Page 215 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 215

               15.  LTlhJIS  - In wmclry  of  JOHN  LFWIS  died     21.  EDRINGTON  - Holy  Bible  (on  left page )
                    Aug.  lo,  1902  aged  76  yrs  Xis Wife            Thy Will Be  Done  -  In memory  of
                    FLLFN  LEWIS  died  April  2,  1910 aged            MIIRIME  FDRINGTON  a  native  of  Ireland
                    89 yrs.                                             died  July 30,  1875  aged  76  yrs.
                    At  rest                                            She's  gone  to worlds  abwe
                                                                        hiere  saints 'and  angels  meet
               16.  CATHCART  - JkQS  C~THCART born  Nw.  2CJ           To  realise  a  Saviourt s .L&e
                    1830, died  July 10,  1907.  .,                     And  worship  at his feet
                    'Jesus  said  I  an;  the  resurrcctiori
                    And  the  life      John  11,25.                22.  BROWN  - "Farewelltt  (hands  clasped)
                    His  wife  ANN  JP.NF  UCKEY  died  Aug.  6,        THOW EROWN  died  Apr.  ,  1891
                    ,1924 IiE  80 yrs                                   i;E 03  .yrs.
                                   CATITCART                            Our  parents  here  lie under  ground
                                                                        The  dearest  friends we  ever  found
                17.  CkTHCkRT  - FVA  mY  daughter  of  James           But  through  the  Lord's  unfounded  love
                    &  Ann  Jane  Catticart born  Kay  27,  1867        We  hope  to meet  in realms  abwc.
                    died  Mar.  12,  1.895
                    Safely safely gathered  in                      23.  HF:ALEY -  (rose) In memory  of  TWA,
                    Far  from  sorrow far from  sin                     daughter  of  Thomas  &  Fliza  Healey  died
                     God  has  saved  from weary                        Feb.  14,  1884,  aged  28  yrrs &  10 m'os.
                    Strife,  In its dawn  this  fresh                   Then  let our  sorrows  cease  to flow
                     young  life,.                                      God  has  recalled  his  own,
                                                                        But  let our  hearts  in every WOE
                18.  1IASSEY - "Jesur;"  The  rcsurrection  and         Still say-Thy  will be  done.
                     the  life - Sacr~d to the  memory  of
                    .JOHN  MASSEY  born  Sept.  12,  1806,          24.  HEALEY  -  (rose)  In memory  of  SAMUEL,
                     fell asleep  Deo.  27,  1872                       son  of  Thomas  &  Eliza  M.  Healey,  died
                     Lord,  in thy sight  shall no                      July 25,  1874 aged  15 yrs  8  mos  &
                     man  living be  ;justified                         22  d's.
                   .  (north  side) Sacred to the  memory  of            &Is  gone  from  all he  loved  on  earth
                     FRANCE  ELLARD  wife  of  John  Massey             To  Aim who  died  to save
                    .born May  3,  1805,  died Apr.  26,  1892          The  dear  one  that  we  lw'd so well
                                              6.  Taudvin               Lies  mouldering  in  th~ grave.

                19.  MORGAN -  (M) In  loving memory  of            25.  IBLLT'Y-  In memory  of  THOKA5  HFALFY
                     WILLIAM  THOMAS  MORGAN  died, Sept.  12,          died  June  2nd  1898,  aged  62  years,
                     1919 , aged  69  ps. also his wife                 ELIZ~ 1"IcAFFREY  wife  of  Thos.  Healey
                     ANN  McGUIRE  died  Jan,  15,  1922,  aged         died Dec.  30,  1915,  AE 77  FS.
                     76  yrs.                                           Gone  But  Not  Forgotten
                                                                              (north side)  J.P.  burin,  Ottawa
                20.  FPATHFRSTON - In loving  rnemory  of
                     WILLIAM  FeATHEtSTON  died  April  12,         26.  i9icCAFFRY -  (weeping  willow)  In memory
                     1915 Aged  76  yrs.  (to right)  Vu'BGIiRiRET       of  LfJiCFLOTT  McCliFFRY  died  Feb.  12,
                     TfW wife  of  Mn.  Featherston died                1861,  kZ.27  yrs.    Erected  by his  be-
                     June  10,  18%  ilged  52  yrs                     reaved  father  Thos  I*;cCaffry.
                     (south side)  TI-IOMAS  A.  died  Feb.  8,         Weep  not  for me  my parents  dear
                     1896,  aged  8  yrs.   (north side) DAVID          I am  from  trouble  free,.
                     died  Oct.  31,  lLR90  aged  18  yrs.             Remember  that  your  time  is  short
                     llFlt .(at  top  of  stone)                        And  soon to follow me
                                                                                           Flynn  & Bishop
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