Page 88 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 88

HAMILTON.                             97
        Particular  attention  is requested  to  the
                       ENDOWMENT    ASSURANCE   TABLES,
      which  have  been  fmmed  with  a view  to enable  parties to  provide  for  themselves  when
      overtaken  by  old age;  and  a  policy  in  this  scale  is  made  payable  to  the  party  assured
      on  his attaining  a  given  age,  while,  if  death  occurs  before  he  attains that  age, the  sum
      assured  is paid  to his  representatives.
        And  to  the
      which  have been  constructed  for  the  use  of individuals  who desire that  a time should  be
      specified  when  no further  payments  shall be  required  of  them.  The  sums  assured  on
      these  Tables  are  payable  at  death, whether  that  should take  place  before,  or  after,  the
      number  of  years, over  which  the payments extend, has  expired  ;  and,  although the  pay-
      ments are  limited  by the  published  tables  to  15, 20, 25,-30  and 35 years,  calculations
      can  be  made  to  extend  over  any  number  of  years  to suit  the  wishes  of  intending
       Premiums  payable  either  in one  sum, or  annually, semi-annually,  or  quarterly,  or  for
      a  limited  number  of years.
        The lives  of Females  assured, according  to age last birth  day.
        All  policies payable  within  three  months  after  proof  of  death  is lodged  to the  satisfac-
      tion  of the  Board.
        Travelling  and  residence  limits very liberal.
       Medical Fee  for  examination  paid  by the  Company.
        No  extra  charge  made  for  sea  risk  to  or  from  Europe  in  first  class  sailing  or  steam
        Prospectuses, Forms  of  Proposal, and  all  particulars  relating  to  Assurance,  may  be
     -obtained at the  Head  Office, or  any  of the  Company's  Agencies.


                          HON.  JOSEPH  BOURRET,  Chairman.
                        J.  G.  MACKENZIE,  Esq.,  Vice-Chairman.
               WM.  WORKMAN,  Esq.  |   G.  E.  CARTIER,  Esq.,  M. P.  P.
                            Manager—HEW  RAMSAY,  Esq.
               Legal Adviser—L.  T.  DRUMMOND,  Esq.,  M. P. P., Solicitor  Genera!..
                     Medical Jdviser—ARCHIBALD  HALL,  Esq.,  M.  D.
                           Secretary—THOS.  RAMSAY,  Esq.
         Sub-Agencies   under  Superintendence    of Montreal  Board.

             PLA.CE.                AGENTS.            MEDICAL  REFEREES.
      Beauharnois,        R.  H. Norval,  Esq          Dr.  C.  G.  O'Doherty.
      Dunham,             William  Baker, Esq          Dr.  C. Butler.
      Hawkesbury,         Thos.  Higginson,  Esq       Dr.  Ewing.
      Huntingdon          R.  B.  Somerville, Esq      Dr. F.  Sheriff.
      Melbourne,          Thomas Tait, Esq             J)r.  Fowler.
      St. Johns,  C.  E   T.  R.  Jobson,  Esq         Dr.  R.  Wright.
      St.  Andrews,       Frank  Farish,  Esq          Dr.  A.  G.  Fenwick.
      St.  Hyacinthe,     L.  V. Sicotte,  Esq.        Dr.  B. De La  Bruyire.
      Sherbrooke,         William Ritchie,  Esq        Dr.  Johnston.
      Sorel,              R.  Harrower, Esq.           Dr.  Sewell.
      Stanstead,          F. Judd, Esq                 Dr.  Colby.
      Three Rivers,       John Robertson,  Esq         Dr. W.  A.  R.  Gilraour.
           Jlgent  at  Quebec—H. W. WELCH,  Esq.  .  Medical Referee—DK.  MORRIN.
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