Page 84 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 84
HOOD, WILLIAM, Wellington hotel, Wyndham st.—stages for Goderich, Elora, and
Fergus, Gait and Hamilton, leave daily, travellers will find comfortable accommo-
dation in this house.
HOWARD & NORTHS, boot and shoemakers, Market square—keep on hand or make to
order, every description of boots and shoes, warranted of the best materials and
workmanship, and at low prices.
JARVIS, WILLIAM D. P., barrister and attorney at law, Market square.
JUDGE, MICHAEL, gunsmith and engraver, Market square—arlizan in gold and silver and
general mechanic, engraving of every kind executed to order, upon reasonable terms.
KEELING, G. M., printer and publisher, Market square.
LYND, JAMES, importer of and dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, china and glass,
wines and spirits, Market square—cash paid for all sorts of produce.
MACKENZIE, JAMES, general dry goods merchant, Market square.
MARTIN, ROBERT, merchant tailor, Market square—executes all orders in his line of
business with puctuality, in the latest style of fashion, of the best materials and
workmanship, and upon moderate terms.
MURPHY, JAMES, dealer in groceries, china and glass, &c, Market square—a good
stock always on hand at moderate prices, country produce taken in exchange at
market prices.
PIRRIE, GEORGE, printer and publisher, Market square.
PIPE, JOHN, farmers arms tavern, Wyndham st—good yard and stabling on the premises,
and every attention paid to the comfort and convenience of the guests who favor
him with their custom.
STONE, FREDERICK W., importer of British and American goods, wholesale and retail
dealer in dry goods, hardware, groceries, glass and earthenware, Gordon st.
SUNLEY, GEORGE, stovewarehouse and tin and coppersmith, Market square—every
article in the above line constantly on hand at moderate prices.
THORP, JOHN, British hotel, Market square.—general stage office for Fergus, Elora and
Sydenham,Dundas and Hamilton,by the Brock road,being 10 miles the shortest route.
TRACY, JOHN THOMAS, saddler and harnessmaker, north west corner of the Market
square—keeps constantly on hand or makes to order, saddlery and harness of all
kinds, of the best materials, and by good workmen under his own superintendence,
prices as low as any other establishment in C. W.
Allen, George W., cabinet and chair factory, Harris, J., baker, confectioner and grocer, Market
opposite the English Church. square,
Allen, William, flour mills and distillery, and Hayton, J. ,cabinet and chair factory,Wyndham st.
cloth dressing, at the bridge. Hewitt, William, county treasurer, Wyndham st.
Baker, A. A., clerk of division court. Heffernan, T., general store, corner of Wyndham
Braine, Rev. J. J., Congregationalist. and Quebec sts.
Brown, W. J. & Co., general store, Market Horning, Charles, bootmaker, Cork st.
square. Jones, John, tavernkeeper, Market square.
Burnet, Robert, shoemaker, Market square, Liddell, Dr. W. A., physician and surgeon.
('lark, Dr. William, physician and surgeon. Malone, William, watchmaker and jeweller,
Fairweather & Co., boots and shoqs, Market Market square.
square. Marcon, Frederick, agent Montreal Bank.
Fatham, George P., general store, Cork st Massmeir, Frederic W., innkeeper, Cork st.
Fergusson, A. J., M. P. P., barrister at law, McCarthy, Florence, bootmaker, Wyndham st.
Market square. McGregor, Rev. John G., Free Church.
Ferrier, A. D., clerk ofthe county council, Scotch Mimmack, George, confectioner, Market square.
Block Road. Moran, Patrick, grocer, Market square.
Glendenning, Charles, saloon and tavern, Market Newton, Edwin, secretary and treasurer of county
square. of Waterloo Building Society, Market square.
Godfrey, John, boot and shoemaker, Market Oliver, H. IL, dry goods, &c, Market square.
square. Orton, Dr. Henry, physician and surgeon.
Grigor, Rev. Colin, Church of England. Palmer, Rev. A, Church of England, Rector.
Griffin, Rev. J., Wesleyan Methodist. Powell, W. D., judge of the county court, York
Grange, G. J., sheriff Waterloo county, Waterloo Road.
Road. Presence, J., flour mills.
Guelph Advertiser, weekly, G. M. Keeling pub- Quinlan, T., & Co., boots and shoes, Wyndham
lisher, Market square. st.
Guelph Herald, weekly, George Pirrie, publisher, Richardson, William, general store, Market
Market square. square.
Hall, H. J., grocer, Market square. Robinson & Watt, ironfounders.