Page 64 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 64

Al2-(contd)  George  Samuel,  1887-1942,   Helen  Janet  ROSS.  1872-1950
                        Rir  wife.  Alice  Harriett  BRAY.  1890-1967.   oro.  Lbvrd  MOVAP?  is;,.)
                        A13--(lying  flat)  Memoria.
                        -                     John  BELL,   Al9-RIVlNGTY--Sacred  to the  rnemry  of
                        died  at  Nepean,  24th  Oec.,  A.D.1847,   in   Ellen  Jane  YOUNG,  wife  of  Richard
                        the  51st  year  of  his  age.     RIVINGTON,  died  July  21.  1876,  aged  35
                        A14-McAMMONO--Albert   E.  McWMONO,  1879-   Take  comfort  Christians.  when  your
                        1925.   His  wife,  Jessie  WEGHT.  1877-1948.   friends  in Jesus  fall  asleep.
                                                           Richard  RIVINGTON,  died  Feb.  14,  1907,
                        A15-McAMMONO--In  loving menary  of
                        --                                 in his  74th  year.
                        Barbara  SHILLINGTON,  wlfe  of  John   I am  the  resurrection  and  the  life.  He
                        WcWMlNO,  brn  Feb'y  9,  1846,  died   that  believeth  in Me  thoush  he  were  dead
                        Sept.  20,  1906.                  yet  shall  he  live.
                        Asleep  in Jesus.
                                                           George  Freeman  RIVINGTON,  died  Jan.  18,
                                                           1933,  in his  53rd  year.
                        A16-SHILLINGTb--Thomas   SHILLINGTON.
                        died  Mar.  2,  1913,  aged  71  y'rr.  &  5 mor   Also  R.T.  Hillyard  RIVINGTON,  eldest  son
                        His  beloved  rife,  Elizabeth  H.E.  TRYLOR,   of Richard  6  Ellen  Jane  RIVINGTON,  died
                        hrn July  26,  1842,  died  Jan.  11.  1916.   Apr.  5,  1886,  aged  24  yrs.
                        Rt.  Wor. Kt.  Camp. X.  .9HIPM411  of Clerq   In early manhood  called  away.  His  morn-
                        L.O.L.   and R.S.C.  D.s.c.i?l  10'7.   ing sun vent  down  at noon.
                                                           AZO-HILL--In  mrnoriam.   William  HILL,
                        Barbara  A,.  born  Nov.  26.  1870.  died   died  June  18,  1911,  aged  76  y'rs.  g  7
                        Oct.  2,  1860.   Thomas  G.;   bornsept.  29,   nos.'  Catherine  COILES.  wife  of William
                        1874,  died Oct.  21,  1880.   Elizabeth M.E.
                        wife  of Gw~ge SHIPMAN,  bm Dec.  6.   HILL,  died  Oec.  23,  1969,  aged  77  Y'rs.
                                                           He  giveth  His  beloved  sleep.
                        1865.  died  Mar.  19.  1891.   Son  b  dauoh-
                        ters  of Thanas  b  Eiizabeth SHILLINGT~N   In memory  of Ym.  HILL,  died  1848,  aged
                        (U.  Campbell,  Uinchester)        73  yrr.
                        John  W.  SHILLINGTON,  born  Mar.  31.  1864.   A21--1"  rnemry  of  Phebe  A.J.,  daughter
                        died  June  2,  1929.   In loving memory  of   FA.  6  E.J.  NELSON,  died  21  Apr.,  1887,
                        Fred  SHILLINGTON,  beloved  husband  of   AE  3  yrs.
                        Mamie  LAURIE,  brn  1881,  died  1945,  and   A  little flower  of lave,  That  blosrarned
                        his  beloved  wife,  Mamie  I.J.  LAURIE,   but  to  die,  Transplanted  now  above.  To
                        hrn 1881,  died  1961.
                                                           bloom  with  God  an  high.
                        Ethel  E.J.  WALLACE,  beloved  wife  of
                                                           In memory  of Wllliam  Herbert,  son  of A.
                        Y.J.H.   SHILLINGTON,  died  No".  lrt,  1910.   1  E.  NELSON.  died  17  Sept.,  1879.  AE  4
                        Urn.  J.H.  SHILLINGTON.  brn  Mar.  27.  1876,   mos.
                        died  Oec.  11.  1934.   Edith  M.  MORRIS,   This  lovely  bud  ra  young  b  fair,  Called
                        beloved  wife of W.J.H.  SHILLINGTON,  died   home  by  early  doom,  Just  came  ta  rhar
                        Mar.  30,  1947.
                                                           how  sweet  a  flower,  in Paradlre  *ill
                                                           A22-NELSON--lo  mermry  of  Alex?.  NELSON.
                        Al8-MOWAT--William  MOUAT,  died  No".  5.   In memory  of Eliza  SHILLINGTON.  beloved
                        1872,  aged  41  years.   And  his wife.   wife of Alexander  NELSON.  died  7  January.
                        Annie  LONG,  died  Aug.  3,  1906,  aged  71   1881,  aped  33  yearr
                        years.                             ~earert-motherthou hart  left us,  And
                                                           thy  loss  we  deeply  feel.  But  'ti5  God
                        David  A.  MOUAT.  1872-1935.   His  wife.   that  hath  bereft  us.  He  can  all  our  *.+
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