Page 228 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 228

             St.  Ti>nmns An-liczn  Ch1rc.h  Cerwtrry
             ncat,h  !'trt.iccs  f.  0bj.tuaries
             -rr 74                                d JAL
                  !.ll:4rlRt:OK,  Thrl~t~a Miss          CATIICART,  1law:lrd  H.       {.f,Rlrs,  Thoq. l11II 01 ~:~ltii'll~l~
             In  hoi~ilal on  hlonday.  Oclollcr  13.   In  hospital  in  Toronto  on  Tucsdy.   r[y.<?i,>,~([ \w,,r11  <ll tl1C  ,l,,:,111   us 111,r
                                                                                                          ~ ?\lg.i':t:rr[,y
             1715,  1~Lclrna  Scabrook  of  R.  R.  3   March  9,  1976.  tloivard  Cathc:~rt, .age   I  ~  ~  ~  ~  I  Rol>crt   ~  ~  .
            Sti~sill in  her  ihth  year.  Bclovcd   82  ywrs;  bclovcd  husband  of  Eli?:rbeth   fl~~;tI~~,. l$;!,ttry, S,iultl l).~kota.
            daughter  <of  !he  late  Ix~bclla and  C~rle-   Rca.  dear  farltcr  of  Elmer.  Stillrville;   i~t1ir.h orrtlrrcrl  on R101:il:iv.  .JIIIIC>
             ton  Sc:~!~i,ok. Dcar  sislcr  of  Mildrcd   hicrrill,  Toronto;  Mrs.  H.  K.  Miltson   IS. .111,%r An  illness of :I  ic\v wrcks.
            and  Alnlcric  both  at  horne;  Harry   (Doris),  Toronto.  and  Rca.  Kinzston:   Ili~ccased sras  a  son  or  tlle  Isle
            (<icrsh~~~n Pctcrbo;ough.  Prcdcccascd   also  survived  by  16  gra:~dc!iildrcn.  I   nlr,  and  hlrs.  Joltn  Hc;iley.  and
            by  Ed@r  n;,d  p  .  Funeral  rcniic   grcat-grandchild;  brother  of  hlrs.  Wil-   was  born  at  Stanlev's  Cl1rr:crS
            was  held  OII  Tucsday  at  ?:00  P.M.  in   liam  Daxson  (Eva);  Mrs.  llcrrnan  Daw-   about  lifi  years  ago.  Ile  lived  in
            Cumnlin;i  rulicral Horne,  North  Gowcr.   son  (Gcrtrudc)  and  Mrs.  Clayton  h.lulli-   this  vici~iily until  25  ??iirs  ago.
             Inlern~eln :it. T;jomar  Cc~nctcry, S1;lnlcy   gan  (Muriel);  predeceased  by  Mrs.  Clif-   ivhcn Itc moved to llte ivrct. nhere
            Corners.  If  dc,ircd  in  ~~lcmuriam tributes   lord  Foster  (Bessie  )  and  CI:ircnce   Ile iv;is  cn,:~gcd in  farr~!i~iR. He is
            to  the  C::r;;~Jian C2ncer  Socicly  (388   Cathcart.  Resting  at  the  Tub~ltan Funer-   survi~id by one sister. ?,Its. Hill:
            51ze1.3r<:n  St.  0u:twa)  would  be  appre-   al  llomc,  403  Richmond  Rood,  at   tllrec  t~rotl~crs. 'Thomas.  of  Ban-
            ciztcd  by  !lie  i?iltily.   1.932L   Roosevelt,  after  2  p.m.  on  Thursday.   try N.D.: S3inuel  of h!ontana  and
                                                   Service  in  the  Ch~~el Friday  2  p.m.   1,ancelott  ol  St311lc>~'s CorllCrS.
                                                   Interment  St.  Tharn~s Allglican  Ccmete-   The body ins brou~tlt to tl;r  horne
                                                   ry.  Stanley's  Corners.  Those  dciiring   ol his  sister and  the  func.ra1 took
                                                   may  make  rncniorixl  du~~ations to  the   place  to  St.  Thomas'  Anglican
                                                   cllarity  of  t!leir  choice.   1929J   Chi~l-ch and  cemcterv  on  Sunday
                                                                                         afternoon. Tlic  service  was  con-
             Dies At Age  79                     ,+l JY f                                duclcd  by  the  rectos.  liev.  J. J.
                                                          GREEN,  Edith  Bcrlha          Dannrll. 'The pall bearers \vcre six
                ~aiall Jsnc  (Jennic)  Smith  df   Sudderly  \Vrdncsday.  Dcccnibcr  18.   nephcivs of the dcccn5ed. hlcssrs.
              Stiltivil:c,  Ont.,  passed  away  Fri-   1974,  t2,dith  Hcalcy,  cge  83  yc3rS.  271   GFI. Dairson. G.fiill.  F~.ed. Joltn
             day, ?:ov  12th.  19i1, a[tcr  a  lungthy   [.ockl,arl  Avc.,  beloi,cd  wife  of  the  i:lle   and  Sidnev  Healev  and  Wllliarn
             illnct-q.  S!ie  was  $9.            Rol,cri  (irccn;  and  dear  mrither  of  Xlri.   Falls:   .<?&,   j?--&   q>-J,,
               The  inrlner  Sarah  Jaitc  (Jennie)   ~thcl Hwlsy.  and  Scfton.  0tin;va;  and
             Parks,  ihe  wns  predcccascd  1,y  hcr   sydncy,  Xicli!!mnd;  sii:cr  of  Mrs.  Free-
              Ilusb~nii. illrt  SnriLIl   I   19;Q;   man  Rro;+niee  (Kathleen).  Olla\V\.a;
              also  3  wn SeIton  in  1959.       crand::~o~i:sr of  Chcryl  2nd  {Ycndy
                                                  Green.  Reitir!g  at  ihz  T,lbl~?.?n runsr~l
               Llrs  Sn~itll is  'arviircd  by  two   = ~
             sons,  F:inrr)-  .?nd  Earl  of  Stittsvi!!~,   14om;,  403  Rich~nond %-ad.  at  KO~SC-
              and  1   d:111:11tcrs,  I  s  C!iilord   veil.  Scrvicc  in  the  CF;ipcl  Sniorday,  2
             hloore  (ii~rna) Ottabva,  and  311's.   p.m.  111t~;mcnt St.  Ttkimns  hllglican
             C:~tlil::r:  :Ias;cy  (Fern)  Stitt.;rille.   Ceo~ctrry, Strnlcy's  Corners.   P867Q
             Also  >i,\ed  by  four  fistcrs,  3lrs.
             Ron:lld  Smith  (a), 3lrs  111~gt1 *"q      CATIICART.  Howard  H.                 lllc occllpation  of  farming all  '
              Dnvid><n (lnic), Ilrs.  IIarotd  Fos-   In  hospital  in  Toronto  on  Tuesdy.    his life.                1
             ter  (i.:l.:ie),  Ifsttic;  and livc  broth-   March  9.  1916.  Howard  Cathcart.  age   llc is survived by his widair,  1
              ers,  crt, Orrillc,  Lome,  Earl     82  years;  bclovcd  husband  of  Eli7~bcth   lorrnerlv  Miss  Frarlcrs  I
             and  I. Id Pa. Slic  is  survived'    Rca,  dcdr  father  of  Elmer.  Slitlsville;   Graham:  one  dnugiitcr.  .\!I-s.  1
              by  I!)  ::r:i;iclclijldren  arid  10  :rcat   hlerrill,  Toronlo;  hlrs.  I   K.  hlatson   Ed  .>TcC3ffr~'~,  Ott2~a:  j
                                                                                                                    . .
             ~anilcl:il~lrcn.                      (Doris).  Toronto,  and  Rea.  Kingston;     one  son.  I']-cd  Healev.  of  i
               RIrs  Smith  attrnJ~li St.  'Cl~o~~>as   also  survived  by  16  gra~idchildren.  I   \\'cctbnro:  one  sisler.  17rs.
             Anglic:.u  Church.                    great-grandchild;  brother  of  Mrs.  Wil-   Tliolllns tiill oi Siittzville, and
               The  runcral  was  from  Kcnncdy-   liam  Daxson  (Eva);  Mrs.  Iicrman  Dar-    Lao  brotllcrs.  Tllornas  ar,d
             Tubmnll  Fit11~ra1 HPI~E, Carp.  Ont..   son  (Gertrude)  and  Mrs.  Clayton  hlulli-   George  Hraley.  of  Ranlry.
              Sund.3~. Nor.  1   to  St.  P!!amas   gan  (Muriel);  predrce:s~.d  by  Mrs.  Clif-   North  Dakota.  His  wife  has
             hr.glic:ln  C!iurch,   !  i  c  for   ford  roster  (Rcssie  )  and  Clarence      bcrr~ confinrd IIJ  hcr rom:l  ior
             servic.!  '11   2 "1.  l:~tcril~.~~~t   Cathcarl.  Rcsling  st  thc  Tubn1:in  futler-   more tllirn fiv? nrck~ oni;~; lo
              rcri~rti,ry. S!?olcy's  Ct~?~;cl.s. Rev.   al  Home,  103  Riclllnond  Koad,  a1   a  fraclured leg rci,riceil i,;!:rn
             L.  K.  .\liKco\i.n  conducted  the   Roosevelt,  after  2  p.m.  on  Thursday:    she fell on tl:c  icc ivllil~ :lltrn-
             sc~virw                               Service  in  the  Chapcl  Friday  2  p.m.    ding to her I~ouschold ~lolicxs.
               I   .   :  were  Ronald  hloore.    Interment  St.  Thomas  Anglican  Cemcte-     The  funeral  to  St.  Th<~~:tas
             Allan  S~~lith Brian  Smith,  Bert    ry,  Stanley's  Corners.  Thusc  dcs~ring    Church on S3lur(lav :rftcrnL~an
             Sinith,  Ticlor  S::~itll  and  Gill,crt   may  make  memorial  donations  to  the   ivas largelv attc.nilcd. T11cri.r-
                                                                                                vicc was rond~~clcd llw rvc-
             b1asicy.                              charity  of their  choice.   1929J     . .   lor. Hev. .I.  J. I~:I!IIIIFII. II:!c~-
            14.'                                                     ,c  2+.  0 j- - - , - ,,,;   , was mad?  in  the ndjliin-
                     HEAI.EY,  Hhrt Eric                              Mr.  l,i~i~cclot b:alry,   onr:$ing   ccmetcrv. the pallhearers
              In  hospital.'Friday.  May  3,  1974,  Hu-             of  tlle  most  highly~rrsprrtcd  bring  hlrssrs.  Clifford
              bert  Hcaley,  aged  57.  Stittsville,  Ontario.       residents  ol  Stanlrv's   Graham.  John  Heak,v,
              Beloved  husband  of  Edith  Dol;tn;  fzther           Corners,  [li~d at  his  llutl~c  C.corgr  Stanlev.  Denril
              of  Dsn;~ld, Dorothy  Lalontaine,  Stitisv-            early  Tlll~rsdnv mrlrning  I:~st.  C.r;tli;lrn,  Everc,ll  tlenitt  and
              ille;  g::!ndflthcr  of  Stcvcn,  ~raccy and           fa!l~)rving a  KEC~'S illl~~~ss. II:imilet  .\IcC;rlIrev.  Tl~r
                                                                     8.rsulling  from  lhr  kick)  flor:al  tribotcs ycrenumrsot~s
              Robert:  brother  of  Allan.  Carp.  Resting           rrrc.ivrti  Irnm  n  horse  when   .~nd br.aut~ful. 9:-  ,7'"."-."
                                                                                                        - -
              al  the  Tubman  Funcral  Home,  403                   hr soslained several iraclurc.4           -
              Richmond  Road  at  Roosevelt.  Scrvice  in            ribs.     /14q-  /?Hz-d
              Ihc  chapcl,  Monday.  2  p.m.  Interment               Drccnscd  was a  son  of  the
             St.  Thomls'  Cemetery.  St:lnlcys  Corncrs.            late  Mr.  and  hlrs.  John
             The  f.!rnily  rcqucsts  mcn~orisls to  the             Hralcy.  and  was  born  in  tllc
             Csnadizn  Cancer  Society.   D852D                      lownvl~ip of  C.oull,oi~sn more
                                                                     lhnn 74  yrors ago and folloivcd
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