Page 65 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 65
A22-(contd) sorrows heal. Yet again we A3O-LEWIS--ilying flrtl Irabella BATTY,
&e to meet there, When the day of life 1886-196:. Wife of John W. LEWIS.
is fled. And I" Heaven vith jay to greet
thee, Where no farevell tears are shed. A31-WHITE--In memory of Thomas WHITE,
Oec. 24, 1832-Aug. 20, 1911. His rife,
In memory of Eliza J. HULYAGH, beloved
wife of Alexr. NELSON, died Jan. 28. Sarah OLMSTED. .June 27. 1R40-ner. R.
1899. aged 47 yrr.
My Heavenly hwne is high and fair, no In memory of daughter, Sarah Adeline,
pain nor death can enter there. Nov. 30, 1870-Rug. 21, 1952. Harriet
Maria. June 22, 1873-Nov. 8, 1958.
A23-YOUNG--In loving memory of Williarl
DTiTiT YOUNG, 1900-lg7O. Husband of In memory of infants. Abraham W.. aged
Marjorie G. PROPER. 4 yrs. John C., aged 10 mos. Lily A.
WHITE. Oct. 8, 1884-Feb. 17, 1971
A24-YOilNG--In loving memory of Margaret
---- A32-OLMSTED--1" memory of Solomon 5.
JOHNSTOti, wife of Robert YOUEIG, 1R8O-
1960. Kenneth YOUNG. 1914-1932. OLMSTED. died Dec. 22. 1900. aaed 67 vrs.
His wife, Mary Ann HAUKINS, diid sept: 7.
AZS-YDUNG--William 1. YOUNG, died July 1897, aged 53 yrs. Son, urn. H. OLRSTEO,
23, 1936, aged 62 yrs. His rife, Emily died Har. 14, 1916. in his 49th year.
LLOYD, died Sevt. 9. 1967, aged 94 yrr.
Elizabeth Ida. died June 27. 1912, aged ASS-POWELL--RiLhard POUELL, died July 7,
1900, AE 56 yrr.
Nearer sv God to Thee.
A26-ROOSON--In loving memory of James Our babies, Millie, died 1881, AE 11 dys.
ROBSON. died 30 June. 1911, in his nlrt Lizzie. died 1882, AE 7 wks.
year His uife. Elizabeth PARKS, died
11 .Jan.. 1875. aged 40 yrs. Their son, Anne PR109, beloved rife of Richard ROE,
John. died in Duluth, Ninn., I1 July, died 13. 1888, AE 76 yrr.
1901, aged 30 yrs. Their son, Thomas, (A.K. Mills L Son, Ottawa]
died in Salinar, Calif.. 30 July, 1933,
aged 65 yrr. @--Jolln Alex'r, son of Wm. S Dorannah
Death is eternal life. Why should ue POWELL. (died) Jan. 4, 187O? ire=t under-
-- A35--RuLui, son of Robert & Elizabeth
- .-
W7-ROBSON--In loving memory of Thomas
ROBSON. son of J. L i. ROBSON, died at T,"'I.Ea, died March 10, 1867(1862?), AE
Salinar. Cal.. I1,S.A.. 30 Julv. 1933. 13 vrs. 7(2?1 ms.
aged 65yrr ?dried friends; again may meet, From the
toils of nature free, Crowned with mercy
0 how sweet will eternal friendship be.
A28-WHITE--John WHITE, died Avg. 30,
1897. aged 61 yrr. Sarah Ann McAHMOND,
wife of .!oh" WHITE, died June 19. 1898, A36-TAYLOR--Robert TAILOR, died Sept. 18,
aged 57 yrs. 1886, aqed 81 yr;. Elizabeth BIRTCH,
Only gone before. wife of Robert TAYLOR, died Rug. 30, 1893,
aqed 83 vrr. Annie HATCH, wife of R.B.
Sarah A. WHITE, died Nov. I. 1877, aged T~YLOR, died May 18, 1901, aged 61 yrr
10 nos. John W. WHITE, died Hay 27,
1880, aged 16 yrr. I 6 mor. -
A37--(lylnp Flar! In memory of Roger
WILTON born in Co. Cavan, Ireland, died
AZQ-BARTON--(lying flat) Christine, 1887- Feb. 9, 1883, aged 90 years.
1970. Norman, 1886-1 962. The winter of trouble is past, The storms
Together forever. of life are oer. His struggle is ended at
last, .... and death are no more.
iMills, Ottawa)