Page 110 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 110

Lepine,  31,96,                                   PlacPli 11 an,  7 1
                   Leprohon , 92,                                    Macri,  80,
                   Lesage,  54,66,                                   Macrillo,  69,
                   Lesieur,  77,                                     Madore,  12,
                   Leslie,  16,                                      Magee,  29,
                   Letellier,  39,                                   Magurn,  69,
                   Letexier,  58,                                    Maheux,  62,
                   Letourneau,  74,                                  Mahone,  87,
                   Leury,  15,                                       Mahoney,  39,57,65,69,72,83,
                   Levecque,  99,                                    Mailhot,  30,
                   Leveille,  58,64,97,                              Mailloux,  62,
                   Levert,  78,                                      Maisonneuve,  37,
                   Levesque,  57,                                    Major,  19,26,35,71,
                   Lewis,  3,                                        Malette,  17,46,
                   Leyden,  50,                                      Malloy,  33,54,
                   Licari,  79,80,                                   Maloney,  93,
                   Limoges,  28,66,                                  Maloof,  75,
                   Lincourt,  32,                                    Mann,  26,46,73,
                   Linnen,  70,71,                                   Mannion,  78,
                   Liston,  44,                                      Marcotte,  60,
                   L,ittle,  55,                                     Marcoux,  16,
                   L.obaldo,  46,47,                                 Marineau,  83,
                   Locas,  60,                                       Marion,  17,
                   Lock,  85,                                        Marling,  46,
                   L,ongo,  85,                                      Marois,  79,
                   Lorente,  46,                                     Marquarbp,  80,
                   L,ortie,  30,50,                                  Marshal,  17,
                   Losty,  73,                                       Martel,  12,23,40,48,
                   Loughran,  34,                                    Martin,  13,22,33,62,67,85,86,88,9?,
                   Lowder,  70,                                      Martineau,  28,70,
                   Lowell,  92,                                      Martinelli,  79,
                   Loyer,  15,                                       Masson,  64,85,
                   Lucas,  47,                                       Mathe,  35,40,
                   Luciseno,  85,                                    Mather,  63,
                   Lunney,  26,                                      Mattar,  78,
                  Lupton,  5,                                        Matte,  81,Matthews,  54,
                   Lurette,  35,                                     Mathewson,  80,
                   Lusk,  23,                                        Maurice ,63,
                   Lussier,  82,                                     May,  93,
                   Lynch,  10,87,89,                                 Mayer,  97,
                  Lynott,  48,                                       McAllister,  27,51,87,
                  MacDonald,  12,                                    McArthur,  59,71,
                  MacDonell,  46,77,                                 McBride,  43,48,71,
                  MacDonwell , 7 7,                                  McCabe,  80,
                  MacGrady,  86,                                     McCaffrey,  7,24,53,
                  MacGreoir,  58,                                    McCauley,  92,
                  MacIsaac,  87,                                     McCann,  49,86,
                  MacKan,  18,                                       McCarthy,  9,76,84,
                  Plackey,  70,                                      McClint ic,  51,
                  MacKinnon,  12,                                    McCloskey,  44,
                  MacMahon,  46,                                     McConville,  56,
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