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            OFHS, SEPT. '92                                                        l..AC~UTE PROTESTANT CEMETERY

             257.1906 Cecile MORENCY 1990. Firsl marriage to John  275. Sacred 10 the memory of Andrew BALLANTYNE a na-  I
                GOYER, second marriage to John MASON                tive of Perthshire Scotland, who departed this life Sep-
                                                                    tember 27, 1877
             258. In memory of Moses STONE who died October 15,
                1820 aged 2 years, also two infanl children of A.L. and  276. In memory of Jane HENDERSON beloved wife of An-
                TS.STONE                                            drew BALLANTYNE died November 1, 1866 aged 62       J
                                                                    years, a native of PerthshireScotland
             259. Heman STONE died May 25, 1809 aged 18 years
                                                                 277. (East face) Robert DEY died May 22,1876(1) aged 88
             260. Dudley STONE died March 31, 1805 aged 42 years    years. Jane FINDLEY died March 8, 1860. John James
             261. In memory of James ARMSTRONG died May 7, 1873     (?), 1878 died July 5,1879. At bouom of slone SIMPSON •
                                                                     MORRIS died September 16, 1888 aged 21 years 2
                aged 70 years, his wife Elizabeth MILlS died August  months 25 days. (?).(1). Maxwell M. GERVAN born (1)
                14,1881 aged 70 years. Natives of Co. Monaghan, ire-
                                                                 278. Thomas SHEPHERD born February 22, 1834 died Octo-  •
             262. In memory of William ARMSTRONG died November      ber 2, 1917 also his wife Mary Ann SHAW born january
                22,1923 aged 90 years. Mary SHEPHERD beloved wife   13,1840 died january 14, 1916
                ofWm. ARMSTRONG died June 12,1912 aged 76        279. In memory of William SHEPHERD died April 8, 1860
                years. "Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep" Also their daugh-  aged (-) a native of Yorkshire England also his wife
                ter Mary died August 11, 1872                                                                          •
                                                                    Margarel GRAHAM died October 1860 aged 55 years
             263. In memory of three infants, children of L. WALDRON  native of Co. Cavan Ireland. (Side face) William died
                                                                    September 16,1856 aged 17 years son of Wm. &. M.
             264. Sac:ro to the memory of Linus WALDRON died May    SHEPHERD                                            J
                (1),1858 aged 66 years (date no longer discernible). Also
                his wife Harriet BARBER died February 20, 1877 aged  280. Liule Maggie daughter of Adam &. Anne OLIVER born
                67 years. "Friends and physicians could not ease this  October 5,1855 died july 11, 1858
                mortal body from Ihe grave. Nor will this grave confine  281. Leonard CLARK born al 51. Armand, C.E. June 19, 1804
                me here when Chrisl my Saviour doth appear. Forbear  and died al La Chute May 30, 1858 aged 54 years "Here  •
                dear friends to mom and weep while sweetly in the   you may see as you pass by As you are now so once
                dust I sleep. I've left a toilsome world behind, a glorious  was I. As I am now so you musl be Prepare for death
                crown Ihope to lind.
                                                                    and follow me"                                      I
             265. (In row between • 10 the easl) Sacred in memory of Wil-  282. Richard H. son of Leonard &. Mary C. CLARK born
                liam SEMPLE who died November 9, 1822 aged 72        june 3, 1836 died August 21, 1837
                years (slone has '1832' inscribed at top)
                                                                 283. Erecled by William &. George LAW in memory of their  I
             266. In memory of Capt. Peter MURDOCH a native of Ayr-  father james LAW died October 11th, 1855 aged 69
                shire Scotland died al 51. Andrews Oclober 25,1844   yealS and Mary E. ALLEN wife of William LAW died
                aged 57 years. Erecled by his sisters Jean &. Alice MUR·  April 17, 1857 aged 30 years "Blessed are lhe dear who
                                                                     die in the Lord. Arnen saith the spirit"
             267. In memory of Peter DORMOND a native of Wigton-  284. In memory of Christy L. died 13 April 1853 aged 3 years  •
                shire, Scolland born ab 1m died September 3,1849     5 months 5 days. In memory of Emma F. died 15 March
                aged 72 years. Erected by his widow Agnes MURDOCH    1853 aged 1 year 11 monlhs 11 days. The beloved chilo
                                                                     dren of William and Mary MILLER "Dearesl children
             268. Sac:ro to the memory of Peter DORMOND a native of  285. In memory of Laure E. beloved daughler of William &. •
                Gallowayshire, Scotland died August 26, 1868aged 65  thou has left us"
                years. (Quotation illegible)
             269. John FRASER died November 27, 1854 aged 60 years   Mary MILLER died December 28,1878                  I
                also his wife Jane ROSS died December 1863 60 years  286. Hannah M. HICKS died July 1836 aged 37 yealS and
                also their two daughters Elizabeth and Elspel. (north  James Erastus aged 18 months. Wife and son of Abra-
                face) Maggie Jane died August 6, 1877 aged 20 years.  ham LEONARD
                Euphemia died October 14, 1877 aged 13 years daughter
                of George and Euphemia FRASER                    287. Thomas POLLOCK died December 28,1886 or 1836      I
                                                                     aged n years also his wife Margret RUSSEL died July
             270. In memory of Duncan son of J. &. R. McDONALD died  18,1888 or 1838 Native of (---) Scotland
                March 13, 1822 aged 22 years
                                                                 288. In memory of Margarel POLLOCK wife of Thomas LIT-  I
             2n. In memory of Robert SHAW a nalive of Couinworth,    TLE died February 2,1860 aged 24 years. "I know
                 Yorkshire, England who departed this life on the 8th of  whom I have believed and am pUlSuaded thai he is able
                September 1848 in the 74th year of his age
                                                                     to keep thai which I have commiued unto him against
             272. In memory of John EARL, Esq. a native of Richmond,  that day"                                         ..
                Yorkshire, England and died at Cote 51. Louis May 15,  289. James POLLOCK 1802-1848 also his wife Rachel
                1848 aged 56 years and 3 months
                                                                     STEPHENS 1814-1842. Thomas POLLOCK 1831-1851
             273. In memory of Rachel SWAlL wife of Thomas JACK·  290. In memory of John KElSO died May 20, 1836 aged 29
                SON died September 30, 1868 aged 72 years (poem illeg-  years. James KElSO died August 7, 1895 aged 82 years.  I
                                                                     Jean KELSO born September 26, 1821 died August 9,
             274. In memory of William SWAIL a native of New-        1912. In memory of Archibald KELSO died August 9,
                 begain(?), Westmorland, England and died at Cote 51.  1847 aged 73 years native of Arran, Scotland his wife  I
                 lr>uis October 25,1845 aged 76 year:;               Jean BARBOUR died August 26, 1866 aged 83 years na-
                                                                     tive of Paisley Scotland. In memory of jennel KElSO
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