Page 309 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 309

Louis  Capillo                                    iTZINA
                      Joseph  1916  -  1949                             Leda  Gauvreau
                      :infants                                          epouse  2e
                      Augustine,  Amelia                                Omer  Vezina
                      - - - - - - - - - - - -                           d  Oct  15  1933  aged  53  yrs
                      DUPMU  /  ROCHE                                   son  epoux
                      Robert  Orrin  Duprau                             Omer  Vezina
                      b  June  17  1911 d  Nov.14  1936                 d  May  6  1944  aged  67  yrs
                      his  mother
                      Margaret  Loretta  Eitzaptrisk                    N.J.NEVINS
                      widow  of                                         b  Seut  3  1884  -  d  Oct  31  1933
                      Charles  Robert  Duprau                           O~NEILL
                      and  be  second  marriage  of                     William  J.OINeill
                      Thomas  Fortune                                   1874  -  1933
                      b  June  27  1880  d  Oct  27  1958               Philip  John  O'Neill
                      Marguerite  Loretta  Duprau                       19'24  -  1935
                      b  Oct  27  1904  d  Nov  7  1972                 Muriel  Benoit  O'Neill
                                                                        1885  -  1960
                      Wife  of                                          -------------
                      Walter  Joseph  Roche
                      -------------                                     ALICA  S.  ENRIGHT
                      POIRIER                                           1886  -  1971
                      Azilda  Godin                                     Florence  M.Lafortune
                      epouse  de                                        1894  -  1975
                      Joseph  Poirier                                   Catherine  A.  1891 -  1979
                      d  Oct  4  1925  aged  86  yrs                    --------------
                      Leont ine  Cous ineau                             GAGNON
                      1861 -  1944                                      Jean  Albert  Gagnon  1892  -  1948
                      epouse  de                                        Jeanne  Marchand            1892  -  1980
                     Joseph  Poirier  Jr.                               Henri  J.  Gagnon           1918  -  1969
                      Lucille  Alexander  née  Lalonde                  ---------- ---
                      1910 -  1969                                      LANTHIER
                      -------------                                     Solomon  Lanthier           1906  -  1980
                      ARTHUR  DUPUIS                                    epoux  de
                      1887  -  1947                                     Rosanna  Paquette           1904  -  ----
                     epoux  de                                          fille Francoise             1938  -  ----
                     Laure  Anna  Clairoux                              -------------
                     1890  -  1957                                      MICHAEL  LOFTUS  KELLY
                     Aurore  Leblond                                    1868  -  1934
                      1918  -  1981                                     his  wife
                     epouse  de                                         May  Janet  McMorran
                     Rhea1                                              1872  -  1949
                     -------------                                      -------------
                     DURHAM                                             GAUDET
                     Kevin  Thomas                                      Elizabeth  Claudia  Belisle
                     b  Oct  3  1965  d  Apr.7  1967                    1885  -  1934
                     suii  ~f                                           epouse  de
                     Christopher  and  Theresa                          Deliphat  Gaudet
                     MCANDREWS                                          1885  -  1938
                     Ellen  McAndrews                                   Roland     1910  -  1936
                     1848  -  1933                                      --------------
                     Teresa  ~c~ndrews                                  HERMINE  ROaS
                     1868  -  1962                                      1879  -  1947
                     Leo  W.  Durham  1907  -  1978                     Theodore  Martin  1894  -  1935
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