Page 124 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 124

of  hat  or  bonnet  when tinctured  of  Union Flag, Union Jack  - The flag
                                                               of  Great  Britain.  It  combines  the
                              another colour  than  the  crown.
                                                               cross  of  St. George, the  cross of  St.
                              mer  - Refers  to  the  Heraidic  Andrew  (saltire)  and  the  cross  of
                                                               St. Patrick  (saltire).
                              Vger  (q.v.1.
                              Tynes - The points of  a stag's  attires  Urchin - Hedgehog  (q.v.).
                              or  antlers.
                                                               Urdé - A  line  of  division  which  js
                                                               drawn  similar  to  the  way  in  which
                                                               the fur vair  is  depicted  but without
                                                               its  horizontal  line.
                                                               Urinant - Diving. An expression  to
                              Ulster,  Badge  of  -  Sometimes  denote  a  fis11  palewise  with  Iiead
                              known as the bloody hand of Ulster.  downward.
                              blazoned  as  argent  a  sinister  hand
                              cooped  at the  wrist  apaume gules.
                              Ulefer,  King  of  Am - Originally
                              Ulster  was  the  name  given  to  the
                              King  of  Anns  who  supervised  the
                              whole  of  Ireland  and  his  position  Vair  - One  of  the  furs  used  in
                              continued  even  after  the  formation  Heraldry  (q.v.).
                              of  the Irish free state, until  in  1943
                              when  the Republic of  Ireland set up  Vairey  - Sirnilar  in  shape  to  vair
                              ils  own  Chief  Herald.  From  this  but  so  named  when  tinctures  orher
                              date  the  duties  of  Ulster  King  of
                                                               than  argent  and  azure  are  em-
                              Arms,  which  were  combined  with  ployed.
                              Norroy,  were restricted,  in so far as
                              Ireland  was  concerned,  to  the  six  Vert  - The tincture  green.
                              counties of  UIster. Under the present
                              system  he  works  in  close  contact  Vested  - Clothed.
                              with  the  CIiief  Herald  of  Ireland
                              and  each  recognises grants  of  arms  Virolies - The  bands encircling  the
                              made by  the  other.
                                                               bugle  or hunting horn.
                              Undé  - A  deper  forrn  of  wavy  Viscoant - The fourth  rank  in  the
                              when  applied  to  a  line  of  partition.  British  Peerage.
                              Unguled  - An  expression  referring  Viitations - Due to the difficulty of
                              to the booves of  animals when they  communication  during  the  Middle
                              are  to  be  tinctured  of  a  different  Ages  a great many  people  assumed
                              colour  than  the  body.         arms  to  which  they  had  no  entitle-
                                                               ment.  In  some  cases  these  arms
                              Unicorn  - Classified  as  a  monster  were  similar  to  those  already  used
                              (q.v.).  One of  the supporters  of  the  by somebody else, and  it was there-
                              British  Royal Arms.             fore  deemed  advisable  to  exer-
                                                               cise greater  control. For this  reason
                              Unicorn  Pursuivant  - One  of  the  by  a  warrant  of  Henry  VIII  dated
                             Scottish  Officers  of  Anns  (q.v.1.   Aprii  6th.  1530  Thomas  Benolt,
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