Page 108 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 108
H~wk ins , 73, Jette, 58, 80,
Hayes, 21,55,80,86, Joanisse, 81,
Joannis, 40,
Heaney, 81, Johnson, 51, 58,
Hebert, 41, Johnston, 49,
Heney, 13, Jolicoeur, 87,
Hennessey, 78, Jones, 3,
Hennigan, 75, Jordan, 36,
Henri, 4, Jougke, 28,
Hewitt, 79, Joula, 69,
Hibbard, 26, Joyce, 62,$5,92,93,
Hickey, 6,20, Juadajni, 68,
Hicks, 88, Julien, 41,
Hickson, 39, Juneau, 95,
Hider, 36, Jurdan, 49,
Hill, 31, Kasouf, 50,
Hillman, 95, Kaufman, 46,
Hiscoe, 5, Kavanagh, 21,72,79,
Hiscox. 3. . Kealey, 23,73,
Iloben. 93. Kealy, 31,
Hodgi;s, 7, Keane, 74,
Hoff, 91, 96, Kearney , 8,34,85,
Hoaan, 10,33,64, Keating, 77,
tiogue, 77, Kehoe, 41,91,
Hollingey, 72, Keilty, 13,27,
Holmes, 55, Keller, 56,
Hoolahan, 85, Kelley, 82,87,
Hotte, 64, Kelly, 18,19,36,37,44,55,57,64,78,
Houde, 93, 81,86,
Houlahan, 43, Kennedy, 8,17,20,23,27,35,90,94,
Houle. 74.75.79, Kenny, 36,78,
~oward, 8?,9i ,93, Kent, 4 2,
Howell, 74, Kerr, 11,
Huard, 43, Kiefl, 23, 70,
Hudon, 9,55, Kiggins, 7,
Huggan, 34, Killeen, 100,
Hughes, 48,69, Killorran, 47,
Hi~lme, 10, Kilroe, 84,
Munter, 46,61, Kimlin, 62,
Hurley, 68, King, 86, 100,
Hui-teau, 80, Kinsella, 80,
Hutt , 6, Kirby, 94,
Hycles, 5, Kitts, 43,
Hynes, 87, Knox, 59,
Imbesi, 53, Kolesneck, 65,
Izabel, 74, Kuuii, 50,
Jackson, 8, Kozat, 65,
Jacques, 18,57, Kuntz, 37,
Jaizel, 78, Kushnur, 85,
James, 26,90, Kutchaw, 5,
Jandren, 52, Labadie, 23,
JaY, 6, Labelle, 3,65,