Page 220 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 220
87. I4cCIZJRFY - ItM" In memory of THOPIAS 96. (contl dj
H. McCfiFiFMFY died Dec. 17, 1921, (south side) 'LtLLU'i JOIN IVIiTTINGLY
,aged 79 yrs. His wife I%'iRY JFlKINSON died July 6, 1946 AF 63 yrs. (north
'died Mar. 6, 1922 aged 59 yrs. side) In memory of W~GILRFT MOORE
iit rest 1"lcCIFMEY GREY wife of Joseph Mattingly died
iiov. 6, 1910 aged 73 yrs. SMAM J.
88. N?ATHERSTOM - 246535 ?zIVbTP I.'. J. NirTINGLI' 1867 - 1938
FISATHFRSTON 2C7th Batttn, C.E.F. - Canadian'Grnite Co. Ottawa
30th March 192e f ticloved son of
The bte MI-. & iirs. Thomks ?~atherston,g7. PRnTT - FF.IOiCIS PRBTT died Mar. 8,
age 54 ~s. 1892, i;E 82 yrs. also his wife
7F ,' --qpRS"
aest in peace A ,ALL. lob: ELIZL DMON, died F6b. 8, 1892
I& 7L yrs.
89. FERTHFBSTON - WILLiMi born F'eb TI. 2, Tho, l~ost to sight, to memory
1666 died lipril 12, 1945 Dear FRATT
F!iT.WRSTOII (south side) JldE ELIZIL PRATT wife
of bliiliam Nicholson died June 12,
90. FFATHEBTON - lit Rest In memory of 1.115, age 67 yrs. (north sid8)
THOPU H. 1TATH!3RSTO?J died Aug. 31, FLLIOTT PRILTT, died igr. 23, 1893
1940 aged 72 yrs. FELTERSTOM 18.35 yrs. - JOHN PR!tl'rT died Scpt. 26,
1896 is.42 yrs.
1Y64 his wife 189C %'BY LORIJA 197C 98. 'HEALEY - EELLEY - In loving mcmorv of
Nest in pesce. L~LI~CELOTY McCIVEREY H!%LF~-born .
(footstones) FIJWR lOTHPR Iiug. 8, 1861 died kpr. 11, 1935.
(4 cornerstones) CLTHCIXT His beloved wife PRANCFS GRILHAM
32. McGUIRF - NcGUlR'7I;FOhGF C. 1647 -
1889 his wifc CEIHISTEXI. KEN!m3Y 99. SEABROOK - In loving rnemory of
18b8 - 1900 Their sons J. XILIS THOPUS HFWY SELBROOK 1668 - 19bl
1878 - 1901 J. EILTOIi, 1880 - 1911 his wife SliRAH ELIZABETH ROE 1873 -
1966 Thcir children RAYMOND 1900 -
93. LEWIS - (Open 3ible) In loving memory 1906 DOAlLs L. 1912 - 1913
of JOHN A. ?,FWIS died March l.6, 19%. "For Ever with the Lord"
ilgc 53 ~rrs & 6 mos. - his wife Ei"2,IA SFkBROOK
LORliTY 1669 - 1942 LEdIS (footstones) FATHER mTI@?
9h. SEilBROOK - S In loving memory 01' 100. KYLE - In memory of JOHN KYLP died
mFRT SFAEROOK 1893 - 1939 his wife r 1, 1. Mso his wife died
EISIF M. FTBTWRSTON me - 1964 DW. 25, 1853 KYLE
sons GEORGE k. X. 1917 - i92C
. .
ORVII 1925 - 1925 SFISROOK 101. PlcCMFftEY - (cross on top) i.icJi;FFfiEY
(ground plaque j FRANCIS HcCUFIiEY
95. STANLEY - STfiNLEY 1850 JOFlAThY,N 1847 - 1921 (nround plaque) iJIELINE
STAPTLEY 1929 his wif~ 1862 SUS/lI\l E. P.CC~FWY 1852 - 1938
102. ::IcCIFFFBY - (clasped hands, leaves,
96. MATTINGLY - In mcnory of JOSEFH drapcs, star, anchor) GEORGF
FVLTTINGLV died Oct. 12, 1897 LLE. 52 MCC~JFFRY died FFL?. 29, 1888 aged
YrS. L2 ytrs.
k father from our homc is Oilr home is sad without thee how
Gone. tIis loving hand is stilled desolate each heart,
His place is vacant in our homc (contld)
lhich nnrer can be filled.