Page 248 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 248

Mufiler  - A  mail  covering  for  the
                               back  of  the  hand  with Ieather  inset
                               for  the  palm  and  an  under  slit  for
                               freeing the  hand  when  required.
                               Munition Amour - A  Iow  quality
                               form  of  amour  introduced  about
                                1500  for  the  infantry  and  light
                               Mdsket  - The  early  17th  century
                               form  of  small  arm.
                                                                 Pansiere - Part of  the  defences for
                                                                 the lower abdomen.
                               Musketeer - Inf antry soldiers armed
                               wifh  an  arquebus  or  musket.  They  Pas  d'Am  - A  special  ring  guard
                               wore  a  broad  brimmed  hat  or  extending  down  the  blade  of  a
                               morion with no visor or neck guard.  rapier  circa  1600.
                                                                 Passage  at Ams  - A  fight  or  en-
                                                                 adopted  by  the  Knight  Errant  was
                                                                 to  pick  a  narrow  bridge  and  en-
                                                                 deavour to hold it against any other
                                                                 Knight  that  wished  to  pass  that
                                                                 way.  Sometimes  they  would  camp
                                                                 out  for  days  waiting  for  a  chance
                               Nasal  -  The  small  nietal  strip
                               extending  from  the  brow  of  a  hel-  Pass Guard - A  large extra defence
                               met  to  cover  the  nose. It  was  used  for  the  left  elbow  generaIly  worn
                               extensively  during  the  Norman  era  with  a  main  de fer.
                               and  it  also  appears  in  the  early
                               Corinthian helmet but was later dis-  PauIdron  - A  large  curved  plate
                               continued  and  was  subsequently  attached  to  the  breastplate  which
                               replaced  by  the  visor.
                                                                 extended  over each side of  the chest
                                                                 and back.
                               Neck  Gnard - Tbroughout the ages
                                the  neck  has  been  protected  by  Pannce  - An  additional  plate  or
                               various  means.  The  early  Greeks  sornetimes  strip  of  strengthened
                                and  Roman  helmets  had  a  protec-  leaiher  used  below  the  breastplate
                                tive  strip  extending  from  the  back  for  the  protection  of  the  lower
                                of  the  helmet.  In  Norse  and  Nor-  abdomen.
                               man  times  the  neck  was  protected
                                by  the  ventail  and  after the  incep-  Pavise - A type of  shield used  par-
                                tion  of  the  solid  helmet  the  neck  ticularly  by  long  bowmen  who
                                was  taken  care  of  by  part  of  the  could  shelter  behind  it  when  not
                               helmet.                           actually  shooting.
                                 An  additional  part  of  the  neck
                                protection  was  provided  by  the  Peaseod - A civilian garment which
                               haute pieces introduced  in  the early  played  an  important  part  in  the
                                16th century.                    design of  the breastplate.
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