; it was he wha  arranged for the coinpletion  01 a  new  ehureh
                                  tliere and ior its dedicatiûn on the first Sunday ol Advent,  1848.(sw 'en
                                  Guelph  mission  fell  vaeant  in  1852,  de  Cliarbonnel  nrged  him  io  go
                                   tliere.  Fi..  Holzer  %a3 the major force in  stabilizing Catholicism  in  that
                                  Lciwn. aiid  in 1854 lie founded its Jesuit hause,  beeoming its 6rst superior.
                                  He  envisaged  a  great  churcli  in  Guelpli,  comparable  in  magnificence  tci
                                  the  Basiiica  of  St.  Peter  in  Raine,  and projected  an  extensive personal
                                  fund-raisirip campaign  tri liis native country, as ive11  as to Mexico,  where
                                  lie  hope~i to enlist the financial support of  his  friend, tlie  Emperor Maxi-
                                  milian.  Ilowever,  Fr. Wolzer becauie  il1 &[ore  he could eerry ont these
                                  plans.   lii  September,  1863,  lie  was  strjcken  with  severe  paralysis.
                                  Forced  tri  relinqiiish the  superiorship at Guelph, he nevertheless lived  for
                                  niany  yciai.?  as an  invalid  iii  varioiis  Jesuit  houseo  in tlie  United  States.
                                  HP died  at Gcor~etown College  in May, 1888.(31)
                                      Tbe  setilements  of  German  Catholics  in  Waterloo  County  were
                                  amon:  i he earliest eenlrea oi Cetholicism in  the new dioceee O l Hamil~on.
                                  The foeal  priint  of  religious  aetibity  in  the  1820's  and  early  1030'6  was
                                  Wiirnot  1st. Agatha).  The first  resident priest  to  mini~kr to  the wttlers
                                  in  tlie  area  was ~he Rev.  John Louis Wiriath,  sent  liy  Bishop Macdoiiell.
                                  He  laboured  as  a  niissirinary  in  the  area  for  6(imE  three  years,  heiorc
                                  returning  to  his  native Aleace  in  1837.  Appartntly  he later  askcd  for
                                  and obtained permission froni his Bishop lor a second mjourn in Canada;
                                  but  no  records  have  been  iouiid  to  indicate  that  he  attueUy  undertook
                                  a  seeond  111 issjonary  jour ney.  Fr.  Wiriatli  died  a t  Marienthal,  Lower
                                  Aleace,  in  lM.(3')
                                      After  Fr.  Wiriath's  dcpariure  in  1837,  the  Cahialics  of  Waterloo
                                  County  were again  ivithout  ~hc scivites of a  priest, until the  Rev.  Peter
                                  Schneider,  alsci  an Alsaiian,  arrived  in  the  district  early  in  1838.  Fr,
                                  Schneider  settled  in  New  Gcrniany.  and  remeined  until  Flarch,  lm,
                                  when  Fr.  Sanderl  arrived  in  Wilmot.  He  then  moved  Iarther  west  to
                                  the  Stratford-Goderich  area,  remaining  thete  until  1869,  although  he
                                  returned  to  Waterloo  County  for  a  thrw-monih  period  in  1897,  when
                                  Fr.  Sanderl  left  Wilmot  for  Guelph.  In  1869,  Fr.  Schneider  resigned
                                  his  charge  in  Goderich  and  returned  to  Europe.  He  died  neer  Lyons,
                                  France,  on July  30,  1880.(")
                                      Catholicism  among  the  Gerrnan  settlements in the  Wa~erloo County
                                  area  ah owes a  con_sidereble debt  to  its eetly Jesuit miasionarjes,  who
                                  laboured  thete  from  1847.  Bishop  Power  secured  the  services  of  two

                                  (Bo>  Spetz,  op.  ci!.,  p.  57.
                                  !ai}  An  obiruary  of  Fr.  Hoizei  appears  in  The  Catholic  Record,  May  %,  1BBB.
                                       The Chutch  of  Our  Lady  Immaculaie  in  Guelph, perbaps lesa  mamificent
                                       Lhan  ihai  enviaged  by Fr.  Holzet,  but  nonetheleaé  e  trdy impressive manu.
                                       nient  ta  Cnthuljcim  in that  iown. waa  dediceted e  leu mouths aller Hoh.r's
                                       deatli,  on October  10, 1BB8.
                                  192'  Speir op.  tir.,  pp.  b5.
                                  (")   Spe~l, op.  cil.,  pp. 13.M.
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