Page 113 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 113

Porter,  37,57,59,                                Riendeau,  6,34,
                  Portuguese ,  10,                                 Riker,  92,
                  Pothier,  32,84,                                  Riley,  47,93,
                  Potter,  10,43,78,                                Ringuette,  25,91,
                  Potvin,  48,78,84,                                Riopel,  63,
                  Poulet,  60,                                      Riopelle,  84,97,
                  Poulin,  11,43,82,                                Rioux,  37,
                  Pouliot,  70,                                     Rivet,  61,
                  Power,  49,
                  Powis,  69,                                            - -
                  Presley,  71,97,                                  ~obertson, 37 ; 57;
                  Presseau,  40,                                    Robichaud,  63,  75,
                  Prevcncal,  63,                                   Robillard,  4,28,34,60,
                  Prevost,  60,                                     Robineau,  82,
                  Price,  74,                                       Robinette.  61,
                  Prince,  16,                                      Robinson,  57,96,
                  Prindeville,  61,                                 Robitaille,  99,
                  Proulx,  7,8,24,51,60,65,67,78,81,                Rocan,  6,
                  Provost,  11,29,51,                               Roche,  69,76,
                  PrudlHomme,  5,13,17,71,                          Rocheleau,  53,
                  Quain,  54,                                       Rochon.  38,47,66,82,
                  Quenneville,  24,26,                               Rock,  90,
                  Quesnel,  26,47,                                  Rockburn,  5 5,
                  Quilty,  70,                                       Rocque,  75,
                  Cluinn,  7,  82,                                   Rodier,  71.74,75,76,
                  Quintin,  60,                                      Rodrigue,  63,72,
                  Quinto,  69,                                       Rolland,  83,
                  Quirk,  68,                                        Romain,  26,
                  Quirouette,  11,54,85,                             Rondeau,  79 ,Rooney , 43,
                  Raby,  64,                                         Roose,  34,
                  Racicot,  65,66,                                   Rose,  26,43,
                  Racine,  78,                                       Rosiers,  64,
                  Rainville,  52,61,70,                              Rossi,  79,
                  Randall,  68,                                      Rossignol,  35,
                  Ranger,  42,                                       Rourke,  7,
                  Ranier,  49,                                       Rousson,  36,
                  Rat:tez,  49,                                      Routhier,  12,61,
                  Raymond,  9,27,31,71,87,                           Rowe,  24,
                  Reardon,  64,86,                                   Roy.  6,35,41,53,61,63,81 ,8gS89 ,919
                  Redmond,  83,                                      ~oiak,ll,
                  Regan,  49,54,                                     Rushlow.  55.
                  Reid,  57,58,                                      Ruspin,  13,
                  Reinhardt,  34,                                    Ryan,   4  ,Il, 16,36,42 ,69,76,80,83 ,85,
                  Renaud,  8,41,97,                                  Ryckman,  38,58,
                                                                                  A -
                  Revedin,  68,                                      Sabourin,  25,38,46,55,76,
                  Reynolàs,  50,                                     Sai~àers, 33,
                  Rlieaume , 12 ,                                    Sanderson,  71,
                  Rhind,  8,                                         Sands,  88,
                  Ricard,  30,58,                                    Sarasin,  16,29,62,
                  Richard,  18,73,81,98,99,                          Sareault,  74,
                  Richer,  63,                                       Saucier,  46,82,
                                                                     Saunders,  23,
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