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l wife ofG. HARTLEY born June 13, 1809 died March 15, 302. In memory of Eliza WALKER wife of Thomas
1889. Margret KELSO born October 12, 1816 died May WALKER died April 9, 1887 aged 48 yea",
9,1837 303. In memory of Clarissa WHALE a native of Fairfield,
l 291. In memory of Robert RAMSAY died September 5, 1857 Rhode Island died May 22, 1872 aged 75 years. In mem-
aged 82 yea", a native of Stirlingshire Scotland. Erected ory of Oark DAVIS a native of Chesterfield (?), died
by his wife Ann McLENNAN February 20, 1874 aged 74 yea",
l 292. In memory of!sable REDPATH wife of lhomas LOCK 304. Erected by Clarke DAVIS in memory of his father and
mother, Samuel DAVIS died November 9,1854 aged 84
died ZJ August 1856 aged 65 yea",
years native of New Hampshire. Abigail DAVIS died
293. In memory of lhomas LOCKIE a native of Roxburgh November 13, 1859 aged 92 years native of Massachu-
l Shire Scotland died October 24,1850 aged 79 years also setts
his affectionate daughter in law Jane LOGGIE wife of
Thomas LOCKIE, Jun!. died March 24, 1847aged 33 305. In memory of William BARRON died December 30,
years 1873 aged 76 years also his wife Ann McGILLAVRAY
died June 18, 1888 in her 79th year. Native of (??)Shire,
t 294. In memory of Margaret FULTON wife of William Scotland
MUIR died September 24, 1909 aged 89 years I month
"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord" Erected by 306. Lucy HOULE 1887-1962
her daughter Jessie 307. Matthew C. FLETCHER September 11, 1885 - May 18,
L 295. William MUIR died January 2, 1874 aged 73 years a na- 1952 his beloved wife Florence M. PASCO February 18,
1892 - October 30, 1986
tive of Stirlingshire Scotland "Then let our sorrows (--)
to him, God has recaUed his own, But let our hearts in 3~. Maria daughter of John and Christy McALLISTER died
memory of Still say - Thy will be done" November 5,1873 aged 2 years I month 15 days
1 296. Sacred to the memory of the Rev'd. William BRUXTON
minister of the United Associate Congo of La Chute who 309. In lOVing memory of Thomas George PASCO born No-
vember 25,1870 died February 17, 1956 and his beloved
departed this life 12th August 1839 and the 45th of his wife Susanna Rose BUDD born August 26, 1866 died
I ministry.'As a minister, it was his chief desire to be July 9,1942
found faithful, and so to preach the gospel as to save
both himself and them that heard him. As a Christian,
1986 beloved wife of James Mountford DAVIS Febru-
he exemplified in his daily conduct the values which he 310. Marie Louise BATTEN November 8, 1901 - August 31,
ary 5, 1903 - (--)
t taught in public, being distinguished for the humility of 311. In loving memory Fanny TIMMS beloved wife of
his disposition and the patience which he displayed in
many bials "He being dead yet speaketh" The Congrega-
tion of La Chute have created this stone in testimony of Henry BATTEN died March 13, 1939 aged 74 years
Henry BATTEN died July 13, 1945 aged 76 years
t their reveration for his memory. He was born in the Par- 312. Robert ROBINSON 1865-1949
ish of Ne--lle, County of Edinburgh, Scotland, II May
1767 and was ordained to the Office of the Ministry in
1795. He arrived in this country in 1820 and after preach- 313. In loving memory of Percival George RICHARDS 1896-
ing the Gospel in various other places, undertook the 1963, his beloved wife Laura Maude McDONALD 1901-
1 pastoral care of this congregation in 1831 where he 314. Donald A. GAMMON Gunner R.CA 26 December
1987 and their daughter Gladys RICHARDS
spent the remaining years of his valuable life'
1968 age 36
297. Margaret J. OSWALD wife of James HAMILTON 1863-
L 298. William DOBBIE died November 1, 1844 aged 77 years 315. MARTIN Russell Daniel January 14, 1918 - April 5,
1950. Ruby May KEATLEY. Martin McVICAR May II,
also his wife (iUegible). Margaret EWING wife of John 1919 - December 20, 1984
OSWALD (balance illegible) Comer &; bottom of this 316. Arthur Noel GAGNE December 25,1930 - July 29, 1981
1 stone broken beloved husband of Charlene Jessie CARPENTER
299. In memory of Mrs. Gavin WALKER a native of Ayr- 317. In memory of Arthur GAGNE 1898-1957 beloved hus-
shire, Scotland who died 5 May 1837 in the 50th year of band of Elizabeth
l her age also of her grandchildren Margaret WALKER 318. In loving memory of Sidney B. FISHER 1909-1959 hus-
died 12 or 18 August 1852 ailed 3 years 8 months and
Margaret MILLER drowned"2 August 1859 aged 5 years band of Valeda GAGNE 1905-19-. Doreen
8months also John Morton MILLER died 11 August 319. John T. Oack) SEARY 1886-1958his wife Gertrude FISK
1891-1979 their daughter Daisy 1912-1973. Robert Don-
1815 aged 1 year 6 months
l 300. Gavin WALKER died at L'Orignal January 27,1859 ald 1924-1980 and son John M. 1913-1961
aged 37 years "Being justified by faith we have peace 320. Matthew J. CARRUTHERS 1896-1985 beloved husband
with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" of Eunice M. WILSON 1901-(-) Dorothy F. PASS-
l 301. In memory of James WALKER a native of Ayrshire, MORE I924-{-)
Scotland who died at Lachute April 1868 aged 60 years
and ofhis son lhos Boyde WALKER died 21 April 1868 321. Edith H. MONCRlEFFbom Apri13,1896 died April 20,
1977beloved wife of William H. AYRES
aged 26 years and of his wife Margaret WALKER born
I 322. Christopher J. DEVINE 1915-1972 husband of Evelyn
II. in her native Scotland 26 January 1810 died at Lachute 2 M. GATES 1921-1987. At rest
November 1876, aged 60 years.
:23. In loving memory of John DUNCAN January 26, 1908 -
October 21,1971 beloved husband of 1910 Florence Vic-