Page 224 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 224


                  A  scarch  of  the  local  Church  Zegisters  has  revealed  burials  made  in the
                  Cernrtorv  for wtlich  there  is no  memorial  which  can be  identifi~d with
                  ihscriptions  on  headstorles .

                    Christ  Church,  Ashton  (Zegister  k211;  -                                  -
                       Panney  tlassey,  Farmer' s Widow,  b.  Ireland                          lI  Pay,  1872

                       hary  Seabrooke,  age  66,  Spirster,  b.  Goulbourne                   lh July,  lYlb

                      Rlchard  Seabrooks,  :ye BL,  Exmor,  b.  kJexford,  Lreland                ti.,  1903

                    St.  John's  Anglican  Church,  Richmond  (R~gisipr 4'129)  -
                      Mary  Ann  Haman,  k4,  Farmer's  wife,  b.  .       Goulbwxn            l.4  July,  1891

                       John  Gainford  Rathwcll,  8C,  School  Teacher,  b.  Ireland            9  Sept ., 1891

                      Lila :4ay  Foley,  ,  Child,  b.  Stitt,sville                           2C  Jan.,  1892

                      Fanny  Massey,  37,  Widow,  b.  Ireland                                  1 :.;ay,  1897
                      James  HcCaffrey,  79,  Fa-mrr , b.  ~Coulbournr                         29  kov.,  1?,92

                      John  Folry,  3b,  Lahourcr                                              23  Jan.,  1395
                      Lily Ma,v  Foster,  11,  h.  Stitcsvillc                                15  %b.,  1695

                      Mary Anne  NcCaff'rey,  fi  nos.,   b.  Goulbourk~                        2  June,  18%

                      ?largaret  he hcCaffrey,  27,  b.  Goulbourn                            26  Feb.,  1097

                      William  Hall,  13                                                      16  :;far.  , 1899
                      Elizabeth Moore,  35                                                    27  Feb.,  1900

                     'Thomas  R.  Seabrook,  1 month,  b.  Goulijourn                         13 Septa, l9CO

                     'Thomas  McCaffrey,      days                                             6  July,  19c3

                     Sarah Steel,  62                                                         25  Oct.,  lYC3

                      Mary  McCaffrey,  89                                                    13 Jan.,  ' 06

                      George  Thompson,  27,  b.  Scotland                                    10  June,  19%

                      Panriy  Folev,  76  (also record~d C'lrist  Gllurch,  Fcll's
                                            Corners,  itrpistar lilb~;                        13 Oct.,  19L6

                      Catherine  Willis,  57                                                   1 Nov.,  1967
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