Page 178 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 178

lishmeiit  of  additional  aees  in  Canada  West.  TD thia  end  he  was
                                  siiecesaiul in  having  the  Second  Provincial  Council  of  Quebec,  May  28
                                  Julie  4  1854,  resolve  to  form  the  two  new  dioeesee  of  Hamilton  and
                                  London.  The  Holy  See  acceded  t~  the  resolution,  and  iasued  Buila  ia
                                  1856, establishiiig  ~he new  sm, and  appointing  Biehops  to  them.

                                      Formatioii  of the ncw  dioceses.  de  Charbonnet  honed.  would  mean
                                                                                       - -
                                  an  increaee  in  the  nutiiber  of clerg  in  Upper  Caneda.  This  was  the
                                  prirne  need  if  Catholieism  was  to  be  maintained  and  to  develop  in  t&
                                  region.   More  clergy  were  desperately  wanted  to  tend  the  spiritual
                                  well-being  of  the  CathoUc  population  scenered  through  a  vast  and
                                  sparsely -settled area,  and  to  take  the  jnitiativc  in  the  growjng  struggle
                                  for the establishment  and  maintenance  oi  an  adequate  system  of  Catho-
                                  Iic  edneation.  .4  pephic illustration  of  de Charbonriel's  lack  of  clergy
                                  is found in  a  GaIt  ~ubmriber's letter  to  the Toronto Mirror  in  1855:
                                      Drar  Mirror:  it  is  threp  yaare  gince  we  purchased  B  lot  in  Calt  for  a
                                      church  eitc,  and  it  was  mmir  6ix  moniha  aIter  ~hai time  heiore  we  paid
                                      3s mch as il5 on it.  but  rh~ wiiiter  following  His lmdship,  ~he Bishop
                                      of  Toronto,  happened  to  comp  ID  Pre5ion,  and  we  had  an  inierview  wiih
                                      His  Lordahip.  as  to  how  we  were  situated  in Gall.  respecling  our  lot,
                                      snd  he  promked  ue lie  would  send  ue  an lrish  Priest for  a  week  or  two,
                                      snd  go  His  Lord3liip  made  good  liie  pmrnipe.  ernt  us  ~hr Rev.  hlr.
                                      McNulty,  and  before  Iiis deparLure  imm  us  WC  had  paid  for Our  Church
                                      lot with  the excepiion  of a  lew pound*.  Now,  Sir, we  have  il al1  peid  for
                                      and  hold  Our bond,  and  stjll it  fitrinde 40,  wc  have  neither  a  Church  nor  a
                                      5chool  House,  thoupli  therc  are  over  sirty  CsthoIic  acholiw~ in  Calt  oI
                                      arhaol  uge,  diat  is  Imm  5  LO  15 yearfi:  and,  desr  Mirror,  ut are  ahle
                                      enough  if  we  werr  only  willing - rh~rt LW  Churches riaing  up  in wery
                                      village  srnuiid  us-  and  we  lisve  now;  but  di we  ranl is  ~he influence
                                      of  a  Priest.  Hoping  in God  His Lord~hip mag corne to sre   hie  and  taka
                                      some inlerest  in  Gali, as we are  worse  off  for  s  Priest  than  those  who  are
                                      in  the  wild  buih.  1 Iiave  no  doubi  if  ihe  Rer.  >Ir. McNiiliy  hed  bcen
                                      among  ue for a  few weeks,  but  we would  lisre a School House.. .  1 will
                                      conclude  by  hoping  ilist  His Lordèhip  wiU  take  pity  on   lie  poor  Catlio-
                                      lice  of  Celi - and  dn  something  for  thcir bene61 -as  s  man  rnuci  go  La
                                      Guelpli  [or  a  Priefit  in ci9r  01 need .. . Galt,  22  Oci., 1855.(+1
                                      The Rev.  John  Holzer,  S.J.,  missioiiary  stationed  iii  Guelph  at  the
                                  time expressed  reeiet,  perhaps even a  litrle arinoyanee,  at this published
                                      . . . ihe Biehop of  Toron10 did  nnt  forgei  ihe Ca~holics ol Gd!, and  inded,
                                      el1  the  priesls  ut  this  Diocese  know  thst  iheir  well-heloved  Bighop  and
                                      Chief  Pastor  feels iiitensely  and  ur.deruisnds  ~horou~hlv, ml1  the  spirituel
                                      wsnt3 of  his  people;  tliat  he  wroie  ID 18 Biahops  OF  Christendom  ai one
                                      time,  asking  39 it  were  wi~h suppli~ni knecs,  [or  ninre  co-lahorers,  and
                                      thal rreenily.  et  Si. Joliu's,  Ncwloundland, he.  in  ihc. presence  of  so meny
                                      illuslriouo  prelatrs.  deelarmi  thal  he  loves  hi*  0ark  and  is  prepared  ta
                                      lay  down  hi6  life,  ii  necesaaq.  Wilh  such  faeis,  iri  il  not  painIul  ior  us
                                      io  hrar our  Bishop  ndmoui~hed to  take  some  interest  in  the  people  of
                                      Gall . . . ? (5)

                                   (4'  Th Mirror,  Oci. 26,  1855.
                                   ("   The Mirror,  Nov.  2.  18.55.
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