Page 152 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 152

Since  that  time  a  great  deal  of  It is  here  that the records  of  births.
                             work  has  ben  carried  out  by  the  rnarriages and deaths in  Ulster have
                             Irish  to  tiy  and  reconstitute  the  bcen  recorded  since 1921. Here dso
                             damaged  records  and though a very  will  be  found records  of  adoptions
                             fine job  has  been  done it is  not  un-  and  the  Census  Returns  of  193 1.
                             natural  to  expect  that  there are still  1951 and  1961.
                             very  serious  gaps.
                                                                When applying for information to
                               As  most  people  know,  Ireland  is  the  Registrar  General  one  should
                             and always has been an agricultural  complete  as much  of  the  following
                             country,  dependent  alrnost  enrirely  information  as  possible.
                             on  what  they  can  grow  for  them-
                             selves.  By  1845  the  population  of
                             Ireland  as  a  whole  had  risen  to
                                                                  Full  names  of the  cbiId.
                                                                  Date  of  birth.
                             8,000,000, but  in  1851, as the result
                                                                  Place of  birth.  (As much  detail
                             of  the  potato  famine,  this  number
                                                                    as  possible).
                             had  dropped  to  6,500,000, while  at
                             the present  time due to the constant
                                                                  Father's  name  and  rank  or
                             great flow  of  immigrants £rom Eire,
                             the  population  has dropped  to very
                                                                 Mother's  name  and  maiden  sur-
                             Iittle  over  3.000.000  in  the  three
                                                                  Full  names  of  parties  married.
                               These facts should  be  understood
                             by  the  genealogist  and  bearing  in
                                                                  Dare  of  marriage.
                             mind  that  the  majority  of  dwellers
                                                                  Place  of  marriage.  (IncIuding
                             in Ulster are Protestant while almost
                                                                  address of  church).
                             exclusively  those  in  the  Republic
                                                                  Full  narnes  of  deceased.
                             of  Ireland  are Roman Catholics, the
                             first  question  we  must  ask  is  what
                                                                  Date  of  death.
                             is  the  religion  of  the  farnily  for
                                                                   Place  of  death.
                             whom  we  are undertaking  research.
                             Let  us  now  consider  these  two
                                                                  Rank  or occupation.
                             separate  parts  of  Ireland  in  some
                                                                  Marital  status:
                                                                In addition  to the above the Pub-
                                                               1923.  Here  there  is  a  Ennanent
                                                              oficial,  styled. The ~e~ui~
                               Prior  to  1921  the  Registrar
                                                              from whom, particularly  from over-
                             General  in  Dublin  dealt  with  the   lic  Record  CHce  was  created  in
                                                              seas. one will always receive a cour-
                             registration  of  births, marriages and   teous  reply,  The  address  is  as
                             deaths  in  the  whole  of  Ireland.   foIlows:
                             However,  since  partition  a  Regis-
                             trar  General's  Office  has  been      The  Deputy  Keeper.
                             created  in Belfast, the address being   Public  Record  Office  of  Northern
                             as  follows:                                  Ireland,
                                                                         May Street,
                                  The  Registrar  General,                 Belfast.
                                  Generd Registry Office,
                                    Femanagh House,             Those  people  who  are  fortunate
                                     Ormean Avenue,           enough to be able to visit the Public
                                         Belfast.             Record Office may searcb  ihere free
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