Page 308 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 308

MELOCHE                                           LANTHIER
                     Harry  L.      1888  -  1933                      Frederick  Thomas  1871  -  1933
                     Marearet  T.  1888  -  1971                       his wife
                       th el  M.  Cavanaugh  (Barnes)                  Ellen  Bolger            1867  -  1912
                     1887  -  1962                                     ------------
                     Mary  M.  Meloche  (Ausseml                       PALMER
                                                                       Hannah  Bolger           1881 -  1947
                                                                       wife  of
                     HENRI  JO..ZNISSE                                 Ernest  W.  Palmer  1881 -  1956
                     1905 -  1977                                      Sylvester  d  1918
                     epoqx  de                                         ------------
                     Flore  Bazine  1906  -  ---                       BEATRICE  LALONDE
                     J.R.Richard        1932  -  1933                  d  Sept  1  1933  aged  29  yrs
                     -------------                                     -------------
                      R-207743  LAC                                    C.F.C.      C.C.R.     C.E.F.
                     George  L.  Lafleur                               Pte  V.H.Renaud
                     R.C.A.F.                                          1899  -  1940
                     Oct  26  1944                                     Lionel  Renaud  Pte  22  Batt,  F.E.C.
                     -------------                                     D  Sept.29  1955  aged  68  yrs
                     SG-136072                                         -------------
                     Spr.  Joseph  R.A.  LafLeur                       CUILLIERRIER
                     R.C.E.                                            Jeanne  McNicoll
                     May  18  1952                                     1901 -  1971
                     ------------                                      epouse  de
                    WILFRID  LANGLOIS                                  Palma  Cuillierrier
                     1876 -  1933                                      1899  -  1971
                     son  epouse                                       ------------
                     Sophie  Bertrand                                  CUNNINGHAM
                     1876 -  1938                                      Mary  Ward
                    Emile  Ladouceur                                   wife  of
                    1897  -  1964                                      Edward  Cunningham
                    epoux  de                                          1880  -  1933
                    Beatrice  Langlois                                 Edrmrd  1874  -  1971
                    1900 -  1973                                       Owen  Moore  1901 -  1973
                    -------------                                      --------------
                    FRED  H.  HULL                                     FELIK  BRAZEAU
                    1884 -  1933                                       1856  -  1934
                    his  wife                                          son  epouse
                    Annie  E.  Davy                                    Alma  Seguin  1869  -  1955
                      1881 -  1967
                    ------- - ------                                   Achille  Brazeau  1895  -  1938
                                                                       Fleur-Ange  Beaudry
                    SIMON  /  LANTHIER                                 1896  -  1956
                    Lours  Philippe  1921  -  1979                     epouse  de
                    Rose  Alba  Lecompte                               Willy  Brazeau  1898  -  1961
                    wife  of                                           Eugene  Sauve  1887  -  1931
                    .J. E. Simon                                       D-156254  soldat
                    b   July  17  1895 -  d  March  15 1934  Raymond  Brazeau
                    their  son                                         R.C.O.C.
                    Peter  David                                      June  26  1946
                    b  July  20  1928 -  d  Nov.2  1940                --------------
                    Madeline  Simon                                    CAPELLO
                    b  June  26  1914  -  d  Aug.28  1943             Bertha  Bonacci  1900-  1934
                                                                      wife  of
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