Page 150 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
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migration  of  families from  country  dislricts  to the  north  and  the
                                     midlands. This process took place over approxirnately  100 years.
                              1780 - The eariiest  known  Metbodist  Registers.
                              1783 - Parish Register  Tax  imposed. This had  the effect of  causing omis-
                                     sions in  the  Register  of  christenings,  marriages and  burials.
                              1788 - Commencement  of  the settiement  of  Australia.
                              1790 - Commencement  of  army  records  and  registration  of  births,
                                     baptisms, marriages and deaths.
                              1793 - Considerable  improvement in  Military  Records.
                              1796 - Commencement  of  Register-keeping  by  Army  Cbaplains.
                              1813 - Introduction  of  new  type  of  Parish  Register  consisting  of  ruled
                                     and  numbered  pages.
                              1828 - Army  Half-pay  Return  gives  useEu1  information  with  regard  to
                                     military officers retained on half-pay.
                              1829 - Army  Full-pay  Return  gives  valaubIe  information  with  regard  to
                                     serving ofücers.
                              1830 - First passenger railroads resulting  in many families having children
                                     in dserent areas.
                              1831 - The Goverment prepares  lists of  al1  Parish Registers dated  prior
                                     to  1813. This is known  as the 1813 Parish Register  Abstract.
                              1837 - Introduction  of  Somerset  House  as  from  1st  July.
                                     Over  6,000 volumes of  Church  Registers  received  by  the Registrar
                                     GeneraI  in  London  from  non-conformists  al1 over England. These
                                     are now at the Public Record Ofice.
                              1841 - First population census of  value to genealogists.
                              1846 - Irish  potato  famine.  Many  Irish  immigrants  settled  in  North
                                     West, particularly Liverpool and Manchester.
                              1851 - Improved  population  census.
                              1858 - Probate Courts taken frorn ecclesiastical jurisdiction  and placed  on
                                     a  district  and  national basis.
                              Hong  Kong  - Registers  of  Births  Huguenots'  Society, University  Col-
                              and Deaths are held by  the Director  lege,  Gower  Street,  London.
                              of  Medical  Services and  date  £rom
                              1873, A few  of  these were lost dur-
                              Records  of  marriages  dating  frorn
                              15th  September  1945  are  held  by            I
                              the  Registrar.
                                                               India - Registration  of  Bii-ths, Mar-
                              Hnguenots - There are  three  main  riages  and  Deaths  of  the  Christian
                              groups  of  Huguenot  Records  avail-  community  was  covered  by  the
                              able:                            Christian  Marriage  Act  of  1872.
                                1.  The  Dutch  Church  of  Austin  Records of  al1 British personnel  are
                              Friars of which the records are now  available  in  the  Commonwealth
                              deposited  in  the  Guildhall  Library.  Relations  Office,  King  Charles
                                2. The  Threadneedle   Church  Street, London,  S.W.1.
                              Library,   Threadneedle   Street,   No  compulsory  registration  exists
                              London,  E.C.                    for members  of  the  numerous  other
                                3. The  French  Hospital  and  the  religions  in  India.
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