Page 313 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 313

S.  CHARLEBOIS                                    Napoleon  Michaud  1867  -  1948
                       Josephine  Charlebois                             Levina  Michaud          1872  -  1954
                       d  Oct  6  1940  aged  65  yrs                    ------------
                       epouse  de                                        EhBfiNUEL  SAYER         1850  -  1935
                       Fortunat  Charlebois                              son  enouse
                       d   Feb  27  1944  aged  72  yrs                  philomene  Mailloux
                       -------------                                     1852  -  1944
                       KENNETH  STEVENS                                  Adelard  Sayer           1890  -  1970
                       1920  -  1935                                     son  epouse
                       William  H.  Stevens                              Mary  Tapp               1890  -  ----
                       1889  -  1962
                       husband  of                                       CRETE
                       Anastasia  Stevens                                Antoinette  Viau  1932  -  p967
                       1891  -  1976
                                                                         epouse  de
                       ----------- -                                     Alexandre  Crete  1913  -  1969
                       ERNEST  BERNIQUEZ                                 epoux  de
                       1893 -  1962                                      Juliette  Girard  1926  -  1948
                       epoux  de                                         -------------
                       Regina  Charlebois                                THIBEAULT
                       1892  -  1972                                     Beatrice  1927  -  1968
                       Marcel       1921  -  1935                        wife  of
                       Arthur       1929  -  1950                        Romeo  Thibeault
                       Eugene       1932  -  1972                        -------------
                       -----------------                                 DEVL IN
                       GAMACHE                                           Catherine  MacEachen
                       Anna  Lamoureux  1894  -  1956                    1869  -  1951
                       epouse  de                                        wife  of
                       Arthur  Gamache  1891 -  1953                     William  H.
                       ~.Marcei Gamache                                  Kathleen  E.  1902  -  1934
                       1913 -  1935                                      -------------
                      Agonai  Lamireux                                   SEGUIN  /  TASSE
                       1500 -  1950                                      Antoinette  Paquette
                       -------------                                     1874  -  1945
                      DAVID  LEMIEUX        1857 -  1936                 epouse  de
                       son  epouse                                       N.  Seguin
                      Marie  Matilda  Brazeau                            -------------
                       1860  -  1942                                     LAURA  BYRNE
                      Eugene  Lemieux                                    wife  of
                      1864  -  1961                                      ~hos. F.Gaul  1898  -  1935
                      Joseph  Real  Lemieux                              Arthur  F.      1925  -  1946
                       1906  -  1975                                     -------------
                           ----------                                    LE FEBVRE
                      GUNNER  EDWARD  H.  MCMILLAN                       Alphonsine  Massie
                      C.F.A.       C.E.  F.                              d  Dec  3  1948  aged  77  yrs
                      Dec  4  1935                                       epouse  de
                      -------------                                      A.P.Lefebvre
                      OSCAR  JUNEAU  1887 -  1935                        d  Nov.  17  1955  aged  83  yrs
                      --------------                                     ------------
                      DAIDA  MICHAUD  1896  -  1935                      ALEXANDRE  DESMARAIS
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