Page 37 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 37
1$:--~6ised Grey Stcne a5 --Fus-U? VbüiT
Pl~que: ---
UCIWXttD 38-- Hi@ Grey Store with Crcss:
C~rcline Fi. Willette S3ik.U GHKh5 SY
1503-1566 in melrory of
beloved wife of Cohfi Shhu&Ifiessy
Hnrold C. Eowerd died hpr. 23, 1896 ,
19C1-1967 efeC 64 yeers
"love your childrenw. - and his wife
--- Cath6ritie
1W3--Red Stone with Cross: dis6 kug. 22, 18e3
SD.FSOI\: aged 51 years
wreg~ieacant in pacew - Uigh Grey Grnfiite Stofie with Cross:
John Lillies Simpson (S) Thomes Nottinghaffi -
June 9, 1566-Iiov. 9, 1929 1864-1937
CE therine J-mes Haley hie wife
his beloved wife Kar~aret Ca~llle Shsughnessy
Kov. 25, 1867-Lar. 16, 1935 1868-1954
Francis Fi. Simpscn - ~
Nov. 18, 18G9-Uar. 14, 1962 %7--?igh Grey Stcne with Cross:
Acgela C. Simpson CM'C?:ri Eh
June 21, 18S7-Sept. 22, 1670 Sesaire
kgnes C. 1561-1972 j$ . Carienter
Ked Stone Ground Plaque: died Feb. 26, 1504
#Agnes Catherine (U.') aped 67 ysars
.Dec. 31, 1901-July 31, 1572 Famy EVûriS
deer daughter of hia wife
--- eged 55 years
J0.h L. & Cetherine SEFSOK died July 21, 1899
1Ur2--Grey Stone with Cross: Louis A.
DESWU their son
Joseph Belille (L) killed by srplosicn
died et Seult St. Csrie, Xich.-
Dec. 15, 1895 Kov. 26, 1900
a&d ~ge yrs.
16 yeers wrequiescapt in pacew
& 3 nos. - Hi@ Grey and Bl6ck Stone with Cross:
Yreq.. . . "rest in pescew
Justin6 (NI Steven CMLKTEh (K
wife of died tzov. 26, 19G8, afed 44 yrs.
David Deshau Ebria KcDoncell wife 0f.S. J.Ctrperter
d le6 Aug. 25, 1862, July 7, 1907
Feb. 11, 18f6 . Florence (E)
aged 55 years Sept. 13, 1895
-requiescant in Face" Oct. 5, 1895 .
1W1--Grey Stone: Sept. 29, 189%
LAIDUW Jan. 28, 1907
V:illie ---
died June 13, 1859
aeed 1 yr. 4 mos. ~ .
but let our F~ther's will be done
-- -
He shines in endless... u