Page 62 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 62

                            The  following  are  inicriptionr  tranrcribed  from  monuments  in the  three  cemeter-
                         ies.  The  inscriptions  in the  Rnglican  cemetery  appear  with  the  letter  "A  preceding
                         the  stone  number.   The  United  cemetery  inscriptions  are  denoted  by  the  letter  "I)",
                         and  stones  in the  large  privately-operated  Merivale  Cemetery  by  the  letter  "P".
                            The  inrcriptions  appear  (nore  or  less  as  they  appeared  on  the  stones.  If  a
                         stone  Was  laid horizontally  or  was  imbedded  that way  to  begin  with,  the  inscription
                         is  preceded  by  the  words  (lying  flar).  Several  small  footstones  bearing  infornlation
                         that  supplements  a  larger monument  are  recorded  together.   These  usually  open  uith a
                         remark  that  they  are  (lying  flat  at  foot  01 A??).  Small  footstones  bearing  litrle
                         infamatian  rave  a  Christian name are  not  included.
                            A  space  between  lines  in this  recording  denotes  thatthere  are  inscriptions  on
                         more  than  one face of  the  stone.  Some  of  the  obelisk-type  monuments  have  information
                         on  all  four  sides.
                            Stonecutters'  names  are  recorded  within  brackets  at  the  end  of  the  inscriptions.
                        The  italicized  inscriptions  refer  to ruggestianr  of membership  in fraternal  or  other
                         associations.   Mort  past  rnenlberr  of  the  Orange  Drder  are  indicated  by  the  annual
                         appearance  of  Union  Jacks  uith name  tags.  The  doves  of  the  Rebekahs  and  the   triple^
                         ringed emblem  of  the  Odd  Fellows  can  also  be  found  at the  Merivale cemeteries.
                         Some  stones  also  bear  the  ryn!bol  of  the Masonic  Order.  There  is an  index  to  the
                         stones  with  such  l~rkingr towards  the  Dac!:  of  this  book.
                            10  locate the  appraxinlots  llcation of  stoner  in the  cemeteries  you  nlbit  refer
                         to  the  map  which  faces  this  page.   The  cpmetery  was  recorded  in rows.   Those  rows
                         north of  the  main  corridor  between  the  Rnglican  and  private  sections  run  parallel
                         to Merivale Road  and  were  recorded  in a  northerly  direction  or  towards  the  United
                         Church.   The  short  rows  south  of  this  corridor are  also  parallel  ta  Hevivale  Road
                         but were  recorded  in the  opposite  direction.
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