Page 111 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 111
McCooey, 56,
McCord. 21. Melancon, 53,
~c~ormick, ,19,59,83, Menard, 58,49,53,70,
McCoy, 77, Mercier, 4.
McCrea, 16, ~ercure; 59,
McCullounh. 95, Merritt, 64,
hlc~urle~; 92, . Messina, 3,
McCurrie, 58, Methot, 62,
McDermott, 4,70, Metivier, 82,
McDervy, 77, Meyers, 49,
McDonald, 4,21,27,42,73,88, Michaud, 52,59,93,
Migneault , 74,
McDonnell, 47,77,
McDonough, 9, Mikulski, 72,
McEwan, 4, Milks, 16,89,
McEvoy, 92, Miller, 4,57,98,
McFoul, 52, Millette. 46.
McGee, 41,76, Miner, 7i,
McGillis, 6, Mitchell, 33,47,
Moffet, 70,
McGoey, 82,
McGowan, 52, ~ona~ham, 100,
McGovern, 13,19,39,43,88, Monette, 40,57,84,95,
McGuire, 72,80, Mongaham, 86,
McGrath, 45,47, Mongeau, 30,
McGregor, 72, Mongenais, 55,
McHale, 18,79, Mongeon, 51,
Mcilhaggo, 50, Mongrain, 35,36,
McIninch, 14, Monoghan, 19,
Monstevons, 45,
McIntyre, 17,
MçIvoy, 18,24,87, Montandod, 57,
McKay, 17, Montcalm, 48,
Montford, 58,
McKee. 3. , Montpetit, 92,
McKenna, 21,42,51,
McLachlan, 27, Montrait, 30,
McLaughlin, Mooney, 49,55,83,
Moore, 44,45,54,57,71,
McI,eod, 7, Moquin, 58,59,
McMahon, 56,69,85,88, Moran, 16,42,79,
McManus, 38, More, 64,
McMillan, 53, Moreau. 4.35.
McMinn, 50,
McMorrow, 37, kloriarii, 59,
McMullen, 56,71, Morin, 5 25,36,45,60,65,94,
McNally, 94, Morion, 54.
McKamara, 52,83, Morne, 59,
McPhee, 7, Morissette, 65,
Morris, 5,44,45,55,
McSorley, 49,
McStravick, 77,94, Morrison, 10,
Mead, 49, Morrow, 37,
Meagher, 48, Morse, 52,
Mears, 85, Morton, 23,
Meilleur, 96, Moses, 78,
Moyneur, 96,99,