Page 66 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 66
- R47-JOURNE&UX--0alorer E J., 1933-1975.
A38--Willie PAYSANT. born 2nd April,
1877. died 27th Mar., 1878. Beloved wife of Alexander 5.0.. 1934..
A39-OUNN--Born Sarah PAYSANT, Mar. 1'3, A48-WEBSTER--In loving memory of Aaron
Wertboro, died Feb. 8. 1972, in UEBSTER, Sept. 21, 1858-Nav. 22. 1940.
Ottawa. His wife, Ellen TAYLOR, 1862-1944.
Gone but ~t forgotten. (Todard 6
Bigrar. Ottawa)
A49-POUELL--In lovinqmemrry of Catherine
A40--In memory of John BIRCH, died June
- POWELL, wife of Robert E. POYELL, died
26, 1'306, aged 64 years. 22 Apr., 1911, aged 56 yrr.
Ueep not he is not dead but rleepeth. Gone but not forgotten.
Irene 0. POWELL, vife of R.S. COOK,
A41--Parting we meet in Heaven. In mem- Mar. 21. 1889-No". 7, 1'339.
Ti of Eliza Mary HALL, the beloved wife
of John BIRCH, died 5th Hay, 1873, aged /\50-TIGHE--In loving memory of Gertrude
29 years. 9 rnonthes (sic) h 22 days.
E. ARSENAULT, 189'3.1'355. Yife of George
01 Death. *here is thy sting. 0: Grave E. TIGHE, 1894-1'365.
where is thy victory. (P.A. Taylor. Jr..
OttdMd) A51--Sacred to the memory of Phinehas
MULYAGH, who departed this liFe, March
A42--Sacred to the memory af John 28th, 1849, aged 6 months and 15 days.
mIMAN, who was accidentally drowned Also, to the memory of Robert MULYhGH,
at Black Rapidr on the 28 Hay. 1853. who departed this life, Jan. 5th, 1854,
aged 11 years. &lro to the memory Of
aged 1 year and 15 days.
Robert THYNNE (brother-in-la* ta the
above), Lock-master at Black Rapids Who A52--Sacred to the #memory of Anne, vife
was accidentally drowned at that place XJarner HOGG, died 25th May, 1873, AE
on the 16 July. 1853. aged 46 years. 5'3 years.
(J: Rowat)
A53--Bordered by C. (CLOU in plot plan)
A43-POLLOCK--James POLLOCK, died )lay 31.
-- No monument erected.
1853, aged 82 yrr. His heloved wife.
Isilbella KNOX, died Oct. 8, 1851, aqed A54--Harry 8. HAUKINS, 1889-1'373
71 yrs. --
Stephen Jehiel, son of S. 6 J. COLLINS, A55--In memory of Anna Fern, beloved
died bug. 5, 1867, aged 15 yrs. daughter of Harry HAUKINS and Harriet
BOYCE, 1'310-1940. Harriet BOYCL. wife
A44--Sacred to the memory of James
-- of Harry 8. HAUKINS, 18'31-1952.
HcFARLANE, died May 10, 1850, aged 46 "Asleep till we meet again"
years. (Hills, Ottam) (we P40)
ASK--Violet M. HAUKINS, 18'37-1976.
A4S--(lying flat) Robert Urn. SHEPHERD,
m5-1'373, beloved son of John and Lois. A57-FROST--In loving niernory of John
-87-1978 Husband of Nelly
A46-TAYLOR--In memory of Henrietta UEBSTER. Edna May FROST, 1'312-1932
TRAVELLER, vife of W.F. TAYLOR, died Rose Elizabeth FROST. 1'319-1'338.
Mar. '3, 1912, aged 67 yrs. U.F. TAYLOR, "Until the daybreak"
dled Jan. 3. 1'313. aged 71 yrs.. h mths. Odd I'ailowa eyvboi.
Richard C.O. TAYLOR, died Mar. 12, 1912,
aged 32 yrs. A58-SALMON--In memory of Julia UINDSOR,
vife of Joseph SALMON, born May 22, 1844.
Albert TAYLOR, aged 10 mths. (Laurin 8 dled Oct. 1, 1'332. Joseph SALMON. 1859-
son, Ottawa)
1'343. Their son. William J.. born ***