Page 226 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 226
St. Thomss llnnlican Chrch Cmrtery - Stanlcyls Corners
Death I'oticcs i, Obituari~s
a 53
Therr passcd awav 011 Sun-
Grhe di;lth 01 Mr. Eli Srahrooke The funeral ol the late dnv in an Oltnwa h~tsl~ital.
of Sti" :lie took place in an 01- Frederick W. Barton II~ Stiltsville An~clinr Sl1rnrm;tn. a~fr
lawa :..,..,jll~I last Friday night. n,as held last Thursdt~v altcrniion
Dccea!jr.d : 'ivrn at llunster 49 Irom his late honie to S_tJljnmI~' Grorgr >lo,-rison, in Ilrr 57th
year. The funcral \r,;ts hcld
years sgn ".~. resided there until A_n&ic&n-CChu_rc_h .~~iicn!fv:s
20 years .i&u whrn he moved to Corners. It was lnrgcl? attendrd.~ yrstcrday altrrnoon to St.
Stanley'.; Cn! rirrs. Five years ago Srrvice was conductrd by the rcc- i'homas' Anglican Chur1.11 and
he mor.itd lo Stittsville. Of late tor. Rev. J. J. Bnnnrll. The Cpm~t~ry.. Stanley's C~p.rrS.,
years he had been employed on ~allbcarers were A. Craccv. J. "LO Years go" 27 Feb 75
the Ottira~Kingstun Highway. Iie Strrle. Cro Green. W. Alrxander.
leaves a ,.\.idow and one son. Nor- and J. Bellnett. Floral ollering~
nian. The funeral was held on Sun- iilcluded the follo\ring: Mr. and
day to Sl. "I'hornas' Anglican 'Rlrs. Scabrook. Mr. and Mrs. S. t~ NI
Church. S!anley's Corners. where Foster, hlisses Jennie. Lucy and BROWN, Alfred Edaard
the service was conducted by Vera Barton. Edith and Jams 43RD. D.C.O.R.
Rev. T. H. Ivescn. The deceased Terry. Mr. and Mrs. G.T. Bowes. At the residence of his son. Kingsley
was a member of hlunster L.0.L. Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Bowes. Mr. Brown. 710 Melbourne Ave.. on Mon-
and thr membrrs attended in a and Mrs. L. Logan. Mr. and Mrs. day, August 19, 1974, Alfred Edward
body rrith representatives from E. Craig. Mr. John Dowes. Brown, age 84 years; belovcd husband of
Ashton. Stapleton. Richmond. the late Erminie Smith. Also survived by
Hazeldean and Stittsville lodges Review "&is hback"F3h his grandchildren James Brown, and
present. Interment was made in Carol (Mrs. Roben Baadcn), and 4
theadjoiliing cegutery, . , great-grsndchildren, all of .4shton. Bra-
ther of Gerald Browne, Ottawa, and
'LO Years Ago" 31 Kay 73
99 Mn. Mary Lane, of Vanier, Mrs. Hilda
O'Brien, Blossom Park. Ro:ing Fred N.
1 Garrett- Funeral Home, 584 Somerset
Mrs. T. H. Scabroolc! Wen, after Tuesday 7 P.M. Service
Dies lu 95t11 Year ( Thursday. 2 P.M. Reverend Fred Allen
* 116 officiating. Interment St, ihcmxs Angli-
Friends from a11 parts of the Ot- Stanly's corners, Ont.
IvIrs. Thom~ H. G?ahrook, the
tawa district were presrnt on Sun-. former Sarah Eli;:nbeth Roe,
day afternoon at the iuneral of, passed away quietly at Carleton
the Itte hlrs. Robert Folry. who'
Lodge on Ssturday, J:uluary 27,
'paa.;~xi away on Thursdzy. Aug. 24 \ 1968, in her 35th year.
at hrr home after a brief illness. 1.illlon hlcrov d1c.d sudilenly
I She spent most at her days in
Deceased. whose maiden name Richmond, was an active member ;I! 111s rrsidrncc on the Eighth
was Ellen Jane Brennan. of St. John's Anglian Church, ],in? or Goulbourn on
daughter of the late Air. and hlrs. and was made a life member of Novc~iiber 20. 1074. Hc is sur-
Patrick Brcnnan. pioneer settlers the W.A. on April 2211d, 1855. 1 \,ivrd hy his \rile. lhr lo!.nier
of the district. \\'as in her 74th The funeral was held from ; I'ntrici;~ Hobhs: on? di~~~~lilrr
.year and had lived 31 Ricl~rnond :Tublbman's Fnnera! Home on Tues- Rctb IlZrs. Ro<lgcr Rar-
all t,i!r life. Shc mas lovrd and day, January 30th to St. John's i ton1: and Iliree son , Ilohcrt.
respected lor ber sociable and $ Analican Chul-ch in Richmond. ' .lark and Ronnie. Iso sltr-
'charitable disposition. The The rector, Rev. A. J. Pwle, as- viving are onr hro!llrr
funeral service was eonducted by sisted by Canon J. W. R. Menkin, of T.ivrl?. Ontario and one
Rev T.H. Iveson in St. Thontas' conducted the service. sister. iir ihlrs. ili~~ril
AnElican Church. Stanley's Pallbelrers wrre six ncphews, (~r~ltl~~tli~, StiI.tsvil1~~: ;!lso
Corncrs. with bnrial in the adjoin- Wilkie Scabrook, Bert Cathcart, II!I~Pc ~r~~1~~1~11110rrt1.
ing cemetary. She \Eaves lo Ehner Seabrook, Hnrold Foster, Tllr I'1trir11 iv:ls ltcl,l on
m11, -n her passing her husband. Earl Seabrook and Rupert Sea- lond;~?. Drc. 1st fru~ti the
'one . Robcrt J.. l\vodaughters. brook. r11:lprl 21 Tubrn:~n's Fr~~~rr;il
Mia L .'.lartha and Jennie Foley. The surviving relatives are five Iiornr 1n 0ll;iw:i Sc,?viw W;IS
one :mnddaughler. Miss Rluriel dallghtsrs, %Vs. \Vilbert McLin- r.r~n!l~~rtrd Rrv. (':~non
Folv::. :~ndtliree sisters Mrs. J. ton iSte!la), Mrs. biervin WiiKln i'l;t?hc. ri~tirl- ol St. 'I'11~11it~is
Cardllt an,! SIrs. J.S McNally of , (Hazel) of Richn3,0nd: hirs. Allnn ~Iri~li~~i~n . Still~vtllc~
Ottbwa. and Alrs. Dan Cowick ol Campbell (Hilda), Mrs. James 1ril~'rnii~nl \!;is :]I SI '?'II,>III;Is'
Bells Corners. The high esteem I Rankin (Velma), of Ottawa, and .ingliv.ln ('<.lnclcy. Sl;ll~lt,y'~
in which she .was held by her Mrs. Fred Bower iEvell-n), of ['orni,t.s. -
many friends was shoupn by the Richmond. ~1so surviving are 18 Tlir p~lltrrr \vrre
wealth of floral offerings recelved grandchildren, 39 great-grand- 1 i 1 1 1 l 1 111\t11~
by the sorrowing family. The children and one great-great- M;i.ssi~y. Stt~~v\.;itI l'r;1lth.
Janlcs Bradley. Albert Jacques I grandchild. l.:ltlli,r II~~IIII~. i:l,~il s,~,,ll~,lt,,l
pallbearers were Thoinas Shore.
Interment in St. Thomas' celne-
Chnrlrs I.ewis. Jarnes Steele,
t' Sc,llc
tery, Shn1ey.s corners. -in the,
and James Neil.
''LO Pears ~gon 23 AUE 73