Page 151 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 151

Inqnisitioos  Post  Mortem - which  lish  Throne  there  was  a  spate  of
                               were  held  on  the  tenants  in  chief  Irish  rebellions,  as  the  result  of
                               relate only to the larger land owners  which  in  1609  the  whole  of  the
                               but  where  they  exist  îhey  are most  northern  province  of  Ulster  was
                               valuable  as they  reveal  the  heir  of  cleared  of  its  Irish  inhabitants  in
                               the  property  concerned  and  his  favour of  pople £rom Scorland and
                               relationship  to  the  previous  owner.  England  who  were  encouraged  to
                               Indexes  for  these  are available  and  settle there. Consequentiy the people
                                                        printed  of  Ulster are mainIy of  Scottish  and
                               abstracts  in  the  County  Record  English  stock and protestant  in  reli-
                               Office.  They  end  with  the  close  of  gion.
                               Charles  1's  reign.
                                                                  The vo~ulation in the rest of  Ire-
                                                                land  iS  made  up  of  three  main
                               Ireland - Those people who wish to  factors.  Firstly  the  Celtic  families
                               research into  their family  history  in  who are descended from the original
                               Zreland  will  in  many  cases  6nd  an  Irish  people.  In  many  cases  these
                                                                families changed  their  names  to the
                               extremely  uphill  task  in  front  of
                               them. This fact  is  due to  the  pecu-  English  equivalent  in  order  to
                               liar  structure  of  Irish  politics  and  escape persecurion  during  the early
                               the  chain  of  events  within  the  English  rule.
                               course  of  tlieir  history.  Treland,
                                                                  The second group consists  of  the
                               though  known  by  the  Romans  was  Anglo Norman  families who settled
                               never  colonised  by  them  and  their  in  Ireland  1485 and  1690.
                               first  real  connection with  the Chris-  In  some  cases  these  families
                               1.ian world  was  during the  5th  cen-  changed  their  names  on  settiement
                               tury  when  they  were  converted  to  in  Ireland  to  something  that  was
                               Christianity  by  St.  Patrick.  At  this  more  Irish  in  flavour.
                               time  there  were  four  provinces,
                                                                  Until  the  6th Decernber  1921 the
                               Ulster,  Munster,  Leinster  and  Con-  whole  of  Ireland  was  united  under
                               naught. Eacl~ of these provinces had  the  British  Crown but  on  this  date
                               its own  King  and  one  of  these  was  it  was  virtually  divided  into  two
                               elected  as  ' Ardrig ' which  is  the  separate countrics. The six courities
                               Irish  name for High  King,  or  if  he  comprising Ulster came to be styled
                               was of  sufficiently strong personality  Northern  Ireland  which  was  united
                               he  generally  took  the  position  by  with  Great  Britain.  The remaining
                               conquest  nnd  did  not  wait  to  be  twenty-six  counties  were  formed
                                                                into  a  repubtican  state  under  the
                                 In  1166 the King  of  Leinster  was  name  Eire  which  is  entirely  inde-
                               driven  out  of  Ireland  and  he  pendent  of  Great  Britain.  These
                               appealed  to Henry II, King of  Eng-  counties of  course comprise the old
                               land,  for  assistance,  as  a  result  of   provinces  of  Munster,  Leinster  and
                               which  Ireland  was  invaded  by  the  Connaught.
                               English  or.  as  they  were  then,  the   On  13th  April  1921  during  a
                               Anglo  Normans.                   serious  rebeilion  the  Public Record
                                 The English rule over Ireland  did  Office in Dublin (the capital of  Eire)
                               not  extend  beyond  Dublin  and  the  was occupied by  armed men and  on
                               immediate  surrounding  counties  the  30th  June  of  the  same year  the
                               until  during the time  of  the Tudor  block which contained al1 the Public
                               Sovereigns when  the  rest  of  Ireland  Records was burned. These included
                               was  colonised.                  a  great  maiiy  of  the  births,  mar-
                                 When  James  1 came  to  the  Eng-  riages  and  deatbs  and  the  wills.
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