Page 151 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
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160                          MONTREAL.

         John Lewis, president;  Samuel Burland, vice-president;  John McPherson, corresponding
             secretary ;  William P.  Cantwell, secretary ;  W.  dimming, treasurer.
         DIRECTORS—T. W.  Ritchie, Robert  Morris, M. Baxter, T.  Galbraith, Richard Thornai,
             W.  W.  Stuart, J.  C. Baker, A. W.  Atwater,  S. Lester  Taylor, E.  G.  Smith.
         HONORARY  DIRECTORS—John,  Young, John  Leeming,  Hon.  George  Moffatt,  L. H.
             Holton.  H. Kollmeyer,  superintendent.
                            Rooms, No. 33, Great  St. James street.
                                  MECHANICS'  INSTITUTE.
         OFFICE-BEARERS,  1851—Dr.  Bernard, president;  Hector Munro,  1st vice-president;
             Henry  Bulmer,  2nd  vice-president;  C.  W.  Meakins, 3rd  vice-president;  A.
             Ramsay, 4th  vice-president;  J.  Fletcher, corresponding  secretary ;  James  Hayes,
             recording  secretary;  J.  A.  B.  McGill,  treasurer;  Daniel  Cary,  librarian  and
             cabinet-keeper;  J.  H.  Richardson, superintendent.
                              Rooms, 46  Great  St. James  street.
                                NATURAL  HISTORY SOCIETY.
          John  Ostell, president;  T. J.  Hunt,  1st vice-president;  J. H.  Joseph, 2nd vice-presi-
             dent;  Rev.  A.  de  Sola, 3rd  vice-president;  Dr.  Peltier,  recording  secretary j
             Romeo Stephens,corresponding  secretary:  A. La  Rocque, treasurer;  Dr.  George
             D.  Gibb, librarian.
                            Rooms, No.  10, Little  St. James  Street.
                                  CANADIAN  INSTITUTE.
          J.  B.  E.  Dorion,  president;  A.  Tellier,  1st  vice-president;  M.  Desnoyers, 2d, vic»-
             president;  W.  Marchand,  recording  secretary ;  M.  Emery,  assistant  secretary;
             G.  Papineau,  corresponding  secretary;  P.  Blanchet,  treasurer;  G. B. Berub£,
             librarian ;  J.  E. Ferte, assistant librarian.  Rooms, Place  d'Armes.
                             UNIVERSITY  OF  McGILL  COLLEGE.
         OFFICERS  OX THE  UNIVERSITY  AND COLLEGE.—E. A.  Meredith, L.  L. B., principal;
             Rev. W. T. Leach, D. C. L., vice-principal  and  professor  of divinity; Rev. W. T.
             Leach, D.  C. L.,  professor  of classical  literature;  W.  Andrew, M. A.,  professor
             of  mathematics  and  natural  philosophy;  Hon. W.  Badgley,  law  lecturer;  Rev.
             J.  Abbott, A.  M., lecturer on history  and geography ; T. Guerin, lecturer  on m.athe-
             matics, &c;  L.  DeMontier,  lecturer  on  French  literature  and  language;  A, F.
             Holmes,  M  D,,  professor  of  medicine;  G. W.  Campbell,  M.  D.,  lecturer  on
             surgery;  A. Hall,  M. D.,  lecturer  on  materia  medica;  M.  M'Culloch,  M. T).,
             lecturer-  on  midwifery  and  diseases  of women  and  children;  J.  Crawford  M. D.,
             lecturer  on clinical  medicine  and surgery ;  S,  C. Sewell, M. D., lecturer on clinical
             medicine  and  surgery;  W.  E.  Scott, M. D.,  lecturer  on  forensic  medicine ;  W.
             Fraser, M. D., lecturer  on institutes of medicine; W. Wright, M. D. demonstrator of
             anatomy;  O. T.  Bruneau, M, D.  lecturer  on  anatomy;  W.  Sutherland, M. D.,
             lecturer  on chemistry ; Rev. J.  Abbott, M. A., bursar  and  secretary.
                           The  University  Terms  are  as follows;—
         Michaelmas term  begins on the first Wednesday  in  September and ends  30th  December.
         Lent term  begins  on  the Wednesday  nearest  7th January,  and  ends  Saturday  before
             Palm  Sunday.  Easter term  begins on the  Wednesday  after  Easter  Sunday, and
             ends on the  day after  the  Commencement  Day, which is always the third Wednes-
             day  in  June.  The  winter  course  of  lectures  by  the  medical  faculty  of  this
             college  commences  annually  on the first Monday  of  November, and  terminates in
             the last week  of April.
                               HIGH  SCHOOL  OF  MONTREAL.
                                       Belmont  street,
         D.  Davidson, treasurer;  H.  Ramsay, honorary secretary ;  H.  A, Howe, rector; T. A.
             Gibson, second master;  M. DeMontier, French master;  Mr. Rodger, writing mas-
             ter;  Mr. Follenua, music master;  Rev. Mr. Hutchinson, preparatory  and drawing
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