Page 38 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 38

                    ZW6--Grey  Stone:                                ZW1--Grey  Stone:
                    LATfiTILLE                           - -         BüTIh'EAU
                    Edward  Latanville  -  -.                        in memory  of
                    1877-1925                            . -        Neleon  E.  Butineau
                    his  beloved  wife                               1923-1954
                    Josephine  Contois                               beloved  husbsrd  of
                    1875-1957                                        Fern  Xelanie  Xicher
                    Herman  J.  Latanville  .                        "net  my  will  but  Thine  be  dons
                    1918-                                            Luke  22-42"
                    his  beloved  wife
                    Janet Pa teneude                                 ml--Grey  Stone :
                    1920-                                            ARBOUR
                                ---                                  1877-1932
                    infant  son  Joseph  died  1960                  Joseph  krbour

                    2W5--Grey  Stone wi th  Croes:                   hi8  wife
                    BEARDSALL                                        Mary  Messiootts
                    Henry  A.  Beardsall                             1877-1931
                                ---                                  1916-1927        *
                    1869-1925                                        a  son - Maurice
                    2W4--Grey  Stone:           - - -                           ---
                    EDGkB                               - -          3W8--Grey  Stone wi th  Cross:
                    Jacob  Edgar                                     UTMILLE
                    1882-1948                                        Clode  Latanrille                           (XI
                    beloved  husband  of           .                 died  Feb.  27,  1911-agsd  78  yrs.
                    Annie  Simnett                                   Sarah Murphy
                    1891-1961                                       rife of  Clode  Latanville
                    their  daughter                                  died  Jan.  21,  1907-aged  72.yrs.
                    Madsline  Edgar                                  Estelle                                     (W)
                                -- -                                 1867-1949
                    1918-1923                ,                       Horning
                    2W3--Raisad  Grey  Stone.Plaque:                wife  of                             . . .~
                    FEEHXUY                                          Thomas  Lstanville
                    John  Feeheley                                   1881-1969
                    1866-1925       .   -                           Killie Wilson                                (El
                    his wife                                        wife  of
                    Bridget McCerthy  .                              Thos.  Letbnville
                                ---            ---                              ---
                    me-1943                                          1896-1918
                    2W2--Raised  Grey  Ground  Plaque:               3W6--Grey  Stone:                . .
                    TYRRELL                                         MCINNIS
                   .ln memory  of           -                       Mary  Theresa  Howard                       (NI
                    Mar7.E.  Couture                                 1914-1948
                    1895-1950                       .. .             wife  of
                    beloved  wife  of                                Stuart LlcImis                              .,,
                    Michael  Tyrrell  .           <..  .
                                ---                                  Jerome  Howard                             (s
                    1880-1963                        ,    .          "requiescant  in pscew
                    2W1--Grey  S tooe :                              1851-1966
                    THUBLAY                   .  .                   beloved  husband  of
                    in memory  of                                    Kary  St.  Peter
                    AgneS  M.  USPEhkhTCE
                    1886-1954                                                   ---  .
                    beloved  wife  of                                                                     ...
                    Roy  Tremblay                                                                           . . .
                              - - -                                            ...
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