Page 317 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 317

his  wife                                          son  epouse
                     Anne  Clifton                                      Georgiana  Brune1
                     -------------                                     J.R.Furni1        1851 -  1936
                     IIDWARD  SLATTERY                                  son  epouse
                     1867  -  1935                                     Celina  Bauly  1864  -1947
                     fiusband  of                                       --------------
                     Susanne  OINeille                                 EDWARD  MEARS  1871  -  1935
                     1879  -  1940                                     husband  of
                     JamesE.       1941-  1945                         Ellen  M.  Moloughney
                     Michael  A.      1948  -  1968                    1876  -  1973
                     -------------                                     ----------- --
                     ANN  CASSIDY                                      JOHN  MAYNARD
                     1881 -  1835                                      d  Feb.  24  1935  aged  62  yrs
                     Agus  Cassidy  1882  -  1940                      his  wife
                     husband  of                                       Mary  Ann  DEE\?I
                     Myrtle  Plaxton                                   d  Sept  19  1938  aged  78yrs
                     11897  -  1971                                    ------------
                     .---- - --------                                  ALPHONSE  LACASSE
                     CHRALES  H.PHILLIPS                               1886  -  1974
                     j  March  31  1935  aged  52  yes                 son  epouse
                     ----- ------ -                                    Regina  Soubliere
                     REMI  SABOURIN                                    1886  -1975
                     1893  -  1935                                     Gilberw  1915  -1935
                     Claiic'e  Sabourin                                ------------
                     1917 -  1943
                     ------------                                      ARTHUR  CAYER  CPL  (Lance)
                     ROCKBRUNE                                         Oct  3  1957  aged  56  yrs
                     Marcelline  Lavergne                              George  Bourdeault
                     1873 -  1947                                      1929  -  1939
                    wife  of                                           Delina  Cayer  1860  -  1934
                     Thomas  Rockbrune                                 Arthur  A.  Cayer  1901 -  195'
                     --------------                                    epoux  de
                    VINCENT  LOGUE                                     Albiona  Larocque  1911  -  1967
                    d  May  13 1935  aged  34  yrs                     -------------
                     -----------                                       JOAVNISSE
                     ISIREAL  ST-AUBIN                                 David  Sincennes
                     1866  -  1925                                     epoux  de
                     son  epouse                                       Adelaide  Racine  1851 -  1935
                    Madeleine  Roiror                                  Rosina  Sincennes
                    1866 -  1950                                       epouse  de
                    Laurence  St-Aubin                                 Maglorre  Vaillant  1883  -  1935
                    1900  -  ----                                      Joseph  Joannisse
                    -------------                                      1875  -  1944

                    E.  LE0  O'CONNOR                                  son  epouse
                    1896 -  1966                                       Velia  Sincennes  1879  -  1955
                    iiis  i;ifc                                        -------------
                    M  . Laura  Cummings                               ALFRED  JA~S ZEFFERl'
                    1896  -  ----                                      husband  of
                                                                       ~~   -
                    ?.tichael  P.  1935 -  1940                        Lillian  Gertrude  Jeffery
                    Jai,,es  J.  1932  -  1935                         1879  -  1935
                    -------------                                      his  wife
                    ALBERT  BARNABY                                    Lillian  Gertrude  Je'ferv
                    B   Aug.  24  1880  -d  Feb  25  1966
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