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t       OFHS, SEpT. '92                                                       LACIiUTE PROTESTANT CEMETERY

     t           died September13, 1877 aged 17years, children of Wil-  238. Norman Earl SMILLIE 1895-1988 his beloved wife jean

                 liam and janet WHITE                                Eva MASON 189S-1969
             230. Donald STEWART died january 9, 1872 aged 62 years  239. William V. PROSSER 1892-1977 husband of Edith
     l           and his wife janet MciNTYRE died October IS, 1890   XING 189S-1984
                 aged 70 years (Side) Duncan STEWART died December
                 20,1871 aged 13 years, james STEWART February 13,  240. Lucina HEIGHTON (SULLIVAN MORTELL) 1879-
                                                                     1979. Claire Lucin SMITH 1927-1985
                 1890 aged 34 years and 4 months (Side) Elizabeth STE-
     l           WART died 1853 aged 2years and 6 months          241. George C. PROSSER 1899-1946 and his beloved wife
             231. In memory of Alex PAUL died December 1, 1866 aJ!e(!  Mary M. SULLIVAN 1901-1947. MaryE. BARRY 185S-
                52 years native of Morayshire Scotland, also his wife  1939
     l           Margaret LOWE died April 29, 1882 aged 59 years  242. In loving memory of Ivy Nellie HAZEL 1909-1983 be·
                                                                     loved wife of Philip TAYLOR
                 (Side) In memory of james died january IS, 1851 aged 5
                 years, David january 7, 1848 aged 5 weeks, john died
                 November 9, 1860 aged 15 months, William died Au-  243. In loving memory of Florence HEMMERS born Septem·
                                                                     ber 4, 1864 died july 31,1938, beloved wife of james Ed-
                 gust 18, 1876 aged 22 years. Children of Aand M PAUL  ward HAZEL born April 7, 1865 died February 27, 1941
     l       232. In memory of Margaret DOIG wife of james ROBERT-
                 SON june 3, 1883 aged 82 years, native of Perthsire Scot·  244. Robert GOLPHIN born May 28, 1868 died March 25,
                                                                     1962 and his wife Mary BOWTIN born March 10, 1875
                 land                                                died August 12, 1944. john R GOLPHIN April 30, 1907-
     t       233. james ROBERTSON his son died December 3, 1857      june 9,1986 and his wife Hilda B. BRUNELLE Decem·
     ,           aged 24 years, a native of La chute Canada. james   ber 11,1907 - December 13, 1984. (Back) David G.
                 ROBERTSON February 28, 1856 aged 68 years, a native
                                                                     GOLPHIN August 28, 1915 and his wife Helen T. MAS-
                 of Perthshire Scotland
                                                                     SON june 16, 1918 - May 10, 1990
             234. In memory of Fanny Ann MOORE wife ofjoel HAST-  245. Walter C. DEWAR 1901-1979 his wife Dorothy EATON
     '"          INGS a native of New York City died at La Chute De-  1901-1954, their daughter Norma DEWAR 1927-1960
                                                                     wife of RT. MATISON, their son Rodney Dewar 1926-
                 cember 20, 1867 aged 71 years
     l       235. In memory of Elizabeth CARPENTER wife of Sylvanus  1971. Dorena W. NEVEU 1905-1974 wife of Walter C.
                 HASTINGS died May 17, 1819 aged 97 years. Guy
                 HASTINGS died February 9, 1819 aged 30 years and 8  246. Mary TAYLOR 1885-1963 beloved wife of james S.
                 months                                              GRAY 1883-1965
     1       236. Louisa HUTCHINS wife of Guy HASTINGS died janu-  247. In loving memory of james Clark IZZARD 1889-1960
                ary 27, 1829 aged 23 years and 1. (11) HASTINGS wife
                                                                     beloved husband of Elizabeth COUILLARD 1913-(---).
                ofD.H. MacDOWALL born November 28, 1817,             Frank C.IZZARD 1942-1967
                Thomas Barron McDOWALL born February 27, 1836     248. MARTIN 1928- Vernon P. (-) his wife, 1929 Elizabeth
     t          died April 13, 1861. Sidney R BARRON 1884-1937, le-  G. GAULEY (-) and our son 1961 Thomas Owen 1961
                 muel C. BARRON 1863-1942. Erected to the memory of
                 Lt/Col Thomas BARRON a native of Morayshire Scot·  249. Colin E. MARTIN july 30,1907 - july 14, 1968 beloved
                 land died january 23, 1864 in the 70 years of his age.  husband of Erma B. MORRISON November 2, 1911 -
     1          Catherine CUSHING daughter of Thomas and Grace j.    May 7, 1986
                 BARRON 1881-1932. (Side) Robert BARRON born at
                 Forbes, Scotland 1824 died 1905 and his wife Isabella  250. j. jackson CRAWFORD 189S-1970
                 LAUGHLIN died 1892, john BARRON a native of     251. MORROW In loving memory of Lenord M. 1921l-1990.
     L          Morayshire Scotland died February 14,1837 aged 86    Beatrice M. WILSON 1991l-1977 "Ever remembered ever
                years. Margaret Ethelwyn daughter of Thomas and
                Grace j. BARRON born December 4, 1869 died july 10,  252. In loving memory of George Raymond POX june 5,
                1901. (Side) Elisa BARRON 1859-1950, Marion K. BAR-  1921· August 31,1979. Beloved husband of Hildred
    1           RON 1879·1957, Thomas BARRON born December 5,        Ruth BOYD February 7, 1924 - (-)
                1832 died December 24, 1912, Harriet Cushing BAR-
                RON 1837-1864, Grace jane Henry BARRON 1813-     253. Russel WILLMAN December 4, 1926· june 7, 198I,his
                1923, Thomas). BARRON 1862-1946, Robert H.           beloved wife Dorothy E. BRUCE
     1          BARRON 1871·1949. Elisa HASTINGS wife of Lt/Col  254. ENLOW Bertha Moncrielf 189S-1982 "Ever remem-
                 BARRON born at Charleston, North Hampshire May 8,
                1794 died at Lachute Quebec April 6,1868             bered"
                                                                 255. Elizabeth GRISWOLD 1910-1982 wife of Horace
             237. In memory of john BARRON native of Morayshire Scot-
     L          land died january 9, 1861 aged 66 years. In memory of  WALKER 1909-1987 "Love is eternal"
                Margaret BARRON died April 4, 1845 aged 17years,
                daughter of john and Margaret BARRON. In memory  256. Lois Vivian GOYER nee CURREN 1922-1987 Papineau.
                                                                     ville, Quebec. Shawn Aaron GOYER 1961-1985. Acci-
                                                                     dentally Brownsburg. Quebec, john Robert GOYER
    L           of john BARRON died May 1836 aged 11 months, in-     1925-(-). Manhallan New York City USA. '"Then shall
                fant son of john and Margaret BARRON. In memory of
                Margaret RAFF wife of john BARRON a native of
                Morayshire Scotland died February 23,1881 aJ!e(! about  the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall
                                                                     return unto the God that gave it to me" 'His life was gen-
                88 years. In memory of Rev. Thomas HENRYborn in      tle and the elements so mixed in him that nature might
    L           the parish of Anworth Kirkcuddryshire Scotland 14 of  stand up and say to all the world this was a man then
                1798 (1) died at Lachute july 15, 1868
                                                                     shall the dust Lois Vivan'
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