Page 216 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 216
27. 14cCAFFilEY - iYIcCkFFRFIY - SE~~UFL 36. FXhTHBlSTON - In loving memory of
i'1cCAFFRFY 18hO - 1923 His Wifs RFBECCB THO:*!I'S FTiYTrnRSON died Feb. 2L,
i;!JSON 1838 - 1927 FRANCIS J. KcCMFREY 1883 aged 53' y1 rs.
1865 - 1869 be ye also readv, for in such an
hour as ye think not the Son of man
28. IFYtLFY - In memory of JUKI &,iLFy. difd com~th Hatt 2b:U - Ais wife,
PF~. 8, 1888. =.ged 63 years - HEIL~EY I.:ilP.V ::MN McCAFREY die4 Hay 15,
1921, aged 86 yrs. FITBTHERSTON
29. IPJiLFY - In memory of JOHNNIE, son of (small slab J.F. leaning against
1';RNCT'LOTT b Ft'liViiIR iBi!LI?Y. Died this stone)
fia:r. 21, 1897; Aged b years 8 mos.
:I dys. - HEALKY 37. 3:i.TEFXSTON - In loving memory of
PWj. ANN ETtSHtSiSlON died ~eh. 2k,
30. HP',lIRY - In memory of Jl2iF EkCiJ'2XRY 1917 aged 5E yrs. - IiXhTHERSTON
riiSe of John ealey died Nov. 3,
1.912,aged 83 years. HEALES' 38. SPWlLi,,IM - JOIiN Sk~.ARllti~ died
bug. b, 1853 a#~d 57 :ps. ;<is wife
31. !IFJ&FY - JOHN D. WXFy 1363 - 1923 ?:K?I:, CII!ZX;UIT 1832-19E
Ci3nr But >Jot Forgottpq - EilLF'i Slessed are the dcad
I.&o die in thc. Lord - SFFiJ11UiN
32. C;LTHCfIRT - (hreeping ifillow) In. memory (south side ) ELIZilRFTH SPEXI'TAW
crf I*YiRY ~'SSEY -wife of Jamcs Cathcart wife of k!m. Corbett 1861r-1887
who departed this life Aug. lsth, IGLLINGTON 1866 - 1913
1.8111 aged b2 yrs.
Ldleu, Thou household darling 39. BROWN - (clasped hands) - In
Thou hast Pass' d from life away memory of RhCHFL NCCRAC~KFN, wife
Thy dear angelic form has gone of Thomas Brown, died Oct. 11,
2'0 mingle with the clay. 1873, ag~:d 66 pls.
The saints of God from death. set
33. C;:YdCLRT - (larb) In wniory or'. frec
F'i'JINIF F. daughter of J:@:'ES & PILiRY With joy shall mount on high,
CiLTHCI;RT died Dec. 24' 1882 agcd 7 y'rs. The heavenly host with praises loud
Shall meet there in thf sky
3b. I.<i'SSFY - (NS1 on front) (on zouth side) . To gath~r in their. Father's house
Saared to the memory of FtZ,ITJTF F. :i.ESFV With joyful hearts they go
born June.lst 1875 fell asleep in the Qnd dwell forever with the Lord
Lord Apr. 9th 1890 Beyond the reach of woe.
Jesus lwer of my soul '
Let me ti thy bosom fly - lime is short ~CJ. LkCKY - Sacred to the memory of
- MSEY f,~.,LT,l'i JOmS i)g, bfloved wife of
ILvrfal G. Lacky, die:! FF~. 23, 1877
35. FI?ILTHFRSTONF. - (rose) FtFBFCCA FT.,l'h?E- aged 57 years. ii native of Hillhall
STONE died Jan 26, 1877 aged 15 years Co. idtrim, Ireland
& b months ii ~ender par~nt, icvirg heart
ti light from our household is go:le, She's gonc & left us hnre belokr
A voice we loved is still But ~3011 must, %E that ever attend
h place is vacant in our neart That called her from this world of
That never can be filled woe.