Page 230 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 230
, ctc.
.,r.k I r~:blE~KR 1514 'ynr~ls frorn !h? 11nu:;e. :\h111t
20 yards fi~rtl~cr :rc;lv llle The lunch1 nf ;leu Crco I
, , grt1u1111 :,l~o,.,;cil rb,icl<,~~c<, :I Rli~rrisnn a fnrlnrr hi~hlv ,
, , hlr. (Iht:~slerS;iyn!nrn_n_~rn~a-q
tl~c 8111 curiccssion of sh~~gfile \ Ll~is In:!li iirl~l resp~sclcd rcsirlc*nt nf tbe :
Gor~lbr;:r:n, near Stittsvillc. hrnst. .Uf.:i~ly :all lllc rl~,t!~ing Slittcvllle 11111~11l. KJS
~nct v;Lll: ,I l~orr~blc (1~~1th 11:)rl brw~ :.irll oil thc 1111iur- lacld I;I.;~ \\'cdnesri;~y rttcr- / '
f,:o:id.;; ,;.?~cn he was 1:orcd to ~IIII;I~<! nlnn, his lrgs :III!I ilrrlls norw tr.nin lhcr lalr r~'.sril~,nce
death by . bull. 1Ie le't the braken. a1111 llle tluily crivcrcd in Ottawa to S1:anley's
hr.uc at 8 o'clock in the with nwd and bloo,l. '['lie bull. Corl~crs, for services ill St.
. . Thomas' r\~~glici~n cl111rc11.
rno~i~ini:;~rzurri;~lrly logo loa ivhirh is four \-cars idrl ;ind
i:i'lgh!,or'; ivlicrc his col';rcut- was knorvn to iic cros?. :rlso with hurial in tl~c pnrish
!ing I:II!~ t ,$;as in nprration shon.e(I signs of I:cil~ in cc!rteterv. I
and tliis .:.;?s Iiie last srcn of Ill? stl-llgglc, as it lh;iiI Il:e rin~ Thc deceased. rvl~ose :
him i!ntil his mangled .!l~liost torn nut III its !lose. * />G Inaidcn name nas .\llgvline
rcrn:~ii!s ;it,re fonnd in tlre I Spcarman \vas \v~ll "4C Yeil.fs' nzol, Spearman. daughter oi :lie
svc~!iil:;. !living corn-culling k~ri~wn tlil-i~~~gl;oul llic rir.inity Ilcc]) syrnlvitl~y is ~XI:I~CSSC~ late Slr anil Ilrs. Jill11 Spear-
2nd t!li~,'iig o:~lfils ill opira- and was e l lihecl bv iur tl~c farnily of (lie late Illan. ivas a III~
tion 3t ;iresent it \viis cvl!ryonr, lle n.;ls n lll~~lllhcr lii~l~c~t 1~'ulcg. a.iio passed l111ti.d Ernl)ire l.oyali5t fanii-
cunI!!ni;!ii !or liim to be away ill [lazeldcnn l.i,di:c :\F. & a\\,ny last \Ved:il's!lny after- Iy. 2nd had rehi,.led in tllis ilis- :
Irorn ~CII:~ ii good deal an11 his A.M. and a11 :\nglicnn in i?oun. f!rlln\sin,~ n lengthy il- rrict arid Otlaisa hililil 1ii.r :
absence ;.!I day did not cauac rrligion . flis r~i:c prci!eceas- l~iess. i\t lhis Iurier;~l hcld nt St. rcarrinjie. alrel~ ivith hrt. I~us- i
the lan~ily ;iny anxiety. When ed tli~il some years J~O. but hc Thomns' Anglican C!~uri:h , hand \he lived at Tinl!nins 2nd :
one ct lii!; %oi!s, ii'ilbert, went is ,~urviveil by lour sons ;lnd Stn!ilcg's Comers, 011 Friday ( for several !.cars. :
;rilc~ noi?n a large curlcgc of
out to 1:i1 ilrg in the cows about 1:r.o daugl~t~rs. n;~mcly. later rzlrirning, to Otln\\,a I
fric~?ds and s\-n~y~rlrizei-s
six o'clc.\.'; in tile evening hc C:l~ar!cs. a civil engineer, (if i;I!ere s:le ha5 slnce r~iirled.
ill attc:lllance. All impressive ;
found 111~ dcad body of his New Ontario: I'rcd niid sel-vice \\,as co!idlirlrd by a Tl;e ciiicf nlourncrs \\ere
. . f:tther in (Ire lane about 1W ilarold at horne: \\;ilb~,rt. who furlncr rcctor. REV. T. H. her In15band: one son. Il'llltri-d
Ircron, of A~rrgrior. assisted Ilorrison of Olla!va: tivo :
>v '94 . - by Hcv. H. 0. llildtlcr of Bell's brothers. Jolin Speal-n~an of :
Tht!l~n:i i:?.ihrnoke of Rich. 11~r life on the farm \\-lacre she Cornrrs. Thc pallbearers Crystal Cily. and i
ol Win- i
Gcorye s;lcni:lr!an
niond p-,.,rl away in Grace \irns horn on il~c Sixth Linc of \?ere hlcssrs. I\'an Prctty, njilcg. Rlanitobo. ;~nd one !
II'i~~iitiil. 0~1. i3Ll1. 197: in her C~llrn. She 3!lcnd~d S S. !l:~r~jld l.cuis. Frid Erndlcy. ,jstcr. :liss Slira S;,c:lrtn:in.
76th year. No. 17 in Coull>o'lrn ;and llie Grurge -IIcC;II~I.~!.. 1I!(i!t1as
She ;vai ;i~r ~l:~i,ghter of the liichrnond Coiilinuation ilattingly :I!I~ CI1:rl-l~s I.e\vis. of Cjrleton Placc. flr. l~tll~Old
late Carl, lun :xi~d lsabeila S~:hool. Surviving ~~acr~lbcrs his Spmlrl1~an. of Slit:svillc :il!d
Seahrm;:kc . ;id is uurvivcd by Shc was e:rlpluyerl rr,ill~ tlie In:riily arc Slisscs I!;i~llia and Dr. \\'ilbrrt Xpearn1:ln of 01-
3 sister. Jl!ldr~d. and a Civil Service iii 0tli:wl lunt~l .Ielirie I'nlcy and l!obcrt J. t... CIA^ . .*re ncphc\\.s.
1irotili.r. 'l:::!rric. of Rich- t,cr !nuther's ill~;ras ir~ade it :-ole?'. 211 +1 75 r\ \vcnlth of flurnl tributes :
rnund nod : r brother IlCCL'hSGry !hat rlle rc!uln cram relatives. friur;ds. ;ind
Harry. of :'elcrbiirough. T:vo ho~r~e care far her^ oreanizntiur;s ,139 ~CCC~! ctl by
. .
brothtrs. r:d:ar ;,nil- Rupert For many years she
predece~.~ her. ed St. Thoinas' Church at
Fur~cral service was con- stanley corners.
rlucled by Her. <\rthur nre\ver
llic CUIIIII:.I~; I:it!;ernl I!orne The death occurred at the fticl~~nond home nf her
I I r Inlcr~ne~it dai~ghtrr of hlrs. hI:irl!,a SIcCoy, wide\.; of !he !:ik
v:as ill St . i.rd:~~:~i' .\l!g!ican \Yilli:l;n RlrCny :lnd t!lhicht da:i::!~t~,r uf tlle [ale >IT.
Cemkl?ry .it !il;inlcy Corr.i!rs. :>r!d hlrs, t\~~~lrc\r. F;~i~\!:r~c,r, l~ionswrs uf GII,,I~~OLI~II.
The pall hr.irers \ Emery 'The dcceascd was in her :!8t11 gear :ind 11;ld brcn in
Srnifh, Earl Senbrnakr, WilRie her t~sual health up to a fe~v \vecks befoic her
Scabrookc, t.:nrl Sniith and passing. Of a very quiet and unnssllini~ig manner,
Dougl:~~ S~~hrc:oke. s!ic %as very irucli il~~~~~pht (vidc circle of
l'l~clmi~ !:..:l:rc:,he jjvpd all f~iciids will il;i.i~~n lrer pnqsing. Sllf is survivid 11).
fo~lr sons .?lid !>tie d?hplrter. also six brothers :~nd
:Y &9 scveral gr.;~rdclriIdccn. 'Tlre fa:neraI \\as hi':cl Un
. .. ~.
CA TliC.4RT, Clnrrnce Saturday afternoon Irom the llonie of11er daii;i~lcr,
In boipi~al Tharjd.?y, January 30, 1975, Mrs. dam Gediles. to St Thornas' Anglican
Chrencc Ta::~c~~t. 64 )cjrr: bclovrd Church. Stanley's Corners, \\-llere the rector. Rev.
ttgsbarld ei lola S:nnwdy: dc~r fsll~i-i of J.J. Rnnncll. o!ijri:rtcd and a solo by IP~IICX~. ''!Fill
Zrucc. KI:I-ylvillc.: hIrs Tcd Rrui,il tile Circle Ti" ['nbrokun'!" ax given by ?.li?.; 1.: 51.
(FYI) ~,~n.iix: D;;i.rl?. at hr.:!?~:; Xcsbitt rvitl~ hliss I1.A. Ncsbitt nrcon~p;rni~t. 'The
Father of Tcrry and Shcrry, Brdun. :i-,i, rc~oains acre interred in the ~~rijo'ning llclery.
Chrirlopher .and hfeika Calh&rl; dear: years pgg. 22 Jan )Id
brother of lloward. hlrs. \Villiam Dnu.-
son (Eve). Mrs. Clayton Mulligan
(, (Muriel) Otl.iua; and blrs. Hcrrnnn' ..
D~uson ((;cnrudc) Richmond: prcde-
ceased by bfrr. CliIfurd 1'~ilcr (Rcssic).
Resting rl the Tubnian Funcrnl Home.
403 Richmond Rod ar Rwserell. Ser-
vice in lhc chapcl Szrurdny 2 p.m.
Interment St. Thonlas Anglican Ccmele
ry, Stanley's Corners, in lhc spring. In
lieu 41. flowers donltions to [he Oltasa
Handicappd ssocin~ion would be grent-
ly apprecia~cd. Z932Z