Page 175 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 175
It wa9 above all, however, tibout the gruwine student body that the
bishop was alarrned. T11e Palace, in late 1853, had reaelied its maximum
erirollrnent, end the superior felt that "If the nurnbers i ncrease the bishop
might leave us ~he entire Palaee and move to e new house."(") When
the student total increased by February lV54, the bisliop felt t1iat iii~y-
three siudents in his Palaee are already too niany, and that is why he
would like to see us
Wiih prudence, Father Soulerin niade overtures to the bishoy regard.
in^ departure: "the first tiine i spoke of a concordat he said he alr~ady
had niade eorne conventions with us - bnt 1 believe thar Monseigneur i~
n-illin:: to inake a c~neordat."'~~' Beiore any change could be possible
the auperior realized that 6(ime ireatv or eoncordat should be agreed on
with the bishop. It was not ao mueh a rnatter of binding Bishop Char-
bonne1 but of building for the Iuture, and establishing a binding 1ort:e
whic:h later bishops would recu~nize.
It was always the goal of Father Soulerin to establish the Basilianfi
srilidly ior the iuture, subject tr) no whim or caprice of circurnstances.
He, like so niany others, uras well aware of the adage that "good inten-
tions can be forgotten; what is written rcmains."im) Thus in the eyea of
the superior a written agreement was essential and to this desire of a
binding concordat and the bishop agreed.
("1 Soulerin ~o Tourvieille, Fetiruary 13, 185q p. 2
(57) Ibid., February 13, 1854, p. 2.
(EH) Ibid., April 18, 1654 p. 1.
(5*) Rw. J, Soulerin, Lutcr to Rsv. P. Tomieille, November A 1854, p. 1.