Page 251 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 251
of a pivoted horizontal arm mounted constant struggle between the pene-
on a taIl post. At one end of the tration power of modern weapons
arrn was the target and at the other and the effectiveness of the armour
end a sand bag. Providing the rider on tanks etc., so in the Middle Ages
hit the target, the Sand bag was it was a constant struggle between
whirled round by the blow thus the armourer and the constantly im-
knocking him from the saddle un- provjng weapons which they were
less he was quick enough to avoid protecting against. By the beginning
of the 17th century, jn order to pro-
lect against the improved power of
Quiver - A sheath or case slung on the tnusket, armour had become so
to the belt or baldric for carrying heavy that the fighting men either
pay for wearing it at any other time
than when actually fighting.
Rondache - The general name given
to any circular shield carried by
horsemen in the 16th century and
from the next century by foot
Ram - See Battering Ram.
soldiers. It was frequently made
entirely £rom iron or steel and
Ransom - A sum of money or
served as a lance or sword breaker.
quantiw of vaIuables payable by a
prisoner in exchange for his free-
Ronde Dagger - A dagger used
almost exclusively by military per-
Generaii y speaking the ordinary
sonnel. Its pomel and hand guard
soldier stood very little chance of
were formed of roundles consisting
having his life spared if he was cap-
of flat discs or plates of various
tured unless, of course, he couId be
shapes set horlzontally to the blade.
sold into slavery.
Higher-ranking prisoners were
Rowel - A spiked wheel or disc on
almost invariably spared as they
a spur as opposed to the plain
were normally in a position Eo pay
pointed type.
adequate ransom.
Rapier - A slender and hely-
pointed type of sword used for
thrusting and parrying instead of refused to Wear it or demanded extra
cutting and hewing with its edge.
It was used extensively for duelling.
Sabatons - A system of overlapping
Rerebrace - Originally referred to horizontal lames introduced early
the plated covering at the back of in the 14th century to cover the
both the upper and lower arm, but shoes.
later generally referred to both
pIates on the upper arm. Sabre - The cavalry sword designed
principally for cutting but also for
Resistance of Amour - The story pointing. It was a stout weapon
was the same in the Middle Ages as with a particularly fine edge and a
it is today and where today it is a curved blade.