Page 246 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 246

Legionary  - The  ordinary  Roman  Long  Sword  - Originally  used  by
                                                               the  Merovingians  and  Franks,  was
                                                               also  adopted  by  the  Normans.  It
                             Lobster Tai1 - A  name given to one  consisted  of  a  sword  with  Iong
                              of  the  kinds of  helmet  used  in  the  broad  blade  and  cross  shaped  quiI-
                              middle  of  the  17th  century.  It  Ions.  In some  cases  the  handle  was
                             derived  its nanie  from  the tail piece  extended  and  the  sword  was  used
                             extending  over  the  neck  which  as  a  two-handed weapon.
                             looked  like  a  lobster's  scales,
                             bcked Helmets - These were used
                             principally  by  the  German  foot
                              soldiers  and  consisted  of  a  helmet
                             with  a  locking  device  for  affxing
                             it to the reniainder  of  the armour.
                                                               Mace  -  A  club-like  and  very
                             Long Bow - The famous b0w intro-  vicious weapon  of which  there were
                             duced  originau~  by the  Welsh circa  numerous shapes. Most had a shor 1-
                              1272  which  WaS  primarily  respon-  ish  handle  and  were  headed  by
                             sible for the victories of  the English  either a spiked metal hall or various
                             armies  at  Créc~ and  Agincourt  types  of  fan-like  protuberances
                              against  the  French  amies,  which  extending  from the  head,
                             were of  vastIy superior numbers.
                               The  long  bow  could  be  fired
                             rapidly  at an effective range  of  400
                             yards and it used a three foot arrow,
                             popularly  known  as  the  grey  goose
                             Long  Shield - A  name  sometimes
                             given  to the kite-shaped shield  used
                              by  the Normans.
                                                                        Types  of  Mace
                                                                 It  was  a  particulariy  favouritc
                                                               weapon  with  soldier-churchmen,
                                                               such as Bishop Odo of  Bayeaux  the
                                                               brother  of  William  the  Conquerer
                                                               who foughc at Hastings,  because the
                                                               mace was looked upon as a bruising
                                                               weapon  rather  than  a  blood  draw-
                                                               ing weapon and  they were thus able
                                                               to  argue  that  they  were  not  shed-
                                                               ding blood.
                                                               Macedonian  Phalam  - A  Greelc
                                   Long or Kiie-shaped Shield   unit  consisting  of  approximately
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