Page 54 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 54
18 July 1900 Mabel 1. OALEY, b. Mechanicsville. age 1
I7 Oct. 1400 Sara Jane BURGESS, wife, b. Can, pblmonary phithesis?, age 29
30 OK 1901 Lyla Marion YOUNG, b. Hintonbbrg, consusption, oge 5 (A5g)
I1 Jan 1902 Hdtildd KIRKPATRICK, b. Ire, conrunlption, age 16 (A154)
Z July 1902 iidd "Sordh'' COUGIILIN, b. Hintonburg, consumption, age 4
lil July 1902 Richard F. COUWLIN, b. Hintonburg, scarlet fever, age 9
27 Oct 1902 Margaret CLARK, widow, b. Nepean, old age, age RO (P67)
1 OPC 1402 Herry COUAh, b. Ottawa, drowned, age 6 (P68)
17 Mir 1903 Joseph O'NtlL, labourer, b. Uestboro, appendicitis, age 38 (P282)
19 Mar 1'103 Violet Iva KERRIGAN, h. Hintonburg, tuberculosis, age 7
71 July 1903 Lilidn Emaline MILLAR, father-CPR enlplayee, b. Ottawa East, rumer
complaint, age 4 ntos.
28 Aug 1905 Yi!lie FISHER, b. tny, convulsions, age 1
7 Sep 1906 Violet Marion MIOOLETON, b. Britannia, branchitir & enteritis, age 1
29 July 1908 Fanny CLARK, wife. b. Broctville, addison's disease, age 49 (P70)
7R Jail 1909 Charles Richard PETTIT, gardener, b. Berkrhire, Eng, old age,
age 80 (A10)
Alice SMEDLEY, b. Oerbysllire, Eng, valvular disease of the heart,
age 19 (R142)
22 Rug 1909 Catherine SPARKS, b. Fitrroy, age 55 iA9)
2 Sep I909 Isahella C4RRIGAN. b. Nepean, age 36
2 Sep 1909 Margaret lrabella CARRIGAN, b. Ottawa, aye 5 days
24 Oec 1909 --- COUAN (not baptized), b. Ottawa, age 12 hours
7 apr islo Alice Muriel STANDING, b. Ottawa, pneunnnia, aqe I4 montlls (A138?:
21 July 1911 George Albert STANDING, b. Ottawa, age 7 lnonthr
12 1911 Hillism Ray FOSTER, b. Ottav- age 8 monthr
13 Lug 1911 Cecil Alvin FOSTER, b. Ottawa, age 9 mnthq (A151)
28 \lune 1912 Clizabeth Ida Young, b. Ottawa, age 5 (A251
29 Junc 1912 Oaisy Clara RARTOI, h. Ottawa, age 3 weeks
10 llav 1912 James BYERS, b. Dauglar, Ont., cancer, age 65 iP284)
28 .Jan 1913 Jams HEA;HERTON, b. Ire, age 83 :P61)
7 Auy 1913 Beatrice Nargdret l~dbelld LEWIS, b. OttdWd, age 9 rrlOtllh5
8 r\pr 1914 Sarah (Cawan) MILLS. b. Ottawa, age 34
9 lrme 1911 Harry BATH. b. Eng. age 33
3 duly 1914 Hilda Mary GAMBLE. b. Eng, age 10
24 July 1913 Uillidln Alexander McOONALO-LOCHART, b. Ottawa, diphtheria,
age 8 yrs. 2 days (P296)
Mary FOSTER, age 63 (A1511)