Page 179 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 179

The  Mirror's  editorial  comment  on  Fr.  Holzer's  letter  puts  the
                             emphasis  squerely on  the  dificulty:
                                  The  tact  is,  am  we  have  before  ataled, we  want,  BI  least,  iwenty  or thirty
                                  more  priests, but where  ihey are to  corne from we cmnot 1eU.  His Lord-
                                  sbip  bai done and  im doing ail in hi3 power  to  procure  lhern,  and we  see
                                  no remedy  for  tlie  preaenl, but  LO wsi~ until ihcy  conie from SL. Michaei's
                                 Coliege.   1
                                 The  uneertainty  and  weakness  of  Catholic  Separate  Schools  in
                              Upper  Canada  at this time  is underlined  by  de Cherbonnelys remarks in
                              a  citcular  letter  of  July,  1856:
                                  Catholic  Separaie School~ sre nent  to  inipossible  in  Upper  Canada,  siucc
                                  tliere are none as yei  in Hamiltan(7), London,  St. Catherine's  and  Dundas.
                                 And  tliose  of  Brnntiord,  Adjala  and  Guelph  liave  been  conlested,  and
                                  thme  oi  Torouro  and  oiher  places  exist,  but  witli  the  grearesr  difficuliy
                                  srid  ai  tlie  cost  of  greai  sacrifices,  and  couscqnenlly  Mined  Schools
                                  renuiin  a irrord  iirjantiride  i~i pernuuierice  for  inost  O[  nur  deer  Children,
                                  and  their  Children's  Clii:dren.tai
                                  The  hopes  for  benefits  from  the  new  dioceaes  are  well  expressed
                              in  the Mirror's  editorial  announeement  of  their  establishment :
                                  11 is  wiih  mucli  pleasurp  we  announce  that  the  Sovcreign  Pontifi  haa
                                  acceded  to  ~he solicitations  ol  ihe  Canadian  Hiqrarchy  and  erccted  two
                                  new  bislioprics  in  Upper  Canada,  tho~e of  Landan  and  Haniilton.  Ii  ia
                                  a  special  iavor  granted  by  the  See  01  Rornc.  and  one  which.  increahg
                                  as it undoubtcdly  will.  ihr numbr.~ ol  priests.  ~hoole, and  rrligious  insti-
                                  tulions  in  this  coantry,  siIl be  producli~e 01  the  nioet  bcneficiel  reaulta.
                                  and  cannol  fail io  caU  lorih  irom  a  pmple  proverbially  aiiached  to  the
                                  Holy  See  thc  slrongest  expressione oi  joy  and  nppmhaiion . . .(QI
                                  The  Diocese  oi  Hamilton,  wiih  its  epiu:iipsl  seat  in  the  city  of
                              Hamilton  itself,  was  iormally  established  by  a  Papal  Bull  dated  in
                              Ronie,  Feb.  29,  1836.  Its  terrjtorjal  ljmits  comprieed  ihe  counties  of
                              Brant,  Bruce,  Grey,  Haldimand.  Halton,  Waterloo,  Wellington  and
                              Wentworth,  Menitoulin  Island,  Sault  Ste.  hlnrje  nnd  the  niia3ions  of
                              Lake  Snperior,  to  the  Ijnijtp. of  [lie  Dioeeae  of  Bytown  (Ottawa)  and
                              ihe Dioeese  oi St.  Boniface in  [lie Northwest  territories.Ilb'  Within  this
                              area  there was  a Cathiilic population  of  spproximaiely 28,000, including
                              3,000  Indians  in the northern  missions.  The major  centres  of  popula-
                              tion  were:  Hamilton,  with  15.500  persons,  nf  whom  4,000  were  Catho-
                              Iic.9:  Dundas,  with  4,000,  of  whom  1,300  were  Catholics;  Brantford,
                              with  3,000, among  them  750  Catholies;  Gnelph,  with  about  650 Catho-
                              lies in a  population oi 3,000;  Galt,  with  about 200 Catholics in a  popu-
                              lation of  2,000; Paris, with  1,800, of  wbom 300 were  Catholies;  Preston,

                               'al  The Mirror,  Nov.  2, 1855.
                               '71  There  were  two  Catliolic  Separate  Scliools  in  Hamilton  at  bis  time;  see
                                   inlra, Note  12.
                               (61  "Circular  01  tlic  Bishop  01 Toronto  on  the  School  Question",  signed  by  de
                                   Charbonncl,  Visilalion  Day,  1856,  Toroirto  Separale  Schooi!  Board  Papers.
                                   CI.  Franklin  A.  Walkcr,  Catholic Edrrcation  and Polirit4  ui Upper Cm&,
                                   pp.  Ml-2; pnssini.
                               ifil  Tht  Mirror,  May  2, 1856.
                              {loi  Papal Bull, Farrell  Pupers,  Diorese  O]  Hantilton  Archives.
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